Northridge High School Update
January 31st, 2024

- First Day of School for the 2024-2025 School Year: August 20th
- 2024 - 2025 School Calendar
- Final Forms update/verification is now due!
- Sign up for Parent Square is now due!
- Thursday, August 29th - PICTURE DAY
- Monday, September 2nd - NO SCHOOL!!
Parent Square App
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
Please follow the letter sent to you from the Northridge school district!! It looks like the letter below!!! Or go to the Northridge School website and Parent Forms instructions are there. :)
If you have not done so yet, please follow the FINALFORMS email you were sent from the district to update contact information/emergency information on your child/children. We are using Final Forms, our new Northridge registration/information system, in order to organize this important information.
Our Busy School
Focus and Attention
We are working hard to try to develop the skill of Focus and Attention at NHS. Our teachers are using collaborative skills and networking with students in hopes to increase academic successes with our students. We actively utilize our Connect period to work EXTRA with your children and provide possible extensions to lessons in the classroom. Our Building Leadership Team have designed a student survey that we give weekly to analyze what teaching strategies the students think are most effective and what barriers they have to focused learning opportunities. We will utilize this data to create better designed instructional plans for our students.
- We are excited to announce that we will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch to all students district-wide regardless of their free or reduced lunch status! This is a very exciting opportunity for the families of Northridge. We still need all families to fill out the free/reduced application not only to make this program a success, but because it also affects other funding for our school.
- We will be stationed right inside the middle school doors each morning, as well as at both entrances of the high school for breakfast. The students will have an opportunity to grab their breakfast items and take items with them to their classrooms. Elementary students will come to the cafeteria as they arrive at school each morning and have breakfast in the cafeteria.
- Northridge Café will continue to be a cashless system this year. We will not be accepting cash. We will accept checks through the lunch line but parents are encouraged to visit our website and take the time to register your child on payschoolscentral.com. This allows you to take advantage of adding money to their lunch accounts electronically, and also completing the Free/Reduced lunch application. There is a link to this site on the Northridge Schools website. You will need your child’s student ID number to get started. This number can be found on their schedule. Students will only need money on their accounts for snacks, drinks and extras.
- If your child has any special dietary allergies or concerns, we MUST receive documentation from your child’s doctor and have it on file with the school nurse in order to be able to make substitutions to our menu. There will be a form available upon request that can be provided to the doctor and returned to the school.
- Once you have added money to your child’s account, please allow up to 24 hours for the funds to be available to your child. Please do not expect money to be available as soon as you add funds to their account. Check their accounts regularly. You are also able to set up a feature for auto-replenish and to receive low-balance notices.
- Our lunch menu can be accessed here
- Free/Reduced lunch applications will be available at each school office but we encourage you to use the Northridge website and apply online from the link.
- Snacks, drinks, and extras are available to purchase, and the cost ranges between $1.25-$2.25. These items can not be charged. Money must be available on a student's account to be able to purchase these items.
- If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me email or phone. My email address is: clewis1@laca.org, office number is (740) 966-3275
SENIOR CLASS STUDENT COUNCIL - Ben Aamodt, Sophia BeVier, Kaylee Goodwin, Laney Higgins, Samantha Humphrey, Lyla Stockberger, Kayla Vance
JUNIOR CLASS STUDENT COUNCIL - Ruby Cermak, Wes Chizmar, Ben Hilton, Kam Lowry, & Riley Wheeler
SOPHOMORE CLASS STUDENT COUNCIL - Colton Isler, Ella Bird, Emmaretta Thompson, Brant Stockberger, & Montgomery Adkins.
FRESHMAN CLASS STUDENT COUNCIL - Declan Brannigan, Caylin Bingham, Peyton Ward, Kara Hook, Avery Suver
Mobile Hotspot
Need a mobile hotspot?
Licking County Library has more than great books! From board games and musical instruments to mobile hotspots and tablets, we can jumpstart your next hobby and pursue your interests. Their array of unique lending materials is listed here!
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.