EMS Weekly Update
September 23, 2024
Important Information
Monday, September 23rd will be a B day.
Picture day is Tuesday, September 24th during Science classes. Order forms were sent home last week during homeroom or you can access the online ordering using the information in the picture to the left.
Score reports from the Spring 2024 MCAP state testing will be distributed this week during science class. Please be on the lookout for these by the end of the week. Linked here is a parent guide to understand the reports.
Online Emergency Information Update Messaging: Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact The Department of Student Services at 301-475-5511 ext.32150.
Important - Afternoon Car Riders
Parents who park in the afternoon car rider line, please ensure you pull as close to the curb as possible. Buses turning into the parking lot have difficulties when vehicles are not as close as possible to the curb. See the picture as a reference. Thank you!
After School Activities
All after-school activities end at 3:30 pm. Two or more late pickups will result in removal from after-school activities.
Monday - Wiffle Ball and Tennis
Tuesday - Symphonic Band, Field Hockey, and Running Club
Wednesday - Honors Chorus, Jazz Band, Wiffle Ball, and Tennis
Thursday - Civil Air Patrol, Field Hockey, and Running Club
Friday - None
Upcoming Events
SMCPS Event - On October 10, 2024, Frank Kros will present, ‘A New View of ADHD for Parents: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why’ from 6 pm- 8 pm at the Forrest Career & Technology Center, Dohrman A. The workshop is free but registration is required via email to parnersforsucess@smcps.org
EMS Spring Musical - Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr.
MOD Pizza Fundraiser for EMS MTSS
Eat at MOD Pizza to support the EMS MTSS (Multi-Teared System of Supports) team. The MTSS team will use the funds to reward positive student behavior and academic success. Mention and show them the flyer below or use code MODGIVES20 when ordering online at modpizza.com or with the MOD app!
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 10:30 AM
MOD Pizza, Saint Andrews Church Road, California, MD, USA
7th Grade Dance
This dance will take place right after school for 7th-grade students ONLY; students must be picked up at 4:00 p.m. Parents will not need to come inside to pick up students. Students will be released to the parking lot at 4:00 p.m. to go home. The permission slip to attend the dance will be in the October 6th SMORE and available in the cafeteria starting Monday, October 7th. The cost to attend the dance is $5.00. Students must have their $5.00 and signed permission slip during homeroom on Friday, October 11th, to get their dance wristband. No dance wristbands will be sold after homeroom, and no students can call home to get permission to attend the dance.
Friday, Oct 11, 2024, 02:00 PM
Esperanza Middle School, Maple Road, Lexington Park, MD, USA
8th Grade Dance
This dance will take place right after school for 8th-grade students ONLY; students must be picked up at 4:00 p.m. Parents will not need to come inside to pick up students. Students will be released to the parking lot at 4:00 p.m. to go home. The permission slip to attend the dance will be in the November 10th SMORE and available in the cafeteria starting Tuesday, November 12th. The cost to attend the dance is $5.00. Students must have their $5.00 and signed permission slip during homeroom on Friday, November 15th , to get their dance wristband. No dance wristbands will be sold after homeroom, and no students can call home to get permission to attend the dance.
Friday, Nov 15, 2024, 02:00 PM
Esperanza Middle School, Maple Road, Lexington Park, MD, USA
EMS Staff Member of the Month Nomination Form
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card!
If you shop at Harris Teeter, please link your VIC card online or tell your cashier during your checkout that you want to link to the Esperanza Middle School account. The account number is 4621. Once the account number is linked, every time you shop 5% of your Harris Teeter brand purchases will be contributed by Harris Teeter to the Esperanza account. It is that easy!
SMCPS Student Mental Health & Wellness
Student Lunch Accounts
Esperanza Middle School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/ems/
Location: 22790 Maple Road, Lexington Park, MD, USA
Phone: 301(863)4016
Twitter: @ems_smcps