The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

December 6, 2024
Hello River Bend Families!
We've had a great week...a cold week too! We kicked off Unit 5 in Benchmark on Technology and Society. Kids are very engaged in the content. Our younger students are reading about robots and the older grade levels are writing about drones. We are also in an assessment window where students will be able to show their growth from the fall reading and math benchmarks to the winter.
It has been great having our kindergarten and first grade parents in the building for our music open houses.
This is just a reminder that in an effort to meet all of our state goals, the district requires us to send out attendance letters each month. Those went out this week. As always, I know there are extenuating circumstances that keep students out of school, especially with illness.
I've added several fliers of information below. Be sure to check them out! The next big thing I am going to be gathering information for is our first ever Career Exploration Day that we are going to hold on January 16th. The vision is to solicit different volunteers who can set up a table in the gym for students to walk by and start developing interests and passions. If you would like to share your career/trade/occupation with our students or you know somebody who would, please be on the lookout for a short Google form I will be sending out next week.
Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Each child as my own,
Next Week
Happy Birthday to Mrs. van Raalten on Saturday (7th) and Mr. Chaney on Sunday (8th)!
Monday, December 9th
A Day
Tuesday, December 10th
B Day
Choir- 4:00 PM
Wednesday, December 11th
E Day Specials
Red Carpet Assemblies
Early Release Day- 2:00 PM Dismissal
Thursday, December 12th
C Day
Choir- 8:00 AM
Friday, December 13th
D Day
Register and Pay Here
The last day to register and pay is Friday, December 13th. No late registrations or walk-ins because of supplies and bus staffing.
Kids Night Out
Parkway PATH High School students and Staff are promoting their second annual “Kids Night Out.” We invite all 3rd- 5th-grade students from the Central feeder elementary schools for 2.5 hours of fun and games at Parkway Central Middle School on December 13th (Friday) from 5:30 pm to 8 pm. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get familiar with their future middle school and build relationships with other students and teachers while being active and having fun.
All proceeds will go to Parkway PATH programming. If you would like to learn more about Parkway PATH and its impact on our community, you can click here.
Upcoming Dates
December 16th- Tiger Express Night @ 7:00 PM
December 19th- Choir Concert @ 6:30 PM
December 20th- Half Day (1:00 PM Dismissal)
December 23rd- January 3rd- Winter Break
January 6th- Students return to school
River Bend Family Survey
We are so excited to kick off our 100% survey!! This survey will help us gauge the current climate and culture of River Bend and help shape our character education for the future. We want to hear from every voice. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.