EJMS Jaguar Weekly Sept.30 - Oct. 4
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
I hope everyone is safe and surviving the wind and rain from the weekend. I know many of our families were without power at some point this weekend, but I hope you are coming out of the storm with little to no impact. We are heading into October and the last week before Fall Break.
The NTI day on Friday is not what anyone was expecting, but I hope the focus on work ethic paid off around the house if your child chose to clean their room or complete a task around the house. There is a different attribute that we focus on in our arts classes each month for graduate profile. I would encourage you to ask about what aspects they are retaining from this work. For the remaining NTI days 2-10 we plan to send a packet with all students during the week of November 6th.
Checking out Chromebook for Missing Work/Homework
This information was already set to go out this week, but after the NTI day it is even more timely information. Since students do not bring their Chromebooks home this year, we have developed a way for them to check out a device to keep at home during the week. Here is how the process works. If you or your child are concerned about missing work or need the device to continue working on classwork at home then the parent will contact the teacher (either Homeroom teacher or one of the teachers whose class has missing work), the teacher will contact Mrs. Graham (our School Technology Coordinator), and Mrs. Graham will issue the device at the end of the day before your child leaves school (within the next school day). She will have the student sign this Chromebook Contract for Missing Work and issue a Chromebook and charger in a protective sleeve. The device will initially be issued with a two night limit unless an extension is requested by the parent and approved by the school. All devices will be able to be checked out for up to five days (Monday-Friday), but must be returned to Mrs. Graham during Homeroom on Friday regardless of when it was checked out originally or it will be locked.
Our first dance sponsored by PTO will be on Friday, November 8th from 6:00-8:00. In order for students to be eligible to attend dances and field trips they must have at least 4 out of 5 points and all school fees (including previous outstanding balances) must be paid in full.
A note about afternoon Pick Up in the car line:
Due to safety concerns we will not allow students to cross into the parking lot until all cars have moved through the car line (approximately 4:15). We encourage all parents to get in line for pickup and use the system we have in place. If you still choose to pick your child up from the parking lot please know that they will not be released until all traffic is clear from the car line pickup area. If you have an emergency or unusual circumstance you will need to get out of the car and walk to the front of the school to escort your child to the car.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, September 30th - 7th grade Charleston parent meeting at 5:30, 6th grade camp meeting at 6:15 (both held in the library)
Wednesday, October 2nd - Custodian Appreciation Day
Thursday, October 3rd - Snowie Ice (fundraiser for 7th grade Charleston field trip)
Thursday, October 3rd - Band and Choir concert in gym
Fall Break October 5-13
Staff Shoutouts
Before we head into fall break, take a moment to shout out one of our incredible staff members at EJMS. Who has made this year amazing for your student so far? Your kind words are always appreciated. Thanks for all that you do to keep our school community strong!
Order your EJMS Unity T-Shirt! - EJMS Unity Day Shirt Order (https://inkcave.com/pro.../ejms-kindness-unity-tee-ejms-135/)
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2024 is Unity Day!! On this day we like to proudly wear our ORANGE together as a school community to send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying.
Directions: To order your EJMS Unity Day t-shirt follow the link above, and make sure you put your student's name and homeroom teacher in the "Notes" section when completing your order. Shirts will be delivered to your student the day before (10/15), so it's ready to go on Wednesday, October 16th! Parents, feel free to order one for yourself, as well, and join us in the good cause! Get yours soon, because order cutoff will be THIS Tuesday, October 1st at 9:00 PM.
EJMS Athletics
Way to go 6th grade Girls' Basketball champions! Here they are after their win against Boyle County heading to the Salt River Conference Championship where they were the runners-up pf the tournament!
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon. Sept. 30
β 5:30 7th grade Parent Meeting for Charleston Trip
π 6:00 6th grade Boys Basketball Tryouts
βΊ 6:15 6th grade Parent Meeting for Camp Kentahten Trip
Tues. Oct. 1
Wed. Oct. 2
π 4:15 Beta Club meeting - all members
π 5:15 Beta Convention Parent Meeting
πΊπΈ 6:15 8th grade Washington DC Student Travelers Meeting
Thurs. Oct. 3
During School - Snowie Ice fundraiser for 7th grade Charleston trip
π Cross Country Salt River Conference @ Harrodsburg
πΆ 6:00 Band and Choir Fall Concert
Fri. Oct. 4
Upcoming and Ongoing
Oct. 7 - 11 Fall Break - No School
Oct. 15 - School Picture Day
Oct. 15 - 5:30 - 7:00 Celebration of Families (new date and time)
Oct. 16 - Unity Day (wear your orange)
Nov. 8 - School Dance
Pcture Day is Coming!
Community Opportunities
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto