Oshki Ogimaag Community School
September 13, 2024
Weekly News and Updates
Manoomin - Wild Rice
Boozhoo Oshki Ogimaag Community School Families and Community Partners,
It was a beautiful second week of school at Oshki Ogimaag! This week, we journeyed to Swamp River for ricing. Our students and team of all of our Teachers and Paraprofessionals, were joined by Dr. Erik Redix, Emily Derke, and Erik Carlson. For some students and adults, this was their first experience harvesting wild rice, so it was extra exciting and adventurous!
Students went in small groups in canoes with an adult, and when they were not harvesting, they were on nature hikes, working in their nature journals, or reading books. One of the books we read was The Gift of Mnoomin/Mnoomin maan'gowing, written by Brittany Luby, and illustrated by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley. Both creators are Anishinaabe, and the book includes both Anishinaabemowin and English. We work to incorporate Anishinaabe authors, artists, figures, and Community Members as much as possible into all that we do. As a Team, we've also talked about normalizing speaking Ojibwe to each other, even if sometimes we might feel nervous we aren't saying something perfectly. We want to normalize speaking Ojibwemowin throughout the day at school and role model for our students. Please join us in this endeavor!
This book, we shared with students, begins, :"A seed is a story you can hold in your hand/Mnjignaming miin'kaanens; mii go dbishkoo noondming gegoo dbaaddaming," telling the journey of the seed from the swamp and meeting various animals, fish, and insects, to being harvested, roasted, danced upon, winnowed, to being nourishment for a Feast, to planting, each seed sowed, a story for the future and gift for those to come. We collected many stories this week and have gratittude for all that we collected, for the beautiful time we spent together, and for the Community members generous with their time, their skills and their kindness with all of us. Chi-miigwech to Dr. Redix, Erik Carlson and Emily Derke.
After ricing, Mr. Fish suggested we cool off and enjoy lunch along the shores of Gichigami, relishing the cool breeze on a warm fall day, being calmed by the sounds of the waves and dipping our toes into the waters. Miigwech to Mr. Fish for joining us on our adventures and always having great ideas!
Community Connections
Planting Seeds for Mindful Nourishment
We feel gratitude that people like Miss Tess Bailey, Grand Portage Community Nutrition Educator, are generous with their time and knowledge with the students of Oshki Ogimaag. Miss Tess, teaches students about plants, history and tradition of different plants, the nutritional and medicinal values of plants and so much more. With Miss Tess and Miss Kat, students, plant, harvest and process produce, asemaa, herbal teas, and flowers! Miss Stella uses many of these vegetables in lunches and snacks at school as well! Miss Emily Derke, Grand Portage Agricultural Coordinator, also shares her time and knowledge with us! She joins us on many outdoor adventures and traditional experiences, she plants and harvests with students, and instructs students about growing different types of plants
These hands-on, community-based projects are rooted in Anishinaabe culture and traditional teachings, and contribute to the wellness of future generations; serving many components of our mission. These experiences also support students in feeling greater connections with their community, their natural environment, and support habits that encourage mindfulness of the foods they eat and where they came from. Miigwech to Miss Tess and Miss Emily for all of their contributions to the students and staff at Oshki Ogimaag!
Students harvested and then blanched green beans with Miss Tess, Miss Kat and Mr. Tim. With Miss Tess, Miss Emily and Miss Kat they measured a giant pumpkin growing in the patch, that is 111 pounds so far!
Forest Friday and Nature Journaling with Ms. Kelseys Class!
Fun from the First Weeks of School!
After School Theater Class
Remember to Turn in Your Student's Registration Form!
*** Let us know if you need a new registration form! ****
Please Join the Oshki Ogimaag Community School Board of Directors!
We Need 2 Parents of Currently Enrolled Students to Join Our Board!
We are looking for a minimum of two individuals who are parent/guardians of a currently enrolled student of Oshki Ogimaag Community School to join our Board of Directors! The Parent Board Members are required per MN statute. We are looking to fill these vacancies ASAP!
The Board meets 1 time per month, the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at OOCS at 4:30pm.
Participating on the Board is a great way to serve Oshki Ogimaag Community School and use your voice to play an instrumental role in supporting OOCS in meeting the goals of our mission! Also, we have amazing Community Board members that you would get to spend time with!
Please reach out (email below) or reach out to a current Board member (see our website) if you are interested!
Oshki Ogimaag 2024-2025 School Calendar
Oshki Ogimaag September 2024 Menu
Chi-miigwech to our Families and Community Partners for your continued support!
Community Events and Notices:
- 18 - OOCS Board Meeting, 4:30pm, OOCS Conference Area
- 19- After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 26 - After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 03 - After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 10 - After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 14 - Indigenous Peoples' Day
- 16 - OOCS Board Meeting, 4:30pm, OOCS Conference Area
- 17-18 - NO SCHOOL, Fall Break
- 21 - NO SCHOOL, Professional Development Day
- 24 - After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 31 - Halloween (No After School Theater Class on Halloween)