Lake Worth Middle School Newsletter
September 2024
Brief Message From Principal Taylor
We had a wonderful month of September. If you haven't heard already, our theme for this school year is "Go for the Gold"! We are working to instill a "Champion Mindset" in all of our Warriors. We believe with your support, we can achieve our goals! Please take a moment and checkout all the great things that occurred last month and upcoming events. Thank you for being a valuable stakeholder in our Warrior Community!
"Go for the Gold"🥇
~Mrs. Taylor
Warrior Way reminders
Lake Worth Middle School families,
The Warrior Way is a core set of values not exclusive to our campus grounds. Students adopt these characteristics as their own and carry with them wherever they are. It is important to remind our students that they represent more than themselves, they represent our school and community. Our faculty and staff model the Warrior Way for our students every day at Lake Worth Middle, and as a partner in education, I want to share our campus-wide expectations with you:
Responsibility: Students should take ownership of their actions, complete tasks on time, and be accountable for their behavior.
Respect: We encourage students to show respect toward peers, teachers, community members, and public and private property.
Safety: Safety is our priority. We ask students to always be mindful of their surroundings, make good choices, and follow safety guidelines wherever they go.
Goal Setting: We want our students to aim high and set personal and academic goals. By being focused and motivated, they can achieve great things.
This belief system extends beyond the bounds of our campus. We, as a school community, must show respect for our neighbors, local businesses, and community partners. Based on some concerns and feedback I’ve heard from the community around our school, I want to amplify the importance of appropriate arrival and dismissal procedures.
Families, I must stress the importance of staying in the designated car lines for both arrival and dismissal. Please do not use any adjacent private property or local business parking lots as a place to drop off or pick up your student. This helps us keep traffic flowing smoothly and supports the safety of all students. Please refrain from parking in the parking lots of businesses, especially along Barnette Drive and North Detroit Street. These spots are for customers and employees and using their spots for school parking disrupts their operations.
We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines. By working together, we can maintain safety for everyone and be good neighbors. If you have any questions, please contact the front office at 561-540-5500. Thank you for your continued support of Lake Worth Middle School.
📆 Upcoming Events
Hakuna Matata Field Trip- 30 Selected students (Science Grades 6th through 8th 8)
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024, 09:00 AM
Fall Holiday- NO SCHOOL
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 09:30 AM
Lake Worth Middle School, Barnett Drive, Lake Worth Beach, FL, USA
Hispanic Heritage Month Spirit Week
Monday, Oct 7, 2024, 09:30 AM
Lake Worth Middle School, Barnett Drive, Lake Worth Beach, FL, USA
Picture Day
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, 09:30 AM
Lake Worth Middle School, Barnett Drive, Lake Worth Beach, FL, USA
6th Grade Field Trip - Norton Museum - (Part 1)
Friday, Oct 11, 2024, 09:00 AM
SAC Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, 06:00 PM
Lake Worth Middle School, Barnett Drive, Lake Worth Beach, FL, USA
7th Grade Field Trip- Palm Beach Zoo (Part 1)
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, 09:00 AM
7th Grade Field Trip- Palm Beach Zoo (Part 2)
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 09:00 AM
6th Grade Field Trip - Norton Museum (Part 2)
Friday, Oct 18, 2024, 09:00 AM
Welcome to the Warrior Family!
I am excited to announce that Mrs. Laurore has joined our Lake Worth Middle family as our new Guidance Counselor.
Please join me in giving her a warm welcome as she transitions into her new role. I am confident that she will be a valuable addition to our team, and I look forward to the positive impact she will make on our students and school community.
Let’s make her feel at home here at Lake Worth Middle!
😎 Great Moments from the Month
🎮 Prisms Virtual Reality Meets 6th grade science!
Teamwork at its Best!
Mrs. J. Thomas is having too much fun!
Mrs. Del a Torre's class trying out the VR headsets
🥼Highlights from the Bio Medical Academy trip to FAU
AVID Students engaged in an "In House" field trip. Kudos to our AVID Team!
➗Math Academic Games Season Recap
After years of not participating, Mr. Galicia took on the challenge of coaching our Academic Games teams. Our students placed 8th place out of 13 middle schools. Naeem Areej was our top student with 35 points. "I had so much fun working with this group of students. We have some of the best students in the district, and they are willing to take on any challenge and work together to succeed" ~ Mr. Galicia.
The ranks are as follows:
1. Bak MSOA BAK 203
2. West Boynton Middle WBM 192
3. Polo Park Middle PPM 187
4. Don Estridge High Tech DEH 170
5. Western Pines Middle WPM 163
6. Conniston Middle CON 161
7. Emerald Cove Middle ECM 160
8. Lake Worth Middle LWM 151
9. Palm Springs Middle PSM 150
10. Eagles Landing Middle ELM 146
11. Watson B. Duncan Middle WBD 139
12. Christa McAuliffe Middle CMC 136
13. Carver Middle CAR 127
It only gets better from here!
PBSC Partners with our AVID Program
Sharing College Paraphernalia and Swag for our AVID students
Mr. Bjorkland's class gets engaged!
