Back to School
Manchester-Essex Regional Middle School (2024/25)
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 28th.
What to Expect on Day 1
- We will start our day at 7:45 a.m. Students should plan to arrive no later than 7:40 a.m.. Students who arrive to the building before this time should proceed to the cafeteria. The building opens at 7:00 a.m.
- Teachers and administrators will be in the front lobby and hallways guiding students and answering their questions.
- At 7:45, students will be directed to their grade-level pods. Teachers will be there to greet them.
Day Two, August 29th
This is picture day for students. Be on the lookout for information from O'Connor Studios
No School August 30 and Sept. 2. Happy Labor Day!
Students' Schedules
All students will receive paper copies of their schedules on the first day of school. Please keep in mind that schedule changes during the first week of school are quite typical as we balance sections and correct minor errors.
Students in Grades 7 and 8 may see their schedules in Aspen once they are posted. Students in Grade 6 will not be able to view their schedules online until we help them set up their Aspen students accounts.
This will happen during the first month of school.
* Requests for schedule changes will not be accepted before the first day of school.
Need to reach a teacher? All email addresses are lastnamefirstinitial@mersd.org
Students in Grades 7 and 8 are expected to come to school with their school issued Chromebook and charger. Students in 6th grade will receive Chromebooks during the week of September 3rd.
Cell Phones & Smart Watches
Because distracted students cannot learn, the Middle School cell phone policy is “off and away.” We also ask that smart watches be kept in "school mode." Cell phones must be turned off and stored in lockers or backpacks during the entire school day.
- There is a phone in the front office dedicated solely to students, so they can call you during the day, if necessary. All they need to do is ask to come to the office. We love it when they visit!
- You can leave a message for your student any time by calling the main office at (978) 526-2022 to speak with Mrs. Houde, our Middle School Administrative Assistant. You can also reach Mrs. Houde by email at houdec@mersd.org.
Resisting the urge to text your student during the school day goes a long way towards helping them follow this rule and avoid disciplinary consequences. We thank you for your help with this as we work to avoid distractions to the learning environment.
- First Lunch: Grade 8
- Second Lunch: Grade 6
- Third Lunch: Grade 7
On days when weather permits (above 20 degrees and not raining), we encourage students to go outside after eating to enjoy some exercise and sunshine.
Questions about school lunch? Contact Paula Graham of Chartwells at grahamp@mersd.org.
After School Clubs, Activities & Athletics
Complete details about after school clubs will be shared once the school year starts. Stay tuned!
Hello Young Thespians!
Email Athletic Director, Cami Molinare, with questions at molinarec@mersd.org
Manchester-Essex Regional Middle School
Email: mainoj@mersd.org
Website: www.mersd.org
Location: 36 Lincoln Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA, USA
Phone: 978-526-2022
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManchesterEssexRegional/
Principal of the Manchester-Essex Regional Middle School - Essex, MA and Manchester, MA