White Oak Middle School
February 2025
February Events
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays 1-7 Days Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Wednesdays A (Silver Even) Block Days- Periods 1, 2, 4, 6 Meet
Thursdays B (Blue Day Odd )Block Days- Periods 1, 3, 5, 7 Meet
February 6- Report Cards & Outdoor Education Meeting at 6:30 pm
February 8- White Oak on the Weekend Electives Fair (10am-12pm)
February 14- ABC Celebration
February 17- Schools Closed (Holiday)
February 19- PTSA Meeting 6:30-8:00pm
February 22- Black History Month Celebration
February 27- Student Season Basketball Game (Rescheduled again!)
February 28- Early Release Day (A Block Day)
Thank you!
White Oak on the Weekend Electives Fair- We had a great turn out for our White Oak on the Weekend Electives Fair! Our students did a phenomenal job sharing information about our electives. Our chorus, dance, and bands' performances were excellent. Thank you Ms. Tran-Santos and Mr. Sharief for coordinating this great event! Thanks to all of the staff and teachers that were present: Ms. Zule, Mr. Eddy, Ms. Malin, Mr. Clifford, Ms. Fayi, Mr. Scott, Ms. Escalante, Ms. Flores, Ms. Perez. Also, thanks to all of the electives teachers for providing artifacts that definitely promoted your classes and impressed the crowd.
Staff Breakfast- Our math and Project Success teachers delivered a staff breakfast for champions! We enjoyed the variety of treats. We also enjoyed the catering touches that included nice decorations. Thank you!
Counselor Week- Last week we celebrated counselor week. Thanks to everyone that let our counselors know how much they are appreciated. It is not too late to thank Virgil.J.Barrow@MCPSMD.net, Mary.Rzegocki@MCPSMD.Net, Kahtleen.D.Cene@MCPSMD.Net, Evelyn.FloresVillatoro@MCPSMD.Net for all they do!
February PTSA Meeting
Our next monthly PTSA meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Mark your calendars. We'd love to see you there. We will discuss student behavioral issues and how they are dealt with. We'd also like to offer the opportunity for incoming 6th grade caregivers to participate and hear about WOMS experiences.
Wednesday, Feb 19 • 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/tys-vuzv-znw
Or dial: +1 347-754-5737 PIN: 451 972 867#
Meal Viewer
(NEW) 2nd Morning Routine Rotation
Regular Morning Routines- We have 3 morning routine rotations for arrival throughout the school year. Students will need to report to their holding areas until it is time to go to their 1st period class. Students will pick up breakfast on their way to class.
- 6th graders will report directly to the gymnasium.
- 7th graders will report to the cafeteria or the media center
- 8th graders will report to their first period classes.
Advisories- We will have advisory following 1st period as we did last school year. Here is the focus for each advisory day.
- Mondays- Drop Everything and Read, IXL, or Study (Make-up Work)
- Tuesdays- Drop Everything and Read, IXL, or Study (Make-up Work)
- Wednesdays- Community Circles
- Thursdays- check grades and make up assignments; organize notebooks; independent study.
- Fridays- Drop Everything and Read, IXL, or Study (Make-up Work)
With kind hearts, fierce minds, and brave spirits, our school community will thrive!
Click arrow to see breakfast or lunch.
Click arrow to choose language
All Students Get Free Breakfast and Lunch!
All students at White Oak will get free breakfast and lunch. White Oak students will not have to complete lunch applications to get free lunch. Every morning, we have our. cafeteria workers in three locations allowing students to pick up their breakfast on their way to class. Students will need to pick up their breakfast on their way to class. Once students enter class, they will not be allowed to go back out to get breakfast. This will ensure all students are in class ready to learn at the beginning of class.
Cell Phone Update for 6th Grade Students
We want all students focused on learning and free of cell phone and social media distractions. As a result, students in the 6th grade will not be permitted to use their cell phones during lunch time or recess. Students in the 7th and 8th grade will be allowed to use their devices during lunch time as long as they are responsible and do not distract others from learning due to engaging in social media or group text conflicts and or breaking school rules. All students will need to turn off their devices and and put them away when the bell rings to begin classes.
Repeating Updates
SSL- Learn more about the required SSL documentation and find SSL opportunities ahead of the summer months. For more information please email Smahir_H_Abdelazis@MCPSMD.Org or call her at 301-288-8200.
Math MCAP and IXL- Please read this link to learn ways to practice and prepare for the Math MCAP- IXL Practice Opportunities. The summer is a great time to get more practice at your own pace.
