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Kindest Kansas Citian Entries from Belmont Students 2023-2024
Each year, every Belmont student is invited to participate in Synergy Services’ Kindest Kansas Citian competition. Students can draw a picture (K-2) or write about an adult that has made an impact on their life by showing kindness. Check out our Bulldogs’ amazing work.
Adalyn Holle: 4th
To me, Ms. Ussery is my Kindest Kansas Citian because she told me I could do it and gave me a hug when I got frustrated with my writing. She also said good morning to me every morning. When Ms. Ussery went on a trip, she got the whole class Mickey Mouse suckers. She also played with me on the playground when my friends were absent. I pushed her on the circle swings. We climbed to the top of the spider web and talked. Ms. Ussery went down a slide and forgot about a candy bar in her back pocket. The candy bar was melted and exploded in her pocket. We also played tag with other people. Ms. Ussery should be the Kindest Kansas Citian because she is kind and awesome.
Addison Garcia: 4th
I chose Ms. Arbaugh because she is always there when I need her by talking to me or if I just need to be alone. She helps other students in the same way. I think Ms. Arbaugh deserves this because she helps me be a better person, not make me as stressed, she gives me hugs, and she plays games with me to help me feel comfortable and share my feelings with her. I picked her out of every one of the teachers.
She does a lot for me! Thank you Ms.Arbaugh for the impact you have had on my life. Like when you check in on me every Friday.
Love, Addison
Claire Atkinson: 4th
My Kindest Kansas Citians are Fred and Sandy Franzwa. They are my neighbors. They are the nicest people you could ever meet, and I mean it! They will treat you like one of thei own and are kind and loving. Their son Sterling died in 2016 in a car accident, and I know that makes them very sad. Despite their sadness they are still so kind to me. Every holiday they drive down to give us cookies or a treat. They make me so happy!
Whenever I feel like I need some company I walk over to their house I knock on their door, they answer it, and then they gladly invite me in. They give me cookies and take the time to talk to me. Sometimes they even give me toys that their son would play with when he was a kid. That means so much to me. THey have made a huge impact on my life because of their kindness I know I can always rely on them. I have so much kindness in my heart for them, it means A LOT to me.
Emersyn Schuler: 4th
My kindest Kansan is Angel Prgomet. I chose Angel because she is the nicest horse back riding instructor I ever had. If I make a mistake she always tells me to try again. If she ever has a horse that is hurt she will do her best to help the horse. When someone is having a hard time controlling a horse she will tell them how to control the horse better. Angel also helps out her church by volunteering in the kid room. Angel is always excited to see me and that makes me happy. That is why Angel is my Kindest Kansan.
Jordyn Buxton: 4th
I nominate Mrs.Arbaugh because she is a very kind person. She always trusts the good in others and embraces it! She is a very sweet and caring person. I love her personality traits and her skills to make others smile. Whenever I walk into the school doors I see a big smile on her face! She also greets everyone coming in to our school doors. Whenever she is mad or frustrated she doesn’t want to take it on others. She is always sweet and kind to everyone around her! When anyone walks past her, she always has a nice thing to say. Even if they don’t say hello or they don’t answer, she doesn’t stop saying those things because sometimes someone is having a hard day she helps them overcome that! That is exactly why I am nominating Mrs Arbaugh!
Lyra Douglas: 4th
I nominate Mrs.Weeks for the Kindest Kansan Citian contest. She does a lot of hard work to make our lives better. On the weekends she spends hours grading our assignments. She encourages me to be the version of myself. She makes sure we are engaged and putting in effort. She often says “whatever you put in is what you get out “. I like that she treats me with kindness and generosity. Mrs.Weeks always greets me with a smile and a hug. I think Mrs.Weeks is a kind, caring, and thoughtful person. These are just a few examples of her kindness, there are many more.
Noah Smith: 4th
It was five years ago on the first day of kindergarten, that I met this awesome helper named Ms. Kolman. Fast forward to today, I am in fourth grade, so you can say Ms. Kolman and I go way back. Ms. Kolman deserves to be Kindest Kansas Citian because of how she shows up every day. She is kind, she is helpful and most importantly she has a caring heart.
Let’s go back to second grade for a second. It was in second grade that I watched her help one of my friends who struggles with dyslexia. She helped this friend work through reading passages and not get behind. It was in second grade that I saw her help so many students. Nowadays, I am in fourth grade I don’t get to see Ms. Kolman in the classroom but I see her daily around Belmont. She makes me feel cared for because at morning drop off she opens the car door at school and gives me a big hug and asks me how I’m doing.
Through the big things and in the small things like helping someone to read and letting them know they’re cared for, this is how I know Ms. Kolman deserves to be the Kindness Kansas Citian.
Thalia Blake: 4th
My Kindest Kansas Citian is Susan Schuler. She is my Kindest Kansas Citian because she always helps me with my homework. Susan also helps me and my family out by taking me to school. Susan is kind to any person she sees and helps people out a lot. Susan helps out at an
animal shelter, being kind to all animals. Susan is the kindest person I
Violet Rolston: 4th
I nominate Dana Peters because she is so kind and thoughtful. Dana Peters is my neighbor. She subs for teachers at Belmont Elementary. For example last week she subbed for my music teacher Mrs. Martin. in music class me and my friend were doing activities with the music staff and we were doing it upside down so she taught us a good way to remember the music staff. When she sees me in the hallways, she hugs me.
