Cougar Update
November Edition

Please read the message from Dr. Smith, Principal.
Congress Cougars!
We want to thank our families who supported our Parent Teacher Conferences. We have experienced an exciting month, with so much more to experience! We greatly appreciate the partnership with all of our families. We, the administration team and staff, want to make sure we collaborate with our families before any issues or concerns arise. Our students finished the first quarter strong and started the second quarter even stronger. November 11th, we honored veterans of our students, and all seemed to have enjoyed the time shared with their students. In addition, our students danced the night away during our first school dance, a night in Hollywood.
Parents, our Congress students are leaders, and we are proud of our students and how they are so attentive to their peers and seem to love being in school. Our students are outstanding because our parents and guardians are amazing! Please note that we will only have two days of school next week, as we have a few days off with our families. We are having our Minsky's Pizza Night on November 29th! We know by the 29th, the turkey will be old news. Families, please plan to support our fundraiser so that we can build funds for our Congress students.
I want to thank all parents who are helping keep our students safe, but three students were stepping into oncoming traffic without paying attention. It would be easy to blame the driver. However, the parent or guardian failing to follow the safety protocols would be the ultimate blame. Please help us keep our students safe and either remind your student to cross with the administrator on duty at the crosswalk or wait in line like our other parents. Finally, please see our website for AMI schedules and additional important information. Students should know how to access all their classes during an AMI day, as their classroom teachers have constantly shared how to access Schoology.
Dr. Smith
Congress Fun
Fall Break
We love to have fun! Not only are we creating lifelong learners, but we are too creating memories. Below you will find photos from our last school assembly. The students and staff had a great time showing off some crab crawls, turkey wobbles, and some ole school knockout.
The staff, I am sure, is looking forward to a short but restful break. We understand aliens have not summoned our students, but just in case, please make sure they are well-rested and free from fever and/or other COVID systems before returning.
November School Assembly
November School Assembly
November School Assembly
November School Assembly
November School Assembly
November School Assembly
Team Volleyball Challenge
Team Volleyball Challenge
Team Volleyball Challenge
Staff Chili Cookoff
2022 Chili Cookoff
2022 Chili Cookoff
PTA Fundraiser
Just Say The Name Congress!
Help Control The Leaves
Great Success!!! Veterans Day - November 11th
Thank you to all who helped with the veteran day coffee and donuts.
Our presentation was about 40 minutes and those in attendance appreciated the acknowledgment. The kids coming out into the hall and screaming thank you was heartfelt, as expressed by more than one of the attendees. If you would like to see the presentation please click here.
A Living Testimony - Thank You!
Student Council Dance
Welcome To Hollywood
Our first school dance was a hit, and the kids had a great. Parents were even on time for pickup. We are looking forward to the next school dance!! Shout out to Mrs. Faudere and the entire Student Council Crew.
NWEA Winter Testing Sessions
Rest Up For The Test!
We are preparing for our winter session of testing. Our students will take the NWEA Test (Measures of Academic Progress) on December 5th - 7th. During testing sessions, students will be asked to put their phones in their lockers until the test block has ended. We are excited to compare our student's scores to their Fall 22 testing session. Please make sure your student is well-rested.
The adaptive achievement and growth test provides essential information about what your child knows and is ready to learn. It creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student's learning level and measuring their progress and growth. If your child correctly answers a question, the computer assessment provides a more challenging question, and if they miss that same question, an easier question is asked. This provides essential information about your child's knowledge and readiness to learn.
Because You Care
Our employees are the reason we are so successful here at Congress Middle School and the Park Hill School District, and the Park Hill School District would like to recognize us for all we do for our students.
The Park Hill Star award is awarded monthly to any staff member in the school district. Anyone can nominate an employee for this award by using the form below. In addition, please send a note of encouragement to our Congress Staff, letting them know you care.
Sometimes, negative comments are made directly to our staff members or posted on social media. We want to change that narrative! We want the positive vibes to outweigh the negative vibes. Please vote for one of our staff members or send a kind note to staff members for the entire month of December.
Cold Weather Learning
AMI School Days
Winter months are upon us, and we've already experienced the first snow of the season. Below you will find links to our Alternative Modes of Instruction (AMI) schedules for teams. As we prepare our students for high school, we expect them to take responsibility for their learning. It may seem like they need help navigating different websites and learning platforms, but they always shine once given the opportunity. Some may take longer than others, but they all find a way. Our Congress kids are true ROCKSTARS!
Congress Scholastic Book Fair
Congress Book Fair
Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Guinn would like to thank everyone for coming into the library and supporting our first school book fair in more than 6 years. The book fair was a huge success and we’ll use the funds we raised to purchase books for the library. Thank you again! We can’t wait to offer another book fair in the future!
Math & Music
Math & Music
Mrs. Sipes, our vocal instructor, gives a lesson on how to incorporate music and math into an opportunity to practice math strategies. The kids and I, Dr. Smith, had a great time adding whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, and rests. Who could add the suggested number the fastest? Well, let's just say I am not as quick as the students anymore.
Please read the message from Mrs. Kahler, Assistant Principal
Advancement Via Individual Determination.
Dear Congress Families,
Everything is going smoothly here at Congress Middle School. Here at Congress, we utilize the AVID program, Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID is a college-readiness system that prepares kindergarten through 12th-grade students for college and career success. There are things that we use in an effort of AVID school-wide. Organizational tools, binders, planners, index tab dividers, and pencil pouches help us stay organized and better manage time and class assignments.
My goal is to share with you more about our AVID program. AVID helps to prepare our students for college and career success beyond middle school. Additionally, our teachers receive AVID training through professional development. This professional development includes providing teachers with research-based instructional strategies to improve student engagement and critical thinking in the classroom. The instructional design includes writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading.
We also offer the AVID elective class for 7th and 8th-grade students at Congress. Students must apply and interview for acceptance into the elective courses. The AVID elective benefits students who need direct instruction in AVID. This course benefits students by providing extra support with organization, time management, writing/note-taking, rereading for a more thorough understanding, inquiry, speaking, researching, etc. Students can apply for this elective class in the spring, the school year before the course takes place.
We will likely open applications up in February 2023 for the 23-24 school year. Let me know if you have questions about our AVID program.
Have a wonderful week, and enjoy your family time!
Congress Families,
We are in full swing with our Congress Basketball teams. We start our ten-game regular season with a contest against New Mark on November 21st and 22nd. Now is an excellent time to head to our school store and purchase your fan gear. Just in case, the password is Cougars.
Our season runs full steam ahead until the end of January. The teams are led by Coach Steve Chrostowski, Girl's Head Coach, and Coach Kerry Brown, the Boys Head Coach. Please feel free to come out and support our teams here at Congress.
Please check our school website, Get Involved at Congress, for all updated sports-related information.
FAN GEAR! Get Ready For The Game!!!
Store Password: Cougars
Athletics Information
Students seeking to participate in any of our sports this year must have a current physical and ImPACT test on file. All information related to our sports may be found on our school website under the Get Involved Tab. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Assistant Principal Athletic Director Brian Van Horn (816) 359 – 4230.
Read more about ImPACT testing.
The IMPACT test is valid for 2 years so if your athlete took it last year, they do not need to re-take it this year. Please have them double check if they are unsure.
Parents We Need Your Help!!
Exciting News!!! Want to learn English?
We are pleased to announce that we have an Adult English class district-wide! If you have adults who are somehow connected to a Park Hill student interested in English courses, please have them (and/or help them) do the following:
- Complete this form to register for the course.
- Attend the final screener session tomorrow (Tuesday), November 22, anytime between 5:00 and 6:45 PM, at Southeast Elementary School (front doors; 5704 NW Northwood Rd, Kansas City, MO 64151).
Message from Sprigeo
We created Sprigeo so people would feel safer at school. When a person really needs help or there is a safety threat at school we hope you will step up and send in a report. Sending in a false report makes it harder for your school to help the people who really need it. If necessary you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can find out more about Sprigeo and the School District Safety Evaluation at Sprigeo.com. Thanks for using Sprigeo!
Joe Bruzzese, Founder of SprigeoIf you feel unsafe or know someone who feels unsafe, please report it here. After you fill out the form below, Sprigeo sends an email to a school administrator with all of the details from your report. You can also download one of our apps from the Apple Store or the Android Marketplace to submit a report.
- Safety threats, bullying, harassment or intimidation at school
- Safety threats, bullying, harassment or intimidation outside of school
- Cyberbullying; Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
- Fights, drugs, alcohol or weapons at school
- Friends who talk about hurting themselves