Traffic on New Hampshire Avenue-
- In order to keep students safe, they are not allowed to take the metro to and from school in areas where buses are provided. New Hampshire Avenue is a very busy thruway. Cars are traveling at high speeds and we do not have crossing guards.
- Please pick up and drop off in front of the school. Do not encourage students to meet you or drop them off on New Hampshire Avenue.
- Driving out of the school after the student drop off area (near cafeteria) to go north we have a right turn only sign. Cars that wait to make left turns slow down traffic and cause safety risks. Please make right turns only driving out of the school to New Hampshire Avenue from the student drop off area.
IXL Math Support at School and at Home!
Learn with IXL at home!
We’re using IXL to support our math curriculum this year, and your child has access to this
online program at home. With thousands of skills that match what we’re learning, as well
as insights into student progress, IXL is a great resource to help your child excel. Learn with IXL at home!
Media Center Staff
Media Assistant: Brett Barrera
Media Center Phone Number- 301-288-8270
After School Activities
Dear Students & Families,
We are excited to have students extend their days with us to engage in the activities they enjoy most. Please click the link below for activity descriptions, days, locations and activity bus information. If you have questions about the activities offered, please reach out to the sponsor directly for more information.
Here are a few reminders about after school activities:
- Students should report to the cafeteria once they are dismissed for the day. Students should refrain from going outside to the bus loading area if they are staying for an activity.
- Supper will be served in the cafeteria at 3:00 and activities will begin promptly at 3:15.
- Students should remain with their after school sponsors until 4:30.
- After school activities end at 4:30. Activity buses arrive at approximately 4:30. Students who are walkers or car riders will be asked to exit the building at 4:30.
- Students should communicate with their families if they are staying after school for an activity
Middle School Sports Registration
Registraton for middle school athletics will be conducted through the ParentVUE Portal. The ParentVUE online registration portal, available in English and Spanish, incorporates all required paper forms and documents into an internet-based platform that can be accessed using a secure ParentVUE Portal login. Parents/guardians are also able to scan and upload their student's physical, as part of the registraton process.
- Fall registration for coed cross country or boys' and girls' softball opens August 12, 2024, at 12:00 noon.
- Winter registration for boys' or girls' basketball opens October 28, 2024, at 12:00 noon
- Spring registration for boys' or girls' soccer opens January 27, 2025, at 12:00 noon
Participation Requirements
Students should complete their pre-participation physical (MCPS Form SR-8) so that the medical eligibility form (the last page) is ready for online submission via the ParentVue Portal or for email submission to the local school athletic coordinator , prior to tryouts/practices. This form is valid for two years from the date of the exam and covers participation for all sports within that time period.
New Personal Device Policy
Staff Dues
Emergency - please call 911
Montgomery County Crisis Center (24 hours/7 days) 240-777-4000
Homeless & Shelter Services 240-907-2688
Drug Use Crisis Line 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Crisis/Mental Health Resource Sheet. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B3MSV79Yb-vvmUpA5NzqtY9GhJWuUxfX14IJYNhyfWI/edit?usp=sharing
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline-call 988
Montgomery County Hotline (301) 738-2255
Montgomery County Food Resources: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/get-help/food.html
COVID Vaccination/Booster Sites: https://mcgvaccineprod.powerappsportals.us/en-US/covid-vaccine-scheduling/
SSL Opportunities: Virtual - https://bit.ly/SSLOpportunities
Offices and Staff
Principal: Virginia.A.Delossantos@MCPSMD.Net
Assistant Principal: Nakia_L_Sutton@MCPSMD.Net
Assistant Principal: Cynthia.Y.Tran@MCPSMD.NET
Assistant Principal: Jonathan.M.D'Souza@MCPSMD.Net
Administrative Secretary: Dana.R.Lynch@MCPSMD.Net
Front Office and SSL Hours: Smahir.H.Abdelaziz@mcpsmd.net
Financial Secretary (Obligations and Donations): Vanessa.Lizana@MCPSMD.Net
School Phone Number 301-288-8200
Registrar & Counseling Office: Alicia Valdes Alicia.Y.Valdes@MCPSMD.Net
Counseling Office Telephone Number: 301-288-8250
School Teams
6 Grade Team
Team LeaderAnastasia.D.Franklin@MCPSMD.Net
Project Success Team Leader
Nakia.L.Sutton@MCPSMD.Net7 Grade Team
Team Leaders
Cynthia.Y.Tran-Santos@MCPSMD.Net8 Grade Team
Team Leaders
Jonathan.M.D'Souza@MCPSMD.NetSchool Community Liaison