Dragon News!
Updated September 27th
Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefits Application - Due October 1st
Dragon Gear for Sale!
Volunteer and Visitor Protocol - Please Review
Please help us keep all our students and school community safe!
Upcoming Calendar Events
September 23rd
All Grade 5 Students return to school their laptops with power cords
Beyond the Bell Begins - Session 1
September 26th
Students in Grades 1 and 5 will receive new laptops
October 1st
Open House - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
October 4th
Second Grades are taking a field trip to Point Defiance Day Camp
October 11th
Picture Day! (Volunteers Needed call Christine x5799)
October 15th - October 18th
Elementary Conferences - 12:15 pm dismissal
Volunteers are needed!
Please contact Christine at 5799 if you are interested.
Why wait? Save time and stress!
Pre-order now by clicking below!
Attendance Reminder
Beyond the Bell Activities/Registration
Volunteer Forms
If you have transportation questions or issues on the bus after 4 pm please call First Student at 253.272.7750 Extension 9
Families can download the free My Ride K-12 and start using it now. My Ride K-12 allows families to access secure data for their child’s bus stop location, route and pickup time from their phone.
Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Setting up My Ride K-12
Once you download My Ride K-12, search for Tacoma Public Schools and register for an account. After you confirm your email, log in again and add/link your students. You will need to know your child’s student ID. (If you used the former application, Ride 360, you don’t need a new account; you can log in with your existing credentials.)
More safety features
Most TPS elementary students who ride the bus have a badge to confirm they are on the right bus before their trip starts. The badge also allows guardians and school officials to see when and where students get on and off the bus.
Holiday Help🎉
Each year around this season we are contacted by individuals, groups, and programs wanting to help families during the holidays. If you would like to be considered as a recipient, please complete the digital form below. If you have trouble accessing a form, please contact the school counselor, Julie Slaughter, at 253-571-5783.