Spartan Times
Chula Vista High School - Home of Champions!
Week 3 August 1st to August 7th
Message from the Principal
Hello Spartans,
I hope you had a great weekend. As mentioned last week, our counseling team has been working diligently to balance classes and address schedule change requests in a timely manner. Each year, changes to our course offerings happen due to several factors, such as student enrollment, new program requirements and changes in personnel. These changes unfortunately can lead to changes in student's schedules. Typically, our window to make most of these changes is the first ten days of school. This year, due to issues with our network that affected Infinite Campus, the District has extended that window by an additional two days. We ask that you please be patient with us as we work to balance classes.
I also want to remind students that our Fall sports season is underway. In the Fall we field the following athletic teams:
Co-ed Football
Women's Volleyball
Men's Water Polo
Men's/Women's Cross Country
Women's Tennis
Women's Field Hockey
If you are interested in playing a sport, please stop by the ASB or see our Athletic Director Coach Wilson. Instructions on how to get cleared to participate are found HERE.
Lastly, please make note that our campus opens at 8:00am every day. If students arrive earlier than 8:00am, they can enter campus as early as 7:15am. Students will be provided with a safe, supervised area within our Before/After School program, The Vault. To access this FREE program, students must enter through the Youth Center main gate off of L Street. Take advantage of this free service.
Have a great third week of school!
Go Spartans!
Julio Alcala
Chula Vista High School
Home of Champions!
Did You Know?
Did you know that Chula Vista High School has a school with-in a school?
An education at the Chula Vista School for the Creative and Performing Arts is a complete education!
The SCPA is a “school with-in a school” located on the Chula Vista Middle and Chula Vista High School campuses for grades 7-12.* Magnet programs like ours, offer the best of Public and Charter Schools combined!
In addition to professional arts training, our students have the benefits of a traditional school, rigorous academic college prep courses including the most AP offerings in the district, opportunities in our national award winning student government and of course athletics!
We offer beginning through advanced instruction in ALL FOUR arts disciplines:
Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts
No experience is necessary, just a desire to learn! Search through our majors and find one for you!
* students can be accepted in any grade
One of the most notable alumni from our SCPA program is actor and television host Mario Lopez, who graduated in 1991 from Chula Vista High School. Click on this link to read more about the "Saved by the Bell" star.
Student Drop-off and Gate Locations
Gates will be open for students to enter campus at 8:00am. We will have four entry points with designated drop off areas for students. Those are marked on the map with a blue arrow:
#1 North 100, drop off point is the driveway in the front of the 100 building.
#2 South 100, drop off point is the parking lot in front of the GYM.
#3 Youth Center, drop off point is the Youth Center parking lot on L street.
#4 K Street Gate, drop off point is on K street.
These areas will also serve as pick up points for students after school. For the safety of all, please make sure you observe all traffic patterns and rules.
Please make sure you also familiarize yourself with our COVID protocols:
- When indoors vaccinated staff and all students are strongly recommended to wear a face mask.
- Unvaccinated staff and adult visitors must wear masks when in the presence of others indoors.
- In classrooms with immunocompromise staff or students, we are asking the classroom communities to please support each other by wearing masks when indoors.
An exception where staff or students will be required to wear masks at this point is after they are returning to school following exposure to COVID. These additional protocols are our best way to ensure we can keep our students and staff on campus and engaged in learning this school year.
Spartan Families! Join School Site Council!
Are you interested in having an active role in Chula Vista High School's School Site Council Committee? We are now accepting parent nominations!
Parent representatives will have the opportunity to work alongside the principal, staff, and students to help develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. Your input will contribute towards the enhancement of our and school policy and budget plan, academic programs, student safety programs, overseeing major school change, and parent involvement implementation. We require all members to attend our monthly meetings held after school. You may find our schedule of meetings and submit your nomination here: forms.gle/K4pb72GLpPq9Hgou5. Nominations will close Friday August 12th at 3:39pm.
For questions please call the Parent Center at 619-476-3396. We look forward to partnering with you and making a difference for our Spartan Students and Families!
¡Familias Espartanas! ¿Está interesado en tener un posición activo en el Comité del Consejo Escolar de Chula Vista High School? ¡Estamos aceptando nominaciones de Padres!
