The Kinsner Weekly
Job Fair
Fun Run
Friday, May 10th
WOW Kinsner supporters!! We’re at more than 60 percent of our goal! Keeps IT up!!!! Fun Run Contributions Count Until midnight before the day of the reward.
Friday, May 10th
Mother's Day flowers from the pre-sale will be going home on Friday, May 10th with students. If their student is absent, the flowers will be in the front entryway for pick up after school. Please send any questions to our Student Council Presidents - Emma Farago ( and Emily Gundert (
ATTENTION - 5th Grade Families
Chromebook Summer Care
Lost & Found
Lost and Found will be donated after Friday, May 10th. Please have your child claim any item that belongs to them!
Rotary KidsFest
6th Grade Camp
Summer Band and Orchestra
School Climate Survey
Volunteer, Engagement and Student Acknowledgement
Your input is invaluable as we finalize potential experiences to enhance our school climate. Based on our initial surveys and discussions, we've identified areas for improvement. Now, we're seeking your perspectives on Parent Volunteer/ Engagement and Student Acknowledgement/ Recognition. Your feedback will help us tailor these initiatives to meet the needs and interests of our school community. Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the survey by clicking here. For your reference, below is a recap of what has already been discussed:
From this we recognized themes of what each of those could refer to and how we could support those situations. For the first topic regarding fair treatment, themes were:
- Some students are not recognized for academic achievement until the end of the school year
- Some recognitions are recognized class wise.
- Sending communication about how recognition is occurring.
We reviewed how students are acknowledged and recognized throughout the school. Here are some common recognitions:
- PRIDE Tickets
- Individual Grade PRIDE Recognition
- Lexia Certificates
- Xtra Math Certificates
- Positive Message Home (note, email, remind, phone call)
For the second topic regarding volunteering, themes were:
- Would love an opportunity to assist in class: reading, a project, or activity at school
- Willing to help with learning centers/stations, stem activities, a craft, etc
- Fine with organizational support: copies, bulletin boards, projects
- Feel there is no opportunity to engage with building outside of class parties.
- Enjoy the idea of mystery reader or daily helper
- Want to be invited for special class or grade based programs: 100 day of school, student presentations, occupation day
We then reviewed with our staff teacher feedback on what that support could look like. Here were some possible themes or interests:
School: cutting materials, laminating
K- mystery reader
1- mystery reader
2- mystery reader
3- Career Talk
4- College Career/ Culture talk- discuss how to get into their roles or their jobs. then get feedback from parents about how many would be interested in presented so we can schedule out for the year.
5- Career Talk- Connection of academics to the real world videos. (this is why this skill is important (Real World Application Video) 10 min once a month.
Encore: Skills performance (music/ art)
Thank you for your collaboration,
Mr. Lawrence
Staff Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6th - Friday, May 10th
See the flyer below!
Singin' in the Ville
Summer Art
SECPTA Eras Tour
SECPTA reunion event
May 9th at 7:00 PM at Brew Garden in Strongsville.
Event details can be found on Facebook:
Registration Link:
Strongsville Swim League
Calling all swimmers!
Time for summer swim team signups!
If your child enjoys swimming and wants to be apart of a fun team this summer check out your development or rec center pool for swim team information.
Strongsville is one of the few communities that has summer swim league.Kids get to enjoy a fun and laid back competitive experience.
Practices start 5/28. And the first swim meet is 6/13. Each team will have 7 swim meets that are on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. There will be no meets the week of 4th of July. Season ends with a city wide meet at the rec center on July 20th.
Kids 5-18 are welcome to join. Kids must be able to swim across a pool unassisted.
The Strongsville Swim League is restricted to Strongsville residents only.
Sea Monkey Registration is open now and must be completed at the Rec Center.
Other team registration varies by development follow this link for more information. It will be updated soon!