April #1
A Note From Miss Caitlyn
Dear Lincoln, Logan & McPherson County 4-H Families,
Happy April! Registration deadline for the speech contest is April 15th. Get out of your comfort zone and try your hand at communication! If you are not comfortable in front of a live audience, try the video communication or PSA contest. All you need is a love for 4-H and some creativity! We have some great opportunities for older 4-H youth to volunteer as a junior leader this summer. Look for information about a training date soon. Wishing all 4-Hers the best of luck as they finish out their school year! Here is to a great summer with our 4-H community!
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns,
Miss Caitlyn
4-H Enrollment is now Open!!!
The 2023-2024 4-H enrollment is open!
Please get online today at https://v2.4honline.com and get enrolled by June 15th, 2024
You can also just scan the link below to get to the website.
Please note you will NOT create a new account unless you are new to 4-H this year. You will use last years information to get into your account and sign up.
If you need help or would like to enroll in office with us please contact us to schedule an appointment at 308-532-2683
2024 4S Goat Expo Scholarship
The 2024 4S Goat Expo Scholarship is available, go to link provided to find the scholarship!!!
PASE Judging Practice
2024 Workshops
Horse Advancement Levels
Summer Workshops
4-H Dog Clinic
2024 Fair Book
Critter Swap
4-H Jr. Leaders
Pig Lottery Meeting
Performing Arts Contest
Sheep & Goat Weigh-Ins
Summer Volunteers
Good Luck to Performers
Nothing Currently
Nebraska State Events
Small Animal Progress Show
4-H Horse Judging School
Tack Swap
Dawes Co. Progress Show
Silver Spurs 4-H Horse Show
Animal Science Discover Day
4-H Project Podcast
Project Spotlight- YQCA & Affidavits
April Birthday's
4/14: Pig Lotto Meeting
4/11, 18, 25: Fairy Garden Club
4/21: Performing Arts Contest
5/9: Fairy Garden Club
5/23: Idea to Pitch Club
6/1: Lincoln County Sheep & Goat Weigh in @ 9-11 am
9/12: Idea to Pitch Club
You can visit either of the links provided to learn more or get signed up for these workshops!
Call the office or use this link to a registration form to register for the clinic:
Payment will be accepted the day of- Cash or Check
4-H Jr. Leaders
Summer Volunteers Needed
We are looking for some volunteers for our 2024 Lincoln County Fair season. If you or someone else you know is interested please go to the link provided and fill it out. Volunteering your time looks great on job applications and college scholarships! We look forward to working with you this year and fair is fast approaching!
Volunteer Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScK8G1eofND6pry9azJ-xbo_MpjvkxS2UZTPvhF4ZqVU93rEw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Good Luck to all performing on Sunday!!!
4-H Small Animal Progress Show
the Phelps County Small Animal Progress Show. Please encourage your 4-H families to participate in this great show! Not only will we have a show but also showmanship tips, prizes, rabbit & poultry id contest. Clover Kids are welcome to show for a rainbow ribbon. Concessions are available.
4-H Horse Judging School
Please join us for our annual Nebraska 4-H Horse Judging School on April 20, 2024, at the Animal Science Complex on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus in Lincoln, NE.
This event is for horse show judges, aspiring judges, judging team coaches, and senior age youth! We will have classroom demonstrations and live horse judging.
The main topics covered are Judging 4-H, Rules and Guidelines, Conformation, Ranch Riding and Trail.
Register today! https://cvent.me/MPlM03
Presenters will be:
Kathy Anderson (Nebraska Horse Specialist and AQHA Judge)
Kelsey Ebke (Horse Trainer and AQHA Judge)
Brooke Parrish (Former UNL Horse Judging Coach)
Lena Luck (Nebraska Youth Equine Extension Specialist)
Tack Swap
New & Used Tack, Saddles, Boots, Western Wear, Hats, Western Decor & More!
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Time: 9 am. - 4 pm.
Dawes Co. Progress Show
- Open to all 4-H & FFA Members
- Exhibitors must be 8-18 yrs old before January 1
- For Entry form and more info visit https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/lincolnmcpherson/resources/
Silver Spurs 4-H Horse Show
June 29th, 2024
Entries begin at 7:30 am.
Show will begin at 8 am.
Fees are $8 per class per rider or $40 for all day
For more information: Tracy Heathers (308)883-3925
Susan Spicer- (308)882-1463
Gene Heathers- (308)883-0143
Animal Science Discover Day
Youth ages 8-18 will interact with Animal Science faculty & educators, gain knowledge of the livestock industry & explore careers in animal science.
May 29th from 9 am.- 3 pm. in Curtis, NE.
Each month we are looking for a 4-H youth that would be interested in making a podcast with Eagle Radio about a 4-H project. If you are interested contact (308) 532-2683 or email caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu.
Check out our latest Podcast on our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/lincolnmcpherson/4-h-project-podcasts/
Affidavits & YQCA
Affidavits- Due June 14th, 2024 @ 5 pm.
*You need to be sure you know your premise ID #.
*You also need to put your whole 15 digit EID Number on the form.
- Market Beef
- Bred and Fed
- Breeding Beef
- Stocker Feeder
- Bucket Calf
- Dairy Cattle
- Market Sheep
- Breeding Sheep
- Market Goat
- Breeding Goat
- Dairy Goat
- Market Swine
- Breeding Swine
- Horse
- Horse Body Score Chart
- Rabbit
YQCA- Due June 14th @ 5 pm.
* All Livestock, Poultry, & Rabbit participants need to complete YQCA and submit their certificate to the office by due date.
* We offer in person trainings or you can also complete the course online at
* You must complete registration for in person trainings
* You should also complete the pre-test before coming to your in person training.
In Person Training Dates:
- Friday, April 19th @ 6-8 pm.
- Thursday, May 16th @ 5-7 pm.
- Saturday, June 8th @ 2-4 pm.
* Here is a video as well if you would like to watch to learn the in's & out's of your YQCA & Affidavits!
If we missed your child and you would like them on our flyer let us know!
Office Hours: 9 am.- 5 pm. (M-F)
Email: caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu
Website: https://llm.unl.edu
Phone: 308-532-2683
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LLM4h