Students are working hard on their graphing lab in 8th grade science!
Gummy Bear Osmosis
Students are engaged in an interactive lab in Ms. Senatus' class!
Culinary is off to a great start!
Mr. Bernas is creating systems and laying a foundation for our upcoming chefs!
Our Math Games Team is On their way!
Kudos for Mr. Galicia for coaching our Math Academic Games team. They engaged in their first practice competition!
Kudos to the Science Department!
Students were caught engaging in in hands on learning all week in our science classrooms!
🏫 SAC Updates (School Advisory Council)
Congratulations to the new Board!
Thank you to everyone who attended our first SAC meeting. Our new SAC officers are:
Chair- Mr. Lawrence Gordan (Parent)
Vice Chair- Ms. Emily Jodko
Treasurer- Ms. Vickie Burnett
Secretary- Dr. April Leach
Thank you to Dr. Golf for service as the Chair for the last year! Also Kudos to Ms. WaWa and Mr. Tobar for providing translations for our families. All teachers, staff, parents, and students are invited and encouraged to attend SAC meetings each month.
Our next SAC Meeting will be on October 15 at 6pm in the Media Center.
🏀 Updates From Athletics ⚽
🎓 AVID Updates
Our AVID students are dressing for success with the support of staff members! 🌟✨ Embracing the power of professionalism, confidence, and ambition. Let's show the world our commitment to our futures! #DressForSuccess #AVIDWarriors
✅ Important Reminders
All students enrolled in PE are required to have the Lake Worth Middle uniform or a similar alternative.
Payments can be made in cash or by check payable to the school. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child's instructor via email or a written letter.
Shots and Physicals are Required
Required Immunizations
P-5.06 (B) and F.S. 1003.22 (4)
Students entering kindergarten, seventh grade, or registering for school in Palm Beach County for the first time must receive vaccinations and provide a Florida SHOTS Certification of Immunization Form (DH 680) to the school upon registration. A Florida SHOTS Certification of Immunization Form DH 680 indicating compliance with the current required schedule of immunizations must be presented prior to admittance and/or attendance at school.
A Certificate of Religious Exemption form DH 681 can only be obtained from the Florida Department of Health (Palm Beach County Health Department) and can be presented to the school if the student is seeking exemption on religious grounds. Students who are homeless, transfers, or entering juvenile justice may be eligible for a 30-day exemption. See FAC64D-3.046(4).
Vaccinations for students entering kindergarten or any grade as a new student in the County:
- Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP/DT Series) – Four of five doses. If the fourth dose is prior to the fourth birthday, a fifth dose of DTaP/DT vaccine is required.
- Hepatitis B (Hep B Series) – Two-dose (age 11-15) or a three-dose series.
- Polio (OPV or IPV) – Four doses (the last one after age 4). If the fourth dose is prior to the fourth birthday, a fifth dose of OPV or IPV vaccine is required for entry into kindergarten.
- Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) – Two doses.
- Varicella – Two doses or a provider verification of Chickenpox/Varicella disease history Form DH680.
In addition to the K-12 vaccines, students entering seventh grade must have:
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis booster (Tdap) – One Dose
If a student is currently enrolled in Palm Beach County schools and entering the seventh grade, an updated DH 680 form must be provided prior to the start of school.
Vaccinations and the DH 680 form are available through local medical providers, local physicians, or the Florida Department of Health (Palm Beach County Health Centers).
Vaccinations are also available through the Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County Immunization Van. For a list of dates and times for the van, call (561) 840-4568. Be sure to bring your child’s current immunization records when receiving vaccines
Complete list of exemptions allowed per Fla. Stat. 1003.22:
- Children with a temporary or permanent medical exemption (requires a completed DH Form 680 from a medical provider).
- Children with a religious exemption (requires a completed DH Form 681).
- Homeless children.
- Children in Foster Care.
- Children entering a juvenile justice program.
- Children transferring into the County.
- Children of military families as defined by Fla. Stat. 1000.36
Safety and Security
Title 1 Information
Parent's Right To Know
2024-2025 Title I Annual Notice of Parents'/Guardians' Right to Know
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The School District of Palm Beach County receives funds from the Federal government for Title I schools under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a parent of a child who attends a Title I school, you have the right to request and receive information regarding your child's education.
By law, you have the right to: Request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child's teacher;
- Be notified if your child has been assigned to or taught by a teacher who is considered out-of-field because the teacher does not hold certification in the subject area or grade level being taught;
- Inquire if non-teacher personnel are providing instruction to your child and, if so, their professional qualifications;
- Be provided information on your child's level of achievement and academic growth on state academic assessments.
To request information regarding the qualifications of teachers and non-teachers providing instruction to your child, please contact your child's school and ask to speak with the Title I contact. As the school year progresses, the school will notify you about your child's level of achievement and academic growth on state academic assessments and if your child is assigned to a teacher who does not hold certification in the subject area or grade level being taught.
Thank you for your continued interest and involvement in your child's education.
Michael J. Burke
Superintendent, School District of Palm Beach County
🔗 Important Links
Stay Connected!
Facebook: Lake Worth Community Middle School
Twitter: @LWMSWarriors