News From Principal Gregory Lamothe
Letter from Principal Lamothe
Hello PRS Wizards,
Students have been excited this week to hear announcement about the leader for the magician. They can't wait to hear the results at our next all school meeting. This week, students have been working hard as we rolled into October. Unit tests have started to happen in the classrooms and we are beginning to roll out our multi tiered system of interventions. These interventions are an integral part of helping all students with closing gaps due to COVID.
Our 4th grade had a lot going on this week with a visit from the Boston Public Library Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center as well as 2 of the classes visited World's End and our last class will visit next week. Students learned about map reading and they also explored and learned from nature in our own backyard.
Commissioner Riley from the Department of Education released 2022 MCAS results on September 29. Results on the spring 2022 MCAS tests were mixed, with math and science scores improving since 2021, and English language arts (ELA) scores declining as seen over the state average. Overall results when compared to pre-pandemic levels show continued need for improvement. Here at Plymouth River we are still diving into the newly released data and will have an update on our overall finding once we have been able to disaggregate the data.
Preschool Screenings
Under federal and state special education regulations, Hingham Public Schools (HPS) has a responsibility to locate, identify, refer, evaluate, and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate, public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Hingham. For this purpose, we offer screenings twice per year, in November and February. Our first screening of the 2022-2023 school year will take place on Thursday, November 3rd at East Elementary School. If you would like your child screened, please call Darcy Greene, Administrative Assistant at 781-741-1570, x4967 or email If you have any questions or concerns, please email Early Childhood Coordinator Elizabeth Costanza, at
Important Information
SCHOOL SUPPLIES - You can order online through Yubbler or purchase on your own. Choose your incoming grade level supply list here
1000 BOOK CLUB - This is a great program for preschool and kindergarten students to check out book bags and read with families!
Kids in Action (KIA) Before and After-School Programs are for Hingham students in grades K-5. Our curriculum focuses on social and emotional development with support in academic skills through play and guidance.
FREE LUNCH FOR ALL - This year, due to Federal Assistance, lunch will be served free of charge. This year, there will also be a breakfast program ( also peanut/tree nut free) for students who wish to partake in that. There will be one “grab and go breakfast” offering daily. Bottles of water are not free and cost $1.00.
VOLUNTEERS - We are happy to have parent volunteers in our school again! As we enter a new school year, all volunteers in the schools (classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, etc.) will require a new CORI check. Forms can be found in the main office or here
Open Houses
Grade K - October 19 @ 5:30
Grade 1 - September 28 @ 5:30
Grade 3 - September 28 @ 5:00
Grade 4 - September 28 @ 6:00
Upcoming Dates
October 2nd - Custodian Appreciation Day
October 5th - 1 / 2 Day
October 5th - Playground Clean-up - 11:30-2:30
October 28th - Boo-Bash
2022/2023 Staff
Administrative Assistants- Suzanne Price, Alisa Zimmerman
School Resource Officer - Officer McGillicuddy /Officer Carr
Nurse - Deb Whiting
Classroom Teachers
K - Amy Maescher, Kim O'Brien, Julianne Riley
1st - Nancy Bucey, Katie Burritt, Janette Harrington
2nd - Cyndi Bonani, Krystal Bilodeau, Michelle Shapiro
3rd - Laura Falvey, Meagan Ottatti, Shawna Reames
4th - Kara Kremer, Maura Talbot, Susan Willison
5th - Julie Harrington, Joan Kilban, Meryl Vella, Shannon Wragg
Art - Alice Caldwell
Computer Science - Rebekah Stahl-Bryant
Library - Mary Dunphy
Music - Dorothy Turner
Phys.Ed.- Mikayla Pagnini
Spanish - Kendelle Ingram
Special Education
Teachers - Colin Butler, Meaghan Gaven, Elizabeth Rubertone, Cassie Pacella, Lauren Smith
School Psychologist- Dr. Brett Bolger
Administrative Assistant - Susan Carey
upport Personnel
Adjustment Counselor - A.C. Decker
School Guidance Counselor - Carolyn St. Laurence
Literacy Specialists - Kati Osterman (K-2nd) and Jennifer Madden (3rd-5th)
Literacy Interventionists - Wendy Kirk and Nicole O'Brien
Math Specialist - Jessica Kitchen
Math Interventionists- Christine Lotano, Letita Reil