O'Maley Weekly Update
Week of March 3rd, 2025
Principal's Message
It is our opening night for our musical! To all of our cast and crew - Break a leg!
Important Information
Family/Teacher Conferences - March 6th
We will be having our family/teacher conferences Thursday, March 6th. Teachers will be inviting families in for conferences, however, also feel free to reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if you would like to schedule a meeting.
O'Maley Academy Spring Sign-ups Start Soon!
O'Maley Academy Spring Sign up link goes LIVE March 10th at 8AM & closes March 20th at 8AM - Spring afterschool programs start the week of March 24th!
Save the Date! GHS Presentation for 8th Grade
Thursday, March 13th at 6pm GHS will have a presentation for 8th grade parents about 9th grade course selection at GHS library. Please reach out to Mrs. Mastandrea with any questions.
O'Maley Drama Club Performances
Tonight is opening night! O'Maley Drama Club will be performing 6 shows of Descendants the Musical.
Friday, February 28th @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, March 1st @ 1:00 pm
Sunday, March 2nd @ 1:00 pm
Friday, March 7th @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, March 8th @ 1:00 pm
Saturday, March 9th @ 1:00 pm
Chromebook Care
We are seeing an uptick in chromebooks needing repair. Please talk with your child about ensuring propper care of the chromebook and reinforce that they are still school property and should be treated with care.
Please see the information below from the O'Maley Student Handbook:
General Care
Students and families are responsible for taking care of the Chromebook.
When carrying a Chromebook in a backpack, take care it does not receive extreme or uneven pressure against the screen. Dropping or banging a backpack while carrying the Chromebook can result in damage to the Chromebook. Do not sit on a backpack that contains a Chromebook.
Students will be provided a case for the Chromebook. The Chromebook must be kept in this case at all times.
Students may customize (label, identify, or decorate) their Chromebook case, but not the Chromebook itself.
Chromebooks should not be stored in a vehicle and should never be left in view inside a vehicle, locked or unlocked.
Cords and cables must be inserted and removed carefully to prevent undue wear and damage.
Care should be taken to prevent the Chromebook, cables, and accessories from getting wet. This includes accidental food and beverage spills, excess humidity and precipitation.
Exposure to long-term temperature extremes should be avoided.
Use only a clean, soft cloth to wipe the screen. Do not use cleansers of any type.
Do not lean on or place anything heavy against the screen.
School Start Time
O'Maley's first bell rings at 7:35. Please ensure that students are here prior to 7:35 so that they can make it to homeroom on time.
Yearbooks are on Sale
Purchase a 2024-2025 O'Maley Yearbook Here: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/OMALEY2025
Send in yearbook photos to: omaleyyearbook@gloucesterschools.com
PTO Updates
Nurses Amazon Wishlist
Spirit Wear
We are so excited about our new Sprit Wear store! We are offering new items with logos that include Drama, Chorus, Athletics and Band. Check out the link below to our store or scan the QR code on the attached flyer.
NEW to the store! O'Maley "Class of" sweatshirts and t-shirts available here. These will most likely NOT be done before the holiday. Scroll to the bottom of the page for class of apparel.
Upcoming Dates
3/6 - Early Release and Parent Conferences
3/11 - Early Release