Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph
November 21, 2024 Habit of the Month: Put First Things First
K-5 wishing Caitlin Wayson the best of luck at the All State Music Festival!
Today is National Catholic Principal Appreciation Day
Dear God, we come to you today asking your blessing on Mrs. Douglas, our school administrator. Thank you that she answered the call to lead our teachers and school so that our children might learn in a safe and nurturing environment conducive to spiritual, academic and personal success.
Bless our school administrator with wisdom, integrity, a sense of humor, patience and the physical and mental energy equal to her tasks. Bless her with strong support from parents, teachers, and the community.
Give her insights into each teacher’s unique gifts, strengths, and abilities so that she might use each teacher in ways that contribute greatly to the common good. Reward her by allowing her to see the fruits of her labor displayed in the success of our teachers and students. Accept our prayer today as an expression of our gratefulness to you and to her for her dedication to making our school a vital part of our community. -Amen
Important News
K-12 Penny War
Tomorrow is the last day of the penny war. Remember to bring in your pennies to help those less fortunate have a Merry Christmas.
Student Dropoff Information
Parents that drop students off in the morning, please do not park in the plaza parking spots. These spots are reserved for staff parking. If you drop students off, please drive around the plaza and drop them off at the appropriate door. If you need to walk your student to a door, please park by the Church. WIth the weather getting colder, remember that the doors to St. Mary Center do not open until 7:10 AM for students to come inside.
Student Absence Reminder
As we approach the holiday season, we know parents will be taking kids out of school for family trips. If your student will be gone for any reason--trips, doctor appointments, or an activity not school related--you need to turn in the Student Absence Request Form before hand.
Middle School Lock-In November 25
The lock-in will start at 7 PM on the 25th. All students must check in with one of the teachers. Once a student checks in to the lock-in they will be required to stay. Students will spend the night and get ready at school the following morning. Students should eat dinner before they arrive, but snacks will be served.
Students should come in their comfy clothes or pajamas. They are welcome to bring a spare set of clothes if they think they will be running around a lot. Students will have time Tuesday morning to change and get ready for the day. We are fine with students being out of uniform on Tuesday, but it is not a pajama day. Students need to change out of what they wore to bed.
What to Bring:
Clothes for Tuesday
Toothbrush, washcloth, deodorant, other things to get ready on Tuesday
Pillow, sleeping bag, blanket, etc. (If you bring an air mattress, you need a blanket or sheet under it or it squeaks against the floor all night).
Water bottle - there will NOT be extra bottles of water
Medications and forms (if needed by your child on Tuesday morning)
Leader in Me News
Practice Putting First Things First
Return the November Bingo Card by November 26 for your family's chance to win a prize at the December Leader in Me Assembly.
You Are Invited to our December Leader In Me Assembly!
Make plans to join us on December 2 at 12:30 in the DB gym. Come and see our student leaders in action.
New School Shirts to Be Worn for the Assembly
Edit: Students will be given their shirts on December 2 and will put them on at school. They will not go home before the holidays.
Mrs. Bergfeld 's Homeroom Tradition
Do you have any holiday traditions? In my family every year for Thanksgiving my dad gets up in the morning and draws a turkey on a large piece of paper. Throughout the day, all the family members color the turkey in and sign their names on the back. This is one of my favorite traditions that my family does for the holidays! I have decided to keep this tradition going in my homeroom each year. Students vote on a turkey as a class, I draw it for them, they all take turns coloring it the week before Thanksgiving, and then they sign their names on it. It might seem silly, but it can be very meaningful and create some great memories! So, if you don’t have a family tradition for the holidays, try one out this year!
Pictured are the current 8th graders with the turkeys they have picked since their 6th grade year! At the time of the photo, we hadn't colored the one for this year yet.
-Mrs. Bergfeld
đź“ŚService Learning Update!
From Mrs. Schroeder's Class
Linda Schmidt visited with the 4th graders today about the increase in the homeless population in the state of Iowa. Currently, there are 2,653 homeless people in the state, 600 of which are in Waterloo.
