Panther Tales "Mini"
January 30, 2025
The "Mini": Top Reminders & Helpful Links
1. Friday, January 31st: Honor Roll Celebration!
2. Friday, January 31st: 8th Grade Field Trip Permission Slips Due
All 8th Grade students should return their permission slip to their Home Room Teachers. The requested donation for the field trips is $100 per student paid using Online School Payments "OSP" by clicking HERE. If you are only able to make a partial payment, or are willing to sponsor a portion of another student's cost, you can do so by clicking HERE . If you need to pay with cash, please have your student bring cash payments to their homeroom teacher.
3. Monday, February 3rd: WriteScore Assessment for all students.
4. February 3rd: Girls Soccer Tryouts Begin, 4:15-5:30
Soccer is available to all girls in grades 6th through 8th who turned in a completed physical before the deadline. Please check the Athletics Activities page for the remaining dates of Soccer Tryouts!
5. February 3-6th: Candygrams on Sale at Lunch (Cash Only)
6. February 13th: "Scheduling 101" with Ms. Bulluck. 9:30 am (Virtual); 6:00 pm (in-person)
Mark your calendar! This presentation is packed full of useful information for any parents of rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
7. Track Tryouts begin February 19th.
Track is available only to 7th and 8th Graders. Track tryouts will begin on February 19th. Please check the Athletics Schedule page for the remaining dates of Track Tryouts. In order to try out, students must have turned in a completed physical packet before the January 13th deadline.
8. PBIS Friday postponed to February 21st.
Our PBIS Fun Friday and Rewards Distribution has been postponed until February 21st. Be on the lookout in future newsletters for volunteer opportunities!
Community Partners & Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses who have chosen to support our Panthers. Please consider supporting them in return!
Jaguar Partners
Cougar Partners
Leopard Partners
Want to be Social?
Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Email: Ridgeview@fultonschools.org
Location: 5340 South Trimble Road, Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Phone: (470)254-7710
Twitter: @RCMSPanther