Los representantes de los padres tendrán la oportunidad de trabajar junto con el director, personal y estudiantes para ayudar a desarrollar, revisar y evaluar los programas de mejora escolar y los presupuestos escolares. Su aporte contribuirá a la mejora de nuestra política escolar y el plan presupuestario, los programas académicos, los programas de seguridad estudiantil, la supervisión de cambios escolares importantes y la implementación de la participación de los padres. Requerimos que todos los miembros asistan a nuestras reuniones mensuales que se llevan a cabo después de la escuela. Puede encontrar nuestro calendario de reuniones y envía tu candidatura aquí: forms.gle/K4pb72GLpPq9Hgou5. Las nominaciones se cerrarán el Viernes 12 de Agosto a las 3:39pm.
Si tiene preguntas, llame al Centro de Padres al 619-476-3396. ¡Esperamos asociarnos con usted y marcar la diferencia para nuestros estudiantes y familias!
Click the image to read our latest parent newsletter!
Follow Us On Social Media!
Parent Center Instagram
Parent Center Facebook
Message from SUHSD Student Support Services
Dear parents/guardians of Sweetwater Union High School District students,
The department of Student Support Services welcomes you to the 2022-2023 school year and wishes your family a successful year. Student attendance is a strong predictor of student academic success. Please know we care about your student and believe if present, they can do well in school! Therefore, in our efforts to partner with you on ensuring your student's attends school, we would like to share what we can do together. First, we encourage you to download the Campus Parent application where you can set-up it up to notify you in real time if your student is marked tardy or absent. In addition, you can also receive updates to announcements, assignments, grades, schedules, and more. Using your parent portal account, you can adjust the method you wish to receive the notifications (text, email, phone call).
In addition, starting on Monday August 1, 2022, per state mandate, the district will start sending via email attendance letters to students' parents for students that have accumulated 3, 6, and/or 9 unexcused absences. Per district policy, parents or guardians have up to 30 days to excuse absences.
The department of Student Support Services encourages students to stay on track by making up their absences as appropriate and by completing any missed assignments.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Need a Schedule Change?
Students!! If you would like to change your schedule the CHANGE REQUEST FORM will be UP in your GOOGLE CLASSROOM ON MONDAY - TUESDAY!!
The counselors will work on them from throughout the week and will take about 2-3 days to get back to students about their schedule change! Please be patient!
REMEMBER!! Not every change or request will be granted! Counselors will let you know whether or not the change can happen!
Also, remember for the next 10 days, BALANCING CLASSROOM CAPS WILL HAPPEN! So, there will be more expected movement!
Jupiter Grades is an online tracking system to check students' progress.
Parents and students can check on:
Current Grades
Missing Assignments
View Homework Calendar
Behavior Alerts
Receive Announcements from School or Teacher
Email Teachers Directly
Be sure to regularly check Jupiter Grades
Username: Student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate (i.e. November 22, 2009 = 11222009)
Spartan Students we invite you to join Chula Vista High School's After School Programs! All programs are available for FREE! You can also stop by and have some fun at the Vault located in the Youth Center. The Vault has pool, air hockey, foosball, PS4, Switch, arcade games and more!!!!! **EVERYTHING IS FREE!!!!!!!**
Our morning hours will be from 7:15-8:15 AM (students will need to enter through Youth Center entrance at 465 L Street).
Our afternoon hours will be from 3:39-5:30 PM every day. We are also open during 7th/8th period for those students who are unscheduled.
Spartan 😎 Students! Join School Site Council!
Spartan Students! Are you interested in making a difference at CVHS? Do you have ideas on how the school can better support student needs? Chula Vista High School is accepting nominations for School Site Council Student Membership. We need you to get involved!
You will have the opportunity to work alongside administration, teachers, and parents while having a say on how the school manages their budget, you will develop leadership skills, and build experience working with others. This is a great opportunity to enhance your resume for college or your future career.
You will need to commit to attending SSC meetings once a month after school, your attendance is required in order to keep your seat as a member. Please fill out a nomination form here: https://forms.gle/XcsdKxz93LX5FZnC7. NOMINATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY AUGUST 12th AT 3:39pm!
Let's make a difference together Spartans!!
Student Handbook
Follow Mr. Alcala on Instagram
Chula Vista High School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: cvh.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 820 4th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 476-3300
Twitter: @cvhprincipal
SUHSD Board Policy 0410
SUHSD Board Policy 0410