The Tiger Times
November 2024

🍎 From the Principal 🚌
Dear Mohawk Families,
Now that conferences are behind us, we can look forward to the holiday season! This is a special time when we reflect on the past year and are grateful for the things we have. I am thankful for being the principal of this amazing school! Working collaboratively with you, Mohawk is a GREAT place to be!
Tuesday, November 5th is election day and will be a professional learning day for teachers. Students will not have school. During this time, staff will be learning about explicit instruction and how to best meet the needs of every learner. They will also be working with our new science program called Prime, to create engaging science lessons. Each day, our hard working teachers look for ways to grow and learn in order to bring the best educational strategies to our students.
Now that we have a beautiful new gym floor, we would like to give our gym to have a fresh coat of paint. Since gorilla's are Mr. Middleton's favorite animal, our first fundraising event will be the gorilla sale. Please check out the flyer below for more information. It will take place the week of November 11th.
We also have numerous activities happening during the month of November such as the Food Drive Reading Carnival, Picture Retakes, and many more so please check out the entire Smore!
A special THANK YOU for all you do to support your child’s education.
~ Enjoy this season of Thanks & Giving with your family and friends.
Sincerely Grateful,
Ms. Andrea Verellen
Saturday, Nov. 2nd
*Reading Carnival-MISD 10am-2pm
Tuesday, Nov. 5th
No School-Election Day/Staff Professional Development
*PTOs Buddy's Restaurant Night 11am-9pm
Wednesday, Nov. 6th
Picture Retake Day
Friday, Nov. 8th
3rd Grade Field Trip-Troy Historical Museum
Monday, Nov. 11th
Cinderella Field Trip-1st/2nd/3rd Grades
*Canned Food Drive Begins (More Info below)
*Gorilla Sale Begins (More info below)
Tuesday, Nov. 12th
PTO Meeting-7:00pm
Wednesday, Nov. 13th
4th Grade Field Trip-Lansing
Friday, Nov. 15th
*Be-YOU-tiful Workshop registrations ends (5th gr. girls)
Monday, Nov. 18th
PTO Build A Buddy
Thursday, Nov. 21st
*AI Webinar 6:30-7:30pm
November 27th-29th
Thanksgiving Break
December 2nd-4th
Santa Shop (Sign-Up Below)
Monday, December 2nd
Report Cards in Parent Portal
Be-You-tiful Workshop 3:40-5:55pm
*See the flyer below for more details
Order Your 24-25 Yearbook Today!
5th Grade Girls-Registration Due 11/20
Canned Food Drive 11/11
Coming Soon! 11/11
Celebrating Birthdays 🎂
Students arriving after 8:55am will be marked tardy and must be signed in at the office by a parent.
Early Dismissal
Early dismissals will NOT happen after 3:30pm.
Students who arrive late but before 9:55am are marked tardy. Arrivals after 9:55am but before the PM session, 12:32pm, will be marked absent for the AM only. A student will be marked absent in the PM only if they leave before 2:00pm. Dismissals after 2:00pm are recorded as a tardy/leave early.
Attendance Letters
Attendance letters are sent to students according to the number of days they are absence:
10+ absences=Letter #1
15+ absences=Letter #2
20+ absences=Letter #3
Having a documented medical excuse will determine whether the absence is excused or not excused.
School administration will decide when it is an appropriate time to file for truancy. This is traditional done after there have been at least two parent contacts made by the building.
Parent Portal
Keeping Your Child at Home
Contact Our Health Aide
Debbie Wasilewski (586)723-6220
Lunch Doubles
SACC is available before school at 6:45am-8:55am and after school (3:39pm) until 6:00pm. Please contact our SACC office for any questions you might have 586-723-6233 You must be signed up for SACC to use the service. Register online at https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/for-parents/sacc/
Executive Board Members 2024-25
President: Ashleigh Balsamo
Vice President: Jill Talant
Treasurer: Mariel Allor
Secretary: Stephanie Burkart
Room Parent Coordinator K-2: Nicole Rowley
Room Parent Coordinator 3-5: Amber Clark
Social Committee Chairs: Traci Bowan & Ashley Fruciano
Historian: Julie Hasse
PTO Website
PTO Facebook Page
PTO Meetings
Meetings will take place in the media center. Childcare will be provided. ALL parents are welcome!
Tuesday, November 12th-7:00pm
Monday, January 13th-4:00pm
Tuesday, February 11th-7:00pm
Monday, March 17th-4:00pm
Tuesday, April 15th-7:00pm
Monday, May 12th-4:00pm