Eastview Update
Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year
A Message From The Principal
Eastview Families,
Welcome back to another school year! We hope you’ve had a relaxing and enjoyable summer! Our staff has been working hard to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to welcome students back to school in just a few weeks! Thank you in advance for your support of our Eastview family; we are confident that your child will have a positive experience with us. I will be communicating this year through a monthly newsletter that will keep everyone up to date on what is going on at Eastview. If you ever need anything, have questions, or want to talk, please reach out to me.
Enjoy these last few weeks of summer! We cannot wait to see you soon!
Jamie Franko
Principal, Eastview
Thank You PTA
I wanted to send a quick thank you the the PTA for their generous donation last year. With the money donated, we were able to purchase all new benches near the main entrance and brand new bike rikes for the students to use. Thank you for always supporting the staff and students.
Staffing Updates
Ms. Schrift is coming over from Redwood and will be teaching Kindergarten.
Mrs. Delotel is coming over to us from Erieview and she will be joining our 3rd Grade team.
Mrs. Roof is moving from 2nd Grade to 3rd Grade.
Mrs. McGraw will be teaching Art this year.
Mrs. Eckert will be at Learwood most of the day and at Eastview at the end of the day.
Regular Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Student Drop Off-8:35 am
School Starts-8:50 am
Car Riders Dismissed-3:20 pm
Walkers Dismissed-3:20 pm
Bus Riders Dismissed-3:25 pm (when buses arrive)
Class Lists
To view your student’s classroom teacher for the 2024/2025 school year, please log into your student’s PowerSchool account on or anytime after August 12th. The teacher is listed under the homeroom tab. These lists are final and there will be no changes made prior to the start of school.
Car Rider Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Open House/Supply Drop Off K-4
We will have a supply drop off for Open House on Monday, August 19 from 3:30-5:30 pm. We will have staff members throughout the building to help the students find their classrooms.
Grades K-4 3:30-5:30 pm
Main Office Information
Sign- Out
To ensure the safety and security of our students at Eastview Elementary we ask that if you are picking your child up early from school, you bring your identification card to the office when signing your child out. Our office staff will ask you to identify yourself and hold your ID card up to the window for verification. This will help us ensure you are a safe adult for one of our children. While we understand this procedure can be frustrating, especially if you have to go back to your car for your identification, we are doing this to keep everyone safe and secure. Thank you in advance for cooperating with this very important procedure.
Tardy Sign-in & Dropping Off Items
To promote safety, we will be limiting guests entering our Main Office areas. Therefore, parents needing to drop off items at the school will be doing so within the double door vestibule areas, where a table will be set up to leave the marked item(s) example: lunchbox. This table will also have a sign-in area if your child were to arrive late due to a given reason. Guests can always push the buzzer to ask questions with the office personnel.
Reporting Procedure for Absence
When students are absent, parents/guardians are requested to call the Attendance Line (440) 930-8294 before 9:00 am on the day of the absence. The following information must be provided when reporting an absence. (Email should not be used to report student absences)
· Student name
· Date of absence
· Teacher’s name
· Reason for absence
Students who arrive tardy to school are to report directly to the office with a parent or adult. No student should go to class without reporting to the office first. Parents are asked to send a signed note with the child upon return from an absence. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day (440) 930-8294
Supply Lists
PBIS-Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
SAIL is an acronym we use in conjunction with the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) Model. The main focus of PBIS is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at school. Through PBIS we work together to create and maintain a productive and safe environment in which all school community members clearly understand the shared expectations for behavior. Through positive recognition and continual teaching of expectations, students experience academic and social growth.
Define Behavioral Expectations - A small number of behavioral expectations are positively stated and clearly defined.
Teach Behavioral Expectations - The behavioral expectations are taught to all students in a real context. Behavioral expectations are taught using the same teaching methods used in academic curriculum (Teach, Model, and Practice).
Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior - Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught they will be acknowledged on a regular basis. Eastview Elementary School has developed a system that acknowledges expected behavior using building wide PBIS Rewards.
Correct Behavior Errors - When students violate behavioral expectations they are informed that their behavior is unacceptable. Clear procedures are used to direct students to appropriate behavior.
2024-2025 Student Homeroom Teacher Information
Birthday Treats
Due to the increased number of potentially severe food allergies (peanut, tree nut, eggs, seeds, gluten, sugar, dairy etc.) our elementary schools have adopted a "non-edible" birthday treat policy. This means that all birthday treats that are brought into school must be non-food items. Some examples of acceptable non-edible treats include: pencils, stickers, temporary tattoos, erasers, silly bands, or any other similar item. We still want to celebrate this important day in your child's life; we just want to do it in a manner that all children can participate in.
3rd & 4th Grade SOAR
Criteria for entrance into SOAR, the districts elementary Gifted program includes a score at the 95th percentile or higher in Math and/or Reading on the MAPs beginning in Grade 2, in addition to a cognitive score of 124 or higher. Service is guided by a Written Education Plan (WEP). Students will participate in a once-weekly full-day pullout immersion program which includes standards-based enrichment in all content areas, opportunities to participate in competitions, development of critical thinking skills, and county-wide enrichment programs. If you have any questions please contact Kristen Morris at kristen.morris@avonlakecityschools.org
Athletic Tickets
PTA Update
Membership: The PTA is looking forward to a fun-filled school year! We encourage all Eastview families to join the PTA as it is a wonderful organization that helps support the success of our school community. Below is a link to join:
Ice Cream Social: The PTA will be hosting a back-to-school Ice Cream social during Supply Drop-off. Please visit us behind the school to grab an ice cream treat and to visit with fellow Eastview families! This is a great opportunity for students to see old friends, and make some new ones!
Committee Openings: We are so eager to continue all of the wonderful Eastview traditions like Carnival, Field Day, and 4th Grade Recognition! In order to make this happen, we are asking for help with various committees. By being on a committee you are only volunteering to assist with that initiative. There is no obligation to attend meetings or help outside of that committee. Committees with current openings are as follows.
- Board of Education Rep
- Book Bingo
- Community Service
- Field Day
- Fourth Grade Recognition
- Halloween Hoopla
If you are interested, or would like more information, please email Jessica Springer at jessica.springer1231@gmail.com
Upcoming Events:
8/19 - Ice Cream Social
8/27 - Fall Mum Sales Begin
9/2 - No School (Labor Day)
9/10 - PTA Meeting (Avon Lake Public Library, 9:30am)
9/10 - Fall Mum Sale Ends
9/21- Homecoming Parade
9/25 - Early Release
10/5 - Mum Pick-Up
PTA Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Jessica Springer (jessica.springer1231@gmail.com) with any questions you might have.