Ruhkala News and Updates
Home of the Huskies
Principal Message
Dear Families of Ruhkala Elementary School,
We are excited to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. Whether your student is starting school at Ruhkala with Distance Learning Model 3.0 or with Rocklin Virtual Campus (RVC) we are all in this together. Together we will ensure our student's grow and are cared for socially, emotionally, and academically. Let me thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate a very unique start to a school year. As a parent myself I know that there are many questions that you may have for the safety and educational growth of your children. We are committed to providing answers and information as soon as it becomes available.
Our Ruhkala staff is busy preparing for the return of our Huskies through Distance Learning 3.0. We are also preparing for a hybrid model so we are ready when that is needed. On June 29, 2020, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 98 (SB 98) into law. Though SB 98 is a budget bill, it includes requirements regarding distance learning and in-person instruction, among other topics, for the 2020-2021 school year. Rocklin Unified has used this bill to plan for what instruction will look like. For a brief overview please click here: Senate Bill 98. Details are being finalized around this model at Ruhkala and details will be shared with you as soon as possible.
Please see the information below regarding the following:
a. Class Lists
b. Our Upcoming Schedule
c. Chromebook Distribution
Lastly, I want to say that our Ruhkala Huskies are going to be greatly missed on campus but while we are apart we are committed to continuing to build a sense of community and connectivity for our all of our students. With that in mind, we would like to welcome our new families in both kindergarten and in our other grades! We thank you for entrusting us with your children’s education and will do our best to support both your child and you in these trying times. Go Huskies!
More information to come shortly.
Lara Kikosicki
Ruhkala Elementary School
The data confirmation process for Rocklin Unified School District opened on August 3rd on the parent portal in Aeries. This process is designed to ensure all student demographic and contact information is reviewed and updated each year. Class lists will be posted on Friday, August 7th at 5 pm. You will be able to view your child’s teacher by logging in to the Aeries Parent Portal. Your child’s teacher will be visible once you have completed the data confirmation. The choices (Rocklin Virtual Campus/Distance Learning 3.0) that have been offered by our district have created changes in our staffing. Thank you for your understanding of this as we try to best meet the needs of all of our students and staff. You can access the Aeries Parent Portal at the following email address: If you have forgotten your password please click on the link that is provided on the Aeries screen and you will be guided through a process to recover it or create a new one.
About Us
Location: 6530 Turnstone Way, Rocklin
Phone: (916) 632-6560
Upcoming Events
Please review the timeline below for important information and upcoming events as we close in on the launch of the 2020/2021 school year.
- Data Confirmation : Started Monday, August 3rd
- View Teachers on Aeries: Friday, August 7th after 5:00 p.m. (must complete Data Confirmation to view teacher in Aeries Parent Portal)
- Meet the Teacher: Your child's teacher will contact you with specifics. This event will be held on either Monday, August 10th or Tuesday, August 11th.
- Student Material Exchange: including Chromebook Loan: Days and Times TB. Over the course of this week, we will be sending out additional updates regarding the plan for picking up materials and curriculum for your students in a way that ensures we are honoring social distancing and health guidelines that have been set.
Chromebook Distribution to Those in Need
We are compiling a list of students who would like to request a loaner Chromebook to start the 20/21 school year. We are determining our plan for distribution and will send it out to relevant families. Please click on this link if you are interested in loaning a Chromebook for your child. Please fill this form in by Thursday, August 6th.
* Note: We are collecting information for our RVC students but the process for checking out devices to these students is still being decided. More information will be coming as soon as possible.
Stay tuned for more information. We will communicate ASAP.