SPS Weekly Newsletter

In This Edition of the SPS Weekly Newsletter...
This week's header photo features the Stoughton High seniors Monday morning before they left SHS to walk down to the O'Donnell Middle School and then head to their elementary schools for the annual Senior Walk! More pictures from the Senior Walk are further down in this newsletter.
From the Desk of the Superintendent
You may have heard the saying “all gave some, some gave all” when expressing gratitude for the sacrifices our veterans have made. On Memorial Day, which is this Monday, May 27, we remember those who “gave all” and didn’t return home, making the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. The service members we honor on Memorial Day are the reason we enjoy the freedoms we have today. I’ll be reflecting on that this weekend.
Stoughton has many Memorial Day events, including reflagging veterans’ graves on Saturday, the annual parade on Monday (which features the SHS Marching Black Knights), and the dedication of two memorial squares on Monday. More details can be found on page 8 of this week’s Town Crier.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend with family and friends and spend some time thinking about the meaning of Memorial Day. After we return from the three-day weekend, we start the final few weeks of the school year with many end of the year events and celebrations coming up.
Enjoy the weekend.
Joseph F. Baeta, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Stoughton Public Schools
No School on Memorial Day
All schools and the district office are closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 for Memorial Day. We will see you back in school on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
New Elementary School Building Project Forums
There were two community forums this week to provide the latest updates about the new elementary school building project and answer questions from community members ahead of the June 11th special election for the project. If you missed either of these forums, click on the buttons below to watch them and to view the slideshow presentation. Building Committee chair T.J. Recupero and Dr. Baeta also filmed a program about the project on SMAC this week, which is available for viewing.
Additionally, if you visit the the project website, there is a tax calculator where you can see your estimated tax impact for the project.
Stoughton High Senior Walk
One of the highlights from this past week was undoubtedly the annual Stoughton High Senior Walk! Seniors, dressed in their caps and gowns, walked down to the O'Donnell Middle School Monday morning and spent some time there before boarding buses to visit their elementary schools. It was a chance for the seniors to see their former teachers (as well as the current students who cheered them on) as they marched through the halls one last time before graduating from the Stoughton Public Schools! Here are a few photos from each school posted below. Many, many more photos have been/will be shared on the Stoughton Public Schools Facebook page!
O'Donnell Middle School photos by Nikki Soncrant and Suzanne Jolley of Aperture and Art and Jeffrey Pickette/SPS
Dawe School photos by Carolyn Curtis-Mahoney
Gibbons School photos by Britney Ricci of Britney Marie Photography
Hansen School photos by Nikki Soncrant of Aperture and Art
South School photos by Suzanne Jolley of Aperture and Art
Wilkins School photos by Jeffrey Pickette
SHS Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
The Stoughton High Athletic Hall of Fame recently held an induction ceremony honoring the following Stoughton High graduates/coaches:
- Mark Kwedor, Class of 1968 (football, basketball, baseball)
- Joe Pascarelli, Class of 1969 (football, basketball)
- Pat LaCivita, Class of 1980 (basketball, football)
- Mark Gomes, Class of 1988 (cross country, indoor and outdoor track)
- Jay McNamara, Class of 1997 (football, track)
- Charmaine Steele Jordan, Class of 2001 (basketball)
- Don Edmonston, Coach (basketball)
Congratulations to the newest group of SHS Athletic Hall of Famers!
SHS boys hockey coach Dan Mark, a SHS Athletic Hall of Fame inductee and a Hall of Fame committee member, served as emcee for the evening and presented each inductee with their plaque. The photo above is courtesy of Hall of Fame committee member John Carabatsos.
School Bus Registration Period for 2024-2025 is Now Open
Bus Registration for the 2024-2025 school year opened on Monday, May 20 and goes through Friday, June 28. This year the bus application is located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal under Forms. Please click on the button below for more information and instructions on how to register:
If you have questions about logging into the parent portal, please contact your child's school.
If you have any other questions, please send them to transportation@stoughtonschools.org.
Bilingual Bus Registration Night
The SPS English Language Education (ELE) Department and English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) is holding a bilingual bus registration night on Tuesday, May 28 from 6-8pm at Stoughton High. Interpreters will be available to assist bilingual families with the bus registration process.
School Committee Meeting on May 28th
The Stoughton School Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 in the conference room at the SPS District Office, 31 Pierce St. The public portion of the meeting starts at 7pm. At 7pm, there will be a school choice public hearing. An agenda for the meeting can be found here.
Stoughton is First in Music T-Shirts
Party All Night Long Team Looking for Volunteers
Party All Night Long (PANL), the annual post graduation event for the newest Stoughton High graduates, is looking for volunteers! The PANL team is looking for non-senior parents, alumni, and community members to help set up, clean up, or work the event. There are plenty of different shifts and tasks available. Click here to see how you can help.
PANL takes place the night of graduation at the O'Donnell Middle School (Thursday, June 6 starting at 11pm and ending at 5am on Friday, June 7). This is a night full of fun and a chance to celebrate graduating in a safe, supervised environment.
SMAC Looking for Participants for Talent Show
We know our students have lots of talent! Dave Walsh is putting together a talent show on SMAC and is looking for participants. If you would like to be part of the show, email info@stoughtontv.com. See the flyer below for more details.
Save the Date - Juneteenth Celebration in Stoughton
The following is a message from the Stoughton Equal Opportunity Commission (SEOC) and Juneteenth Committee:
Come join us at this year's 2024 Juneteenth celebration focusing on our Veterans, The Tuskegee Airmen!
We have a (live!!!) performer and former finalist of NBC's "The Voice", Michelle Brooks-Thompson, to give a special performance here in our hometown at the Stoughton High School.
There will be a tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen and their contributions to the United States.
In addition, there will be educational breakout sessions by financial consultants on retirement planning and first-time home buyer’s advisors; as well as youth activities for ages under 12.
Food and drinks will be offered through the services of food trucks and vendors.
Let's celebrate 2024 Juneteenth and honor those who sacrificed for us!
More information can be found on the flyers below:
Important Links
Make Sure Your Student's Emergency Contact Info & Health Info is Up to Date
Another friendly reminder that with the school year underway, we want to make sure we have accurate and updated emergency contact information and health information for your child. Please log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, click on the forms link in the left navigation menu and update any information that is not accurate in the two forms - Current Student Information/Emergency Form and Current Student Health Information. When you have updated the information, please click on submit at the bottom of each of the forms. If your child's information is accurate, please click on submit at the bottom of each form to indicate that you have reviewed the data and it is accurate.
Follow Us on Social Media!
For updates throughout the week, be sure to follow Stoughton Public Schools on social media: