Caldwell Connection
January 2021
A Message from the Principal
I hope that your family had a restful Winter Break and had time to enjoy the important people in your life.
We have "hit the ground running" in the new semester. Teachers are teaching and kids are learning. Please remember the importance of your student being at school everyday unless they are sick. Missing a day of instruction can have a big impact. We have important learning opportunities planned each day and we want everyone here as much as possible.
I am excited for all the things that 2022 will hold for Caldwell Elementary! I know many wonderful things will happen. With that being said, we are still facing many challenges due to COVID. We appreciate your support and encouragement. Teachers are working hard each and everyday to ensure that all students are growing. Please keep a close eye on campus and district communication. As we have learned over the past two years, things can change quickly and it is important to stay up-to-date.
Please reach out if you have any questions or needs.
Mrs. Dossey
Character Trait of the Month
Click on the book BELOW to hear Ms. Fleischman read the book, All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold.
Our School Day
7:15 Doors Open
7:15-7:35 Free Breakfast
7:35 Tardy Bell
2:50 Dismissal (All Grade Levels)
Important Information
- PfISD Parents and Families, please join us for our second webinar in the Parent and Family Empowerment Series, Teens 101, January 12th from Noon to 1:00 pm. Click HERE for more details!
Meeting ID: 857 3714 2125
Passcode: Teens101
- We will be holding our POPS Rally for the 2nd 9-weeks on 1/28. This assembly is to celebrate students' academic achievements during the grading period. We will recognize students who had All As, All As and Bs, Improved Grades, and Perfect Attendance. Parents and family members are welcome to join us via Zoom using the link below.
8:45-9:15 4th and 5th Grades
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5238 5070
Passcode: CWESPOPS
- 2nd 9-weeks report cards will be available in the Skyward Parent Portal on 1/12. If you don't have a Skyward account or don't know how to access your account, please contact our registrar, Diana Fabian, at 512-594-6400.
COVID vaccines are now available to all persons aged 5 and up. PfISD has partnered with Austin Public Health and Travis County to provide vaccinations to our students at multiple locations across the district. ANY staff member, eligible PfISD student, and members of staff and students' families are welcome to come and get vaccinated.
These clinics are offering first dose, second dose, and now boosters.
All clinics will be 3-6:30 p.m.
- Jan. 10 — Wieland Elementary School
- Jan. 10 — River Oaks Elementary School
- Jan. 11 — Copperfield Elementary School
- Jan. 11 — Timmerman Elementary School
- Jan. 12 — Ruth Baron Elementary School
- Jan. 12 — Caldwell Elementary School
- Please remember that the school doors do not open until 7:15am each morning. Students who are outside before this time are not supervised by staff members. If you arrive before 7:15am and have your child wait in the car with you until the doors open, please park while you wait in a parking spot and not in the drop off lane.
- It is getting cold outside. Students will go outside at recess unless it is below 32°. Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather and that their coats, gloves, and hats are labeled. If you need help getting your student a coat, please call us. We can help.
- Our lost and found is overflowing with lost jackets. If your child is missing a jacket, please encourage them to look in the lost and found. You are also welcome to stop by the office and we will be happy to let you look through the lost and found to see if you can identify any of your child's belongings.
PTO News!
- Join us for our January PTO Meeting. Tuesday, January 11th at 6:00pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 3156 1068
Passcode: CWESPTO
Teacher and Staff Shout Outs!
- To Denise Chavez- Miss Denise is always so fun and involved with the kids in EDP. She provides a good balance of engagement and structure for the kids and my boys look forward to their time in EDP. From: Sidney and Lewis' mom, Tiffany Norman
- To: Mr. Medina- Muchas gracias a Mr. Medina por ser un gran maestro y amigo de los estudiantes. Mi hijo Julián está muy contento de ser su alumno. El siempre me cuenta como usted los aconseja a seguir adelante..gracias por su apoyo Julián es muy bendecido de tenerlo como su maestro. From: Julián Grande
- To: Ms. Robledo- Muchas gracias por ser una gran maestra y amiga ,Julián se siente muy contento y feliz de estar en su clase ..gracias por sus consejos para Julián . Julián es bendecido de tenerla como su maestra. From: Julián Grande
- To: Ms. Muñoz- Definitivamente el amor que uno siente por sus hijos es inigualable, ver mi hijo feliz todos los días por que va a Caldwell con Ms. Muñoz me llena de alegría, paz por que se que él va con toda la actitud a aprender y se que usted también labora de una manera espectacular y de parte de toda mi familia le deseamos una feliz navidad y próspero Año Nuevo. From: Keren Aguilar
- To: Ms. Calvert and Ms. Shellnut- Thank you for everything you've done to make this an exceptional year. We couldn't ask for better teachers! From: Dylan & Luke's mom
Important Dates
Helpful Links
Stay Connected
Location: 1713 Picadilly Drive, Pflugerville, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 594-6400