Chambers News- September, 3 2024
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Twitter: @ChambersCharger
Dot Day is next Sunday. But we will be celebrating it next Friday, Sept. 13th!
he Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing, which has gone on to inspire countless children and adults around the globe. And each year on International Dot Day – with the help of people just like you –the inspiration continues. What started as a story in the pages of a book is transforming teaching and learning around the world as people of all ages re-discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do.
On Thursday, September 15th, the students are encouraged to make or wear a shirt with dots to show their ability to make their mark starting with just a dot!
Below are some pictures for inspiration!
Grandparent's Day September 6th
Hey Chambers Grandparents please come join your grandchild for breakfast at 7:15-7:50. We cant wait to see you.
Hola, abuelos de Chambers. Vengan a desayunar con sus nietos de 7:15 a 7:50. Estamos ansiosos por verlos.
Brighter Bites
The dates for Brighter Bites are:
- 9/10
- 9/24
- 10/8
- 10/22
- 11/19
- 12/10
Brighter Bites
- 9/10
- 9/24
- 10/8
- 10/22
- 11/19
- 12/10
School Information
Daily Schedule
- School doors open at 7:15 a.m. daily
- Students are counted as tardy at 7:55 a.m.
- When students are tardy they miss important morning announcements and class community-building activities that occur before instruction begins.
- If your child arrives after 8:05 a.m., they must be brought inside by whoever drops them off.
- Dismissal is at 3:20 pm
Please wear dismissal tags every day for the first two weeks of school. We will provide them on the first day of school for those who do not have one.
If your child is a car rider:
- Please remain in your cars during drop-off and dismissal.
- Keep the orange tag with your child's number hanging from the review mirror when you are in the line.
- If you do not have an orange tag with your child's number, you must come inside and present a valid ID.
- Please be patient the first few days as we try to get our system to be as efficient as possible while still ensuring students' safety
If your child is a walker:
- You may meet them by the doors near the bus ramp.
- If your student is in PreK or Kinder, the person picking them up must have a placard and meet at the door by the buses near the marquee. A staff member will release the student upon seeing the appropriate placard. If you do not have a placard, you will be asked to come to the front office to check your valid ID.
If your child attends daycare:
- They are dismissed at 3:20 to the receiving daycares.
- Daycares come past the buses to the back circle drive.
- All daycare students should be picked up by 3:40. If a daycare arrives after 3:40, the students must be picked up in the front office.
If your child is a bus rider:
- If they are a kindergartener with a red tag, please make sure you are at the bus stop with the appropriate placard to pick up your child. There are new placards for the 23-24 school year. If someone is not there with the placard, the student will be returned to Chambers to be picked up in the front office with a valid photo ID.
- Kindergarteners with a green tag may be released from the bus without an adult present.
- All students will have a smart tag to check in and off the bus.
Placards and tags can be acquired at Meet the Teacher night.
Breakfast and Lunch Notes
Breakfast is free this school year to all students.
Lunch will be free for students who qualify for free and reduced meals by filling out the application below. If you do not fill out the form or your child does not qualify, lunch will cost $1.00.
Meal applications must be submitted annually, so if you qualified in the past, you will need to apply again this year to receive the free lunch.
Click the button below to access the application.
Chambers Dress Code
Please make sure your child comes to school in dress code daily.
- Any solid color collared shirts
- Pants or knee-length shorts (khaki, navy, or blue jeans)
- Leggings may not be worn unless they are worn under a skirt or dress.
- Dresses and skirts must be knee-length (Khaki or navy)
- Wednesdays are college shirt day! Wear the college shirt of your choice!
- Chambers School Shirts can be worn any day of the week with appropriate bottoms.
- Jeans may be worn any day of the week
- Shoes: Close-toed shoes- No Crocs- Our students run and play at recess and PE, and we want them to be safe.
If your child comes to school out of the dress code, we will give you a call and ask you to bring the appropriate attire.
If you do not have clothes that are in dress code, please let us know.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Are you or someone you know interested in volunteering at Chambers?! Click the picture below for more information!
Birthday Reminders
Come Visit Us At Open House.Ven a visitarnos en la jornada de puertas abiertas.
Student Name: ______________________________
Grade: ______ Teacher: ______________________
Size: Youth X Small: ____ Youth Small ____ Youth Medium ______
Youth Large ______ Youth X Large: ____ Adult Small ______
Shirts will be ordered according to this order form.
Deadline to send order form to school is September 8, 2024*
CHAMBERS ELEMENTARY tiene una nueva camisa para 2024-2025
$15.00 cada una (Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito)
Nombre del Estudiante: ______________________________
Grado: ______ Maestro(a): ______________________
Talla: Niño extrapequeño: ____ Niño Pequeño ____
Niño Mediano ______ Niño Grande______
Niño extra grande: _____Adulto Pequeño ______
Las camisas serán encargadas de acuerdo a esta forma.
*Fecha límite para hacer su pedido es Septiembre 8, 2024*
Character Trait of The Month
Good afternoon,
Please see the colors for our Friday Character Traits below. August, please wear your favorite color shirt each Friday. Our focus for August will be PACES (Protective & compensatory experiences are positive resources or relationships that can increase resilience).
For each character trait for the month, you will receive an email with information about how to incorporate the trait in your classrooms.
Not receiving district callouts or texts?
During time of emergencies, the district sends out calls, emails, and texts to district staff or parents. If you are not receiving these notifications and you would like to, please proceed through the steps below.
If you have may have opted out (blocked notifications) from receiving notifications from Blackboard.
- Users can opt back into: Phone calls: Call the Blackboard Phone Hotline at "855-502-STOP (855-502-7867)" from the phone line that has been opted out.
- Text (SMS) messages: Reply START to "60680" from the phone line that has been opted out for non-emergency messages. Reply START to "54968" for emergency messages.
Chambers Elementary
Location: 10700 Carvel Ln. Houston, TX 77072
Phone: (281) 983-8313
Twitter: @ChambersCharger