Bobcat Bulletin
August 19th-23rd
Open House is this Tuesday, 8/20!
Dear Barranca Mesa Bobcat Families,
We would like to invite you to Barranca Mesa’s Annual Open House on Tuesday, August 20th. Teachers will present information about their classrooms twice. This is to help families who have multiple children in different grade levels. Teacher presentation sessions will be at 6:00 pm and again at 6:30 pm. The schedule is below. Open House is an important time to learn about your child's new classroom, the teacher's expectations, and instructional goals for the upcoming school year. By attending this event, you begin to build an important connection to your child's classroom and school. Open House is not the time to conference with your child’s teacher. Our staff is happy to call or meet with you privately at a scheduled time to discuss your child.
Barranca Mesa’s Open House Schedule:
5:30 Assemble in the gym to meet BMES staff and for a brief presentation from Mrs.Martines, Mrs.Juliani, and the PTO
6:00 Classroom Presentation Session 1
6:30 Classroom Presentation Session 2
6:50 Visit AMMPL teachers, support teachers, and our community partner tables in the foyer
7:00 End of evening
If you only need to attend one presentation session, please consider visiting your child's other teachers with the remainder of the Open House time, such as Library, Art, Music, PE, Math Lab, SPED, Speech, EL, GATE, and/or Reading Intervention. We have an incredible staff who work in many different roles to support students. These teachers work with your child every week all year long and year after year. If you have time, please go meet them and visit their classrooms.
During this event, it is best for students and siblings to stay home. Open house is designed for families to have time to listen to the classroom teacher about the curriculum and procedures in their classrooms. Our campus will be very busy and there will be no childcare available.
In Partnership With You,
Kristen Martines, Principal & Audrey Juliani, Assistant Principal
Weekly Schedule
All Week:
Breakfast will be served starting at 7:40 in the cafeteria and before school playground/recess supervision starts at 7:50.Monday, August 19th
- Scoops at 7:30
Tuesday, August 20th
- Scoops at 7:30
Orchestra and Band Begin
Good News Club (PreK-6th) at 2:40-5:00
Open House at 5:30-7:00
Wednesday, August 21st
- Scoops at 7:30
Choir Begins
Thursday, August 22nd
- Scoops at 7:30
School Board Meeting at 5:30 - Piñon
Friday, August 23rd
- Scoops at 7:30
- No 3Y preschool today
Lockdown Drill at 2:15-2:20
PTO Spirit Wear Deadline
Safety First!
Parking Lot Reminders:
- The parking lot speed is 5 mph. Please drive slowly and carefully through the school parking lot at all times.
- You may not leave your car unattended at any time during the day in the parking lot.
- If you need to assist your child out of the vehicle, please park your car in the parking lot and then do so. Drivers may not get out of their car in the car line.
- There is no student drop off in the red fire lane. Please do not let your children out the vehicle until you pass the 4th cement bolster.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our students safe!
LAPS Job Fair
We are still seeking two educational assistants for the school year. Our EAs are critical members of our staff who not only help the teachers, but also directly assist with students in order to meet their educational needs. Please contact the principal at for more information, or Apply Online.
LAPS will have a job fair in the school board room on the 29th of August from 3-5 pm. Anyone interested in working for LAPS is welcome to attend. We will be interviewing EAs specifically and scheduling the necessary background checks at this event.
Scoops - Before School Program
School begins promptly at 8:10am. We know that the start time may create logistical issues for some families.Barranca offers Scoops a before school activity program for students from 7:30AM - 7:55AM. This is a free service. If your student needs to participate in the Scoops Program, please download the permission slip and turn it at the Barranca office.
At 7:55, Scoops students can choose to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, or go outside for recess. If students arrive between 7:50 and 8:10, they will also have those two options.
Chartwells Food Service
Upcoming Events
BOY iStation Assessment
Monday, August 19 - Friday, August 23
iMSSA Makeup Testing
Monday, August 19 - Friday, August 23
Orchestra and Band Begin
Tuesday, August 20
Open House
Tuesday, August 20 at 5:30-7:00
Good News Club (PreK-6th)
Tuesday, August 20 at 2:40-5:00
Choir Begins
Wednesday, August 21 after school
School Board Meeting
Thursday, August 22 at 5:30 - Piñon
School Lockdown Drill
Friday, August 23 at 2:15-2:20
PTO Spirit Wear Deadline
Friday, August 23
School Secure Drill
Tuesday, August 27 at 1:15-1:45
BMES Yearbook 24-25
Order your child's yearbook and get 10% off now until September 20th.
Name Out Mascot!
Hi! We need your help to name our new BOBCAT MASCOT. We are asking you- our BMES students- for fun name suggestions for our awesome BOBCAT roaming around school. We will take the top 3 name suggestions for a final whole school vote.
*Deadline to input name suggestions is August 30th!
Thank you BMES!
PTO Events Coming Soon!
BMES Spirit Wear Store
Ordering Deadline is this Friday, August 23rd
The BMES Spirit Wear Store has officially opened early! Scan the QR Code and check out our items for sale! Show your school spirit! Buying school spirit wear not only lets your family show school pride, but it also supports PTO—which supports our teachers and improves our school facilities.
Contact Principal Martines:
Location: 57 Loma Del Escolar, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Phone: (505) 663-2730