CRHS Student & Family Update
August 28th- September 1st, 2023
Contact Info
Jared Sherman, Principal
Trey Mills, Assistant Principal
Brad Oberdorf, Dean of Students
Leslie Podlaszewski, School Counselor (grades 9 and 11)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Jennifer Reed, School Counselor (grades 10 and 12)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Cindy Hoffman BSN, RN, School Nurse
Office Phone 410-479-3612
Emily Phillips, Attendance Administrative Assistant
Stephanie Carmine, Enrollment/Guidance Administrative Assistant
Wendy DuVall, Finance and Administration Administrative Assistant
Location: Colonel Richardson High School, 25320 Richardson Road, Federalsburg, MD 21632, USA
Phone: 410-479-3678
Twitter: @CRcolonels
Update/ School News
- WELCOME BACK!!!!! It's hard to believe how quickly this summer passed us by. We are geared up and ready for another amazing school year at CRHS.
- We have some new faces at CRHS. If you've been following our social media, you've gotten the chance to learn a little about them:
Jennifer Hubbert- Special Education
Matthew Luongo- Environmental Earth Science
Taylore Thompson- US History
Amber Knoepfel- CSE/ Finance
Kevin Corwin- Geometry/ Advanced Alg.
Bobbie Monteiro- Spanish/ French
Leslie Podlaszewski- School Counselor (9th/ 11th)
Sheri Christopher- Community Schools
Connor Polosky- School Psychologist
Deon Passalaqua- Pupil Personal Worker
- Back to school night is Monday from 6:00- 8:00 PM. Come out and meet your teachers!
- All CRHS students will be assigned a new locker. Returning students will not have the same locker as they did last year. The expectation is that all bookbags and coats go in your locker during the school day.
Students who are interested in joining chorus - please fill out the form below. Please note: Chorus will not be offered as a class in the Fall, so any students wishing to perform in the Winter Concert must be able to stay after school at least one day a week. Chorus is a wonderful program that offers many benefits: artist creativity and expression, teamwork and social skills, learning how to sight-read music, not to mention several field trips in the Spring for competitions and fun.
- Students have until September 4th, 2024 to make any class changes. All changes need to be approved by your counselor and administration.
- Some discipline reminders:
- Tardies to class or school will result in progressive discipline
- No cell phones during instructional time. The county policy is as follows:
1st instance- warning/put away
2nd instance- phone held till end of day, parent contact
3rd instance - phone held till end of day, parent conference, possible ban from school for 30 school days.
- Possession of a nicotine vape will result in a day in TAP. Possession of a marijuana vape will result in 5 days out of school suspension
Week at a glance
Monday 8/26
Back to school night 6:00pm- 8:00pm
Boys Soccer @ Bo Manor (1:00pm departure)
Volleyball vs. Woodbridge (4pm start)
Tuesday 8/27
Wednesday 8/28
First day of school!
Girls Soccer @ Queen Anne's (1:45pm dismissal)
Golf @ Hog Neck (1:30pm dismissal)
Boys Soccer vs. Salisbury School (4pm start)
Thursday 8/29
- Sophomore class homecoming meeting- 5:30pm- 7:00pm in Mr. Newberry's room
- Football @ Parkside (2:00pm dismissal)
Friday 8/30
Saturday 8/31
- Volleyball @ Worcester County (6:00am departure)
Back To School Night
CR Football Gear
Go to this link for the CRHS football gear store
Student Ambassador Program
Back To School Parent Coaching
Cheer Fundraiser
Free Food
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Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff:
CCPS is committed to providing a safe, respectful, nurturing educational environment where the worth and dignity of individuals are valued and their safety and rights are protected. Behaviors that compromise this environment, interfere with school operations, or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of our public schools will not be tolerated. Bullying, hazing, harassment, or other discrimination affecting a student or a staff member should be reported by a victim, parent/guardian, witness, staff member, or other person having knowledge. Staff members with knowledge of such conduct are required to promptly report it to the building principal.
Caroline County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, and in employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or disability.