Linda belongs to a group that makes sleeping mats for the homeless using plastic grocery bags. It takes at least 700 bags and many steps to make one mat. One step is to take loops of plastic and hook them together to make "plarn" to use in crocheting the mats. The 4th graders enjoyed getting to make "plarn" and will continue to make it is as part of their Service Learning Project this year. They hope to work as group to weave a mat using a loom.
Mrs. Monaghan’s 2nd Graders
Mrs. Monaghan’s 2nd graders welcomed Therese, a volunteer from the Waterloo St. Vincent de Paul Society, to their classroom. For their service learning project, the students are doing research to have a toy drive for local families. Therese taught the class about St. Vincent de Paul and many of the charitable organizations that started because of him.
These leaders are excited to report they will be working with the St. Vincent de Paul society this Christmas season to collect toys for families in need. They are also looking forward to learning more about St. Vincent de Paul throughout the year!
Mrs. Zimmerman 7th Graders
We are so lucky to have wonderful parent support at BCSS! Shane Klein visited with 7th graders this week to share marketing strategies for their Service Learning Project. Watch for big things coming from these leaders! They have done a lot of research and planning to bring us something new.
Weather Related Closings: General Information
- For school closings due to bad weather, Bosco Catholic School System normally follows Waterloo Public Schools. However, we will occasionally make our own call.
- In the case of a two-hour late start due to weather, there will be no morning preschool and no morning activities.
- In the event of an early dismissal due to weather, ABC will be closed for the afternoon, unless school closes for a high temperature day.
You will receive a call from SwiftReach. You may also watch KWWL or KCRG or check their websites.
Colder Weather
Whenever possible all K-5 and ABC students will spend some time outdoors, so be sure they have coats, hats, and mittens (snow pants and boots when appropriate). Please label your student’s sweatshirts, coat, hat, snow pants, gloves, mittens, lunchbox, etc.
Social Events
Rich & Angie Era Night
Former DB girls basketball players and friends are invited to help us celebrate the leadership of Rich & Angie Hach, along with their assistant coaches, at the Varsity Girls Basketball game at Don Bosco on December 2.
Our girls basketball program has a history of hard work, grit, and success, thanks to all who participated along the way. Our current program is working hard to strengthen itself at the high school and youth level. Did you know that an alumni group is raising funds to renovate the girls' locker room? Game time is 6:30 so come around 6 PM to take a look at the room and plans. If you are a DB alum you may be surprised to see the locker room has not changed since you were in high school! More info via the Facebook Event
Leader Valley Gala January 17
Bosco Catholic School System is excited to have joined forces with Leader Valley this year for implementation and coaching for the Leader in Me. The support we are receiving has helped spur us along on our path to reach the Lighthouse School Milestone. The community is invited to the Leader Valley Gala to help support the organization's amazing work to develop tomorrow's leaders today. All proceeds will be matched!
Mark Your Calendars for Our Christmas Concerts
K-5 Christmas Program
The K-5 Christmas program will be on Wednesday, December 4, at 6 PM in the Don Bosco gym. Students should dress up for this concert (no jeans please). Students may start arriving at 5:40 and go to the classrooms assigned below. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Knepper at nknepper@boscocatholic.org
Kindergarten - Mr. Arndt's room 111
1st Grade - Mr. Armbruster's room 109
2nd Grade - Mrs. Zimmerman's room 107
3rd Grade - Mr. Schmidt's room 106
4th Grade - Mrs. Bergfeld's room 104
5th Grade - Mrs. Knepper's music room
Middle and High School Band and Choir Christmas Program
Enjoy this event on Wednesday, December 11, at 6 PM in the Don Bosco gym. Only students involved in the middle school band and choir will perform for this concert, but all students and families are encouraged to attend.
Parish News and Information
Bosco Catholic School System is thankful for the supporting parishes and communities we work with and live in. Visit the parish links for Reconciliation and Adoration times.
Parish Mass Times
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Sat 5 PM, Sun 8:30 AM, Tue 5:30 PM, Thur 8:30 AM, Fri 8 AM
Sun 10:30 AM, Wed 8 AM
Sun 8 AM
Important Dates
November 2024
21-23 – All State Music Festival @ Iowa State Univ.
25 – MS Lock In 7PM - Tuesday AM
27-29 – Thanksgiving Break (No School)
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Don Bosco High School
405 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667