Los Pen NEUs
October 18, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Weekes
Dear Los Pen Families,
Were you at our most recent Friday Flag? If not, you missed some very special guests! We had 4 T-Rex mini-dinosaurs compete in a race to kick off Running Club next week. Ms. Bohn and Mrs. Weekes also brought along some friends, Giggles McFeather (a fancy flamingo) and Frodo Lucent-Kirby (a pink axolotl). The friends made an appearance in honor of LPES reaching and surpassing the $30,000 mark during The Big Give.
Next week will be another great week! Red Ribbon Week, the nation's largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign, begins. Here are our spirit days:
Monday - Character Counts, No Excuses! Wear your NEU shirts.
Tuesday - We are "red" y for our future. Wear all red.
Wednesday - We make positive choices. Wear all yellow.
Thursday - On the right track - dress as your future career!
Friday - Dream Big! Wear your college colors.
Mrs. Weekes
A Note from Your School Counselor
It takes a village…
As the adults in children’s lives, it probably goes without saying that we do not do this alone. “It takes a village to raise a child”. In the village of “Los Pen," we are so lucky to live in a supportive community. The community of collaborating teachers, a supportive and active PTA, and a district that not only supports our staff but our children’s emotional learning. Sometimes the ones that are helping us to raise our children, are people that we have not met yet. The support may come from an outside resource, one that we can seek out to help us to understand our children better. While we may know our children best, we are not all experts in childhood development and the latest tools and research-based technics to best support children. Bright Life Kids is a free, online parenting class to help our children with big emotions and behaviors. If you are interested in the class, see the link / flyer below to learn the latest technics on how to manage anger, build self-confidence, difficulty with friendships and much more. We all need support, what better way to receive support than from the comfort of your home and in the village in which we live.
“We are raising children, we aren’t just letting them grow”
Los Pen Running Club is Starting Soon!
Running Club returns Thursday, October 24th. All students are welcome to join during their lunch recess. Running Club is a free weekly event, where students can have fun while being active. Every mile run earns a toe token and classes compete for the coveted Golden Shoe! Come cheer your child on by signing up to volunteer.
Parent volunteer sign ups: https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/DGPgC7Dq8OcQVKxNF8f0CoJJLA?domain=evite.me
PTA News
Fall Festival is almost here! TOMORROW, Saturday October 19th from 3-6 pm is the big event!
Please find your child(ren)'s grade below and sign up for at least one 30-minute slot to volunteer. We can't hold this fun event without our awesome volunteers!
Middle & High School Volunteers
Make sure to keep up with all things Los Pen PTA by following us on social media!
Follow us on Facebook at: Los Penasquitos Elementary Families
Follow us on Instagram at: Lospenfamilies
Let's Eat!
LPES Dine-out Night
Take a night off from cooking and join fellow Los Pen friends and families for dine out nights to support Los Peñasquitos Elementary. Our wonderful restaurant community partners donate back a percentage of all sales to the PTA, which funds special programs and events throughout the year.
Tuesday, October 22
The Kebab Shop Carmel Mountain
10:30 am to 9 pm
Additional dine outs will be announced soon.
Interested in Volunteering?
We would love to have you! For information about volunteering, including forms, visit https://www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/volunteer-information
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Saturday, October 19
- Fall Festival - 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Monday, October 21 - Friday, October 25
- Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday, October 22
- Kebab Shop Dine-out Event
Thursday, October 24
- Running Club begins
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK)
Thursday, October 31
- Black & Orange Spirit Day - wear black and orange. No Halloween costumes should be worn to school.
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK)