Canyon Creek Elementary
February 7 , 2025
Monday, February 10 - Kindness Week
Monday, February 10 - March 31 - Texas Keyboarding Challenge
Monday, February 10 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, February 11 - Enrichment Classes
Thursday. February 13 - Mandarin Club
Friday, February 14 - Valentine's Day Parties
Monday, February 17 - No School
Tuesday, February 18 - Enrichment Classes
Thursday. February 20 - Mandarin Club
Monday, February 24 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, February 25 - Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, February 25 - PTA Meeting & 4th Grade Performance @ 5pm
Thursday. February 27 - Mandarin Club
Campus News & Celebrations
Notes from the CCES Office & Admin
February 7, 2025
Hello CCE Families,
Our staff selected our Teacher and Paraprofessional of the Year this week. We are thrilled to announce…
Sabrina McDonald, 3rd Grade Teacher, as our 2026 Canyon Creek Teacher of the Year! Sabrina is such an asset to our learning community! She supports her students and is a wonderful mentor and colleague to all staff!
Pam Kuss, Office Support Specialist was chosen as our CCE Paraprofessional of the Year. She greets families and students, organizes events, and supports our staff daily. We are so lucky to work with these wonderful ladies!
We hope you have a great weekend! See you back at CCE on Monday!
Volunteer Reminders
Always bring your ID when coming onto campus in order to badge in. If you would like to volunteer, you must be approved through RRISD. Please see below for link to register.
From the Counselor
The district has shared an Inclement Weather Resource Guide for Families in case families are in need: Inclement Weather Resources for Round Rock ISD Families.
Notes from the ITS
Texas Keyboarding Challenge for 3rd-5th Graders
The online STAAR tests require typing skills as early as 3rd grade. In testing, the stronger a student's keyboarding skills, the more time they can devote to imporving the quality of the their response! CCE is registered to participate and all 3rd-5th student accounts have been loaded. Teachers can decide to have it as an activity during class or students can work on it on their own. Past RRISD schools have been winners of this contest! Maybe this year it could be us! Contest evaluates the number of students, words per minute, and accuracy during the window from Feb 10-March 31!
Digital Citizenship
This months lessons tie into Kindness Week/Month as we transition from January's lessons on Cyberbullying into Cyber-Kindness for February. How do we make our online space positive and happy one! These are great conversations to continue at home!
From our Counselor
From our Librarian
From our ITS
Follow Us!
From PTA, District & Community
Lunch Choices
Please note that menus are always subject to change due to unforeseen changes in delivery, availability etc
Make it a great day to be a Comet!
Canyon Creek Elementary
Website: https://canyoncreek.roundrockisd.org/
Location: Canyon Creek Elementary School, Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.canyoncreek
Twitter: @CanyonCreekES
Instagram: @CanyonCreekES