The D.C. Digest
March 13, 2025
Curtis Goes to Washington in 61 days!
Final payment is due in 2 days!
Dear families,
REMINDERS: Final payment is due THIS SATURDAY March 15th. Students with unpaid balances after March 15th will risk being moved to the inactive list. Please be sure payments are completed by the deadline. Thank you
REMINDER: Family Orientation Part II will be on April 16 at 6-7pm. This will be a remote meeting on Zoom. ATTENDANCE is MANDATORY. This presentation will inform you of the logistics, itineraries, expectations for travel, etc. The session will be recorded for later viewing and will be posted here on the D.C. Digest.
Medication Drop Off:
If your child will require medication during our trip, it must be dropped off at Curtis prior to our departure. Ms Varner, our school nurse, will accept medications on May 7th from 12-4 and May 8th from 8-12. Please note these requirements:
- Medication must be accompanied by a signed physician’s order, which includes the specific medication name and dosing instructions, and stipulating specific diagnosis requiring treatment. For short-term medication, lasting 7-10 days or less such as antibiotics, the prescription label on the original pharmacy container is acceptable as the physician’s order.
- Medication must be brought to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the original pharmacy labeled container. For prescription medication this label must include the student’s name, medication name and dosage, frequency of administration, name of licensed prescriber, and the date of the prescription. Over the counter medications must be in the original container. The parent/guardian and the school nurse will count the amount of medication needed for the duration of the trip (4 days and 3 nights) and store the amount in an envelope that will be labeled with the student's name and dosage information. All medications must be dropped off to the school nurse on May 7th between 12-4 or May 8 between 8-12.
The roommate assignment process has begun! This will take a team of people many hours before it is complete. Roommates will be announced in April.
Be well,
Upcoming Dates & Deadlines:
March 15: Final payment due on Academic Expeditions
April 16: Family Orientation Part II 6-7pm on Zoom. Link is forthcoming.
May 7: Medication Drop-off between 12pm - 4pm
May 8: Medication Drop-off between 8am - 12pm
Important Links & Websites
Academic Expeditions
Family Orientation Part I Slides
Go here to view the slides from the Family Orientation.
Frozen Fundraiser is CLOSED
Go here to
- Open an account
- Get your personal link
- Share your link with friends and family
Frozen Fundraiser Information (CLOSED)
Go here to learn about the Frozen Fundraiser with MCM fundraising.
Financial Assistance is CLOSED
To request financial assistance:
1st: Submit the
2nd: Submit the