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Park Hall's Weekly Newsletter
September 23, 2024
Our annual Title I Reading Night will be held on Thursday, October 10 from 5:00-7:00 pm. Dinner will be served. This year the main event will be BOOK BINGO. Families will have the opportunity to win some amazing books. The event is free, but will require an RSVP by clicking this link. Please be sure to RSVP by Wednesday September 25.
This Friday is our first Character Tea awards assembly. Each month, Park Hall celebrates one student from each classroom that embodies the character trait of the month. These are big awards for our students and we hope our families can be there to share this special event.
As our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students begin chorus, band and strings classes this week, our specials schedules may be changing. Please be on the lookout for those schedule changes that will be communicated by your child's teacher so that you can prepare your students for PE or media on the correct day of the week.
Are you having trouble getting your child to listen or follow directions? We have an excellent opportunities for families to attend a workshops:
Lety Valero Parent Workshop - September 23, 2024
Please click the links for more information.
Thank you Park Hall Families!
Important Dates and Events
B Week
Monday - September 23
- Regular day for students 8:45-3:30
Tuesday - September 24
- Regular day for students 8:45-3:30
Wednesday - September 25
- Regular day for students 8:45-3:30
Thursday - September 26
- Regular day for students 8:45-3:30
Friday - September 27
- Regular day for students 8:45-3:30
- Character Tea Awards (invitation only) Pre--K-2nd is at 9:15 and Grade 3-5 10:00
- Kindergarten FASSTT (Families and Students Spending Time Together) 1:30
- Pre-K FASSTT 2:15
PE Notes
Proper shoes for P.E. are needed for safety and to best learn and participate in the skills being taught. Shoes that stay on your child’s feet and cover the whole foot (toes, sides, top, bottom and heel) work the best. You may bring an extra pair to change into on P.E. days if you don’t want your shoes to get dirty or creased.
Lunch Menu
Community School Information
Park Hall Elementary has also been identified as a community school. A community school is a public school that establishes strategic partnerships between the school and other community resources. These partnerships promote student achievement, positive learning, and seek to promote the well-being of students, families, and the community by providing services. Community schools address the whole child, with a comprehensive focus on academics, social and emotional well-being, and developmental needs.
This year we will be conducting a needs assessment, to identify what our students, families, and community needs. If you would like more information on how to get involved, or would like to receive services please contact:
Madison Mansfield
Community School Coordinator
(240) 913-5404
Title I Information
Park Hall Elementary is a Title I School. The purpose of Title I is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. Title I provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging academic standards.
Here are some of the important Title I documents that pertain to Park Hall Elementary School:
SMCPS Laptops
School Bus Information
School Supplies
PTA News
- All families and extended families are encouraged to join our fantastic PTA. Membership is $5.00 and families can join by clicking this link: https://phespta.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
- Stay current with the PTA by visiting the PHES PTA Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/ParkHallPTA
- The PTA sponsors movie nights, spirit nights, Trunk or Treat, the spring dance, teacher appreciation week, spring and fall outdoor clean-up days and much much more. Your support is much appreciated!!!
Introduction to Park Hall Elementary
Park Hall Elementary School provides a rich educational experience that focuses on preparing well rounded students that are ready to succeed in their future college and career endeavors. Park Hall educates and inspires our diverse population in a safe and respectful environment. Students are engaged in authentic learning experiences that foster work habits and skills necessary to become collaborative, dedicated, and productive citizens.
Email: mlbell@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/phes/
Location: 20343 Hermanville Road, Park Hall, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4054
Twitter: @phes_smcps