Ranger Report
September 1st, 2023
Welcome Back!
Wow! What an amazing start to the 2023-2024 school year! Students have spent time learning expectations, routines, and building their classroom communities. We are still practicing our routines and expectations and there is a lot of information to review. Please take a look at the arrival and dismissal routines below.
First Day of Kindergarten Logistics
We will allow parents to walk students in on the first day of Kindergarten. After that, it is important for students to walk on their own, with their peers, or with siblings. Thank you for your understanding!
School Hours:
Tuesday-Friday- 9:00-3:25
Monday (Late Start)- 10:00-3:25
A quick note on technology, per our Student Handbook, All electronic devices including cell phones and smartwatches need to be turned off and put in a student's backpack or in the office during the school day.
Thank you, Ranger Families, for your partnership. Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
September 4th: Labor Day, No School
September 5th: Family Connection Meetings for Preschool, Early Kindergarten, and Kindergarten Families
September 6th: First Day of Kindergarten, Boo-hoo Breakfast sponsored by the Elk Ridge PTA
September 11th: Late Start Monday, School begins at 10:00
Food Service Updates
Pricing for food services is as follows:
- Breakfast $2.00
- Lunch $3.25
If your family needs assistance, please make sure to fill out an application for Free and Reduced Lunch. Applications are available on our district website.
Arrival/Dismissal Routines
Arrival Information
- Our drop off area is for drop off only (no parking). If you would like to wait with your child please park and then walk with them.
- If you are dropping off and need to assist your child with getting out of their car seat, please pull all the way forward.
- Please be a good neighbor! We have neighborhoods on either side of us and lots of kids walking from both Copperwynd and Heather Lane. Be mindful of students and safe during arrival and dismissal times!
- Parking is not allowed on Heather Lane.
- Please do not drop your child off unsupervised prior to 8:45. We do not have supervision in the front of the building prior to this.
Dismissal Information
- Please contact our office before 3:00pm if there are any changes to your child's end-of-day transportation plans. The end of the day is a busy time for us and we cannot ensure transportation changes after 3:00pm.
- If you are picking up your child in the car, please follow our loop. We will have one teacher designated to ask parents daily who you are picking up and they will direct you to a colored curb along our sidewalk (red, orange, green, blue, or purple). When you get to that section another teacher will help escort your child in the car.
- If you would like to park and then get your child outside, please either wait on the other side of the cross walk near Cooperwynd or near the bike racks. We will not be dismissing students across the parking lot to parents as it is a safety concern.
- The bus loop is for buses only. Please do not park behind the bus loop either.
- Walkers and students getting picked up will be dismissed at 3:20. Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:25.
The Ranger Way
The Ranger Way
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
Highly Capable
City of Buckley Parks Survey
Elk Ridge Elementary School
Email: cmarkey@whiteriver.wednet.edu
Website: https://elkridge.whiteriver.wednet.edu/
Location: 340 White River Park Road, Buckley, WA 98321, USA
Phone: 360-829-3354