Other ways she is kind and thoughtful is she gave us KU basketball tickets. She also picks our vegetables and fruits while we are on vacation. She also helped when we accidentally left my sisters window open so they closed it for us. This is why I nominated Dana Peters for Kindest Kansas Citian.
Thank You for BEing an Important Part of Your Child's School PTO Success!
Belmont PTO would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our Belmont families for their involvement in their child’s school. Belmont PTO was able to raise $1,835.03 in restaurant events, $1,100 from Skate City nights, and $8,771.94 from the Bulldog Dash. With the money raised, PTO was able to provide field trips for every student, transportation to the field trips, Grant Fairy requests for many teachers, sponsor Bulldogs on the Playground, sponsor a school dance and family BINGO night, provide many staff appreciation items, and provide teacher meals throughout the year. Without your continued support our students and teachers would not be able to have such an exciting school year. Our next event will be the 2024-2025 Bulldogs on the Playground to kick-off the upcoming school year! Enjoy your summer!
Yearbook Signing is Monday, May 20!
Students will receive their yearbooks on Monday morning just in time for our all-school yearbook signing. Students will have 45 minutes to collect signatures from friends and staff all over the building.
If you missed the deadline to purchase a yearbook and are still interested in buying one, you may be in luck. We have a very limited number of extra yearbooks in the office and will sell them Monday morning, first come, first served. They are $15 cash or check.
The SHOW 2024 is Tuesday, May 21!
Many Bulldog students have been hard at work preparing for this year's big show! The performance will be at 9:15 Tuesday morning in the gym. Families of performers are welcome to attend!
Belmont Field Day is May 22 and it will be OLYMPIC!
Woohoo!! Field day is Wednesday, May 22nd for literally the entire school!
3rd, 4th and 5th graders will participate in field day rotations from 9:00-11:30. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders will participate in field day rotations primarily led by the 5th graders from 12:30-3:00. Then, all Kindergarten through 5th grade will participate in our traditional Tug-o-War at 3:00.
Important info:
- Sunscreen and water bottles are SUPER GREAT IDEAS!! Please apply!
- Dress for success- old clothes and tennis shoes rule! Hats are a good idea, too!
- You might think about sending a second pair of socks and shoes to change into after playing in case the field is still wet in the morning. And a bag. They might need a bag to put those in. Phew!
- Send an individual sack lunch from home!
- Or if preferred, pre-order sack lunch from school by May 20th by emailing abeach@usd232.org. The lunch will include a Jammy Sammy, cheese stick, Goldfish crackers, baby carrots with ranch, frozen juice cup and milk. We have limited supplies available from the vendors at this time of the year, so order soon if needed! We appreciate it!
- Parents will not be able to join their children for lunch on field day as we'll all be eating at the same time in classrooms and we can't accommodate so many extra bodies.
- Who can attend? Only adults are allowed on the field with Belmont Bulldogs participating in field day. No siblings will be allowed to join in activities or go past a marked spectator zone. We STRONGLY encourage parents to find a sitter for siblings on field day so that they can freely volunteer or participate with their school-agers during the events of the day. It's FUN!! If that's not possible for you and you want to stop by to watch from the sidelines for a bit, there will be a spectator zone, but I can't guarantee that all events will be easily view-able from the site. Yes, indeed, the spectator zone will be in full view of the tug-o-war site at the end of the day.
- VOLUNTEERS are welcome! Adults only! PLEASE, MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE SIGNING UP FOR THE TIME WHEN YOUR CHILD WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN FIELD DAY ACTIVITIES. 3rd-5th graders participate in the morning and Kdg-2nd graders participate in the afternoon. Directions for each activity will be printed on the back of each station sign. Mrs. Koester will also make the rounds to help demo or explain details.
- Parents may also travel with their child's class and help out at each station.
2024-2025 ENROLLMENT is Open- if you haven't done it yet, please do!
Parents of current students, it's time to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year! Parents are asked to complete all steps of the enrollment process online through Skyward Family Access.
To get started, sign in to Skyward Family Access and follow the enrollment instructions. If you don’t know the login information for your Family Access account, click the ‘Forgot your login or password?” link on the Family Access login page.
For more detailed instructions we have created step-by-step directions for parents on how to complete the online enrollment process. If you get stuck or need help, please contact Shelly McCann in the Belmont office by phone (913.667.1810) or email her at smccann@usd232.org. We look forward to working with you through this process.
Registration for bus transportation will be part of the online registration for returning students!
Fees are not due until August, and may be paid online after July 1st, or by cash or check in the school office during open enrollment July 25 and 26, or at our Family Welcome Event on Monday, August 12!
Coming Up at BE:
May 20 Yearbooks will be distributed to students for Yearbook Signing
May 20 Retirement Reception honoring Mrs. Weeks, 4:00-5:30pm
May 20 5th Grade Band Concert, 6:30pm
May 21 The SHOW 2024, 9:15am
May 21 5th Grade Celebration, 12:45-3:30
May 22 Field Day (3rd-5th AM and Kdg.-2nd PM)
May 23 Celebration of Learning, 9:30am
May 23 5th Grade Last Lap, 11:30am
May 23 12:10 Dismissal, No lunch served
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
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You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: Belmont Elementary Bulldogs
Twitter: @BEBulldogs