Aviator Updates
SY24 CWFDES Family Issue #4
A WEEK: September 18 - September 22
Hello Aviator Families,
We want to say a HUGE “Thank you!” to our students, staff, and donors for this incredible Duke Elementary fundraiser. We had a truly remarkable time at our Fun Run Event on Friday. The pictures really don't do it justice. Thank you for all of your support with this fundraiser, including but not limited to your willingness to reach out to family and friends, your overwhelming generosity, and for showing up to support our school community during the event.
Here are our final stats:
💲We raised over $24,000 for Teacher and Classroom Support, Student Enrichment (ie: School-wide Incentives, Author Visits, Reading A-Z, Brain Pop, etc.) This will directly impact our students and staff for the 2024 school year!
🤯Our students completed 14,500 laps combined to help our school!
🥳We celebrated our community coming together and created unforgettable memories at the event.
We can't imagine a more supportive school community. We are thankful for you!
Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
Thursday, September 21st: Two Hour Early Dismissal
Friday, September 22nd: No School for Students
Sun, Oct 1 - AUP Due for all students
Mon, Oct 9 - Asynchronous Virtual Instruction Day - Parent Conference Day
SMCPS Pre-K Calendar Amendment
- The 2023-2024 Amended SMCPS Calendar is posted at www.smcps.org/calendar. The amended calendar, approved by the Board of Education on September 13, 2023, notes that Pre-K students will attend on two-hour early dismissal days. Please see the calendar for details.
Duke Elementary - Where Children SOAR!
Congratulations to Our Intermediate Fridge of Fame Students!
MCAP Individual Score Reports (Grade 04 and 05)
Our Grade 04 and Grade 05 students participated in Math and English Language Arts MCAP assessments last spring.
Individual Score Reports from those assessments will be sent home with 4th and 5th-grade students this week.
Select the link to view the MCAP Score Interpretation Guide for Parents.
St. Mary's County Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine
The St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD), in coordination with MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital (MSMH) and the St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS), is offering drive-thru flu vaccine clinics for St. Mary’s County residents. Select the links to read the Joint Press Release and visit the SMCHD website.
There will be no school-located flu clinics provided at the public schools this year, so parents and guardians are encouraged to bring their child to one of these locations for flu vaccinations.
News from Our PTA
Duke's PTA is on Facebook!
Fall Mum Sale
PTA is selling potted mums again! Available in 4 colors and two sizes.
Orders and payment due by Wednesday 9/20
Mums can be picked up at the school on Wednesday 10/4 from 4:30-6pm. Place orders using this google form, payment can be made via PayPal or sent into the school.
Green Turtle Spirit NIght
Don't plan on cooking next Monday (9/18). Instead, head to the Green Turtle for lunch or dinner. "To Go" orders are included as well.
We get 20% when guests show the flyer (print or digital)
AUP Form - Due October 1st
Complete the AUP Form. All students are REQUIRED to have an acceptable use policy agreement (AUP) on file. PARENTs/GUARDIANs of each student must complete this form. Students whose families do not sign the AUP will lose access to Google apps necessary for 21st-century learning.
Receive Text Messages
Sign up today to stay up to date on events, closings and alerts!
Here Comes the Bus App
Select this link to learn how to view the real-time location of your child's bus.
We highly recommend signing up for this helpful app!
Cafeteria Info (& Menu Changes)
Click here for the Menu. Due to supply chain issues, menu changes occur. We recognize that the decision to bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from school is often dependent on the menu.
[Current] Menu Changes for this week:
9/18 ~ 9/21 Turkey and Cheese Lunchable
9/20 Breakfast Breakfast Pizza (sub for Sausage and Pancake)
9/21 2 Hour early dismissal day No snack
9/28 Mac and Cheese / Cornbread loaf ( Sub for Chicken sausage & cheese waffle)
Last Week's Episodes of the Duke Morning News
Support Our School In-Style 😀
Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary
We welcome your questions and inquiries. Please call 240-309-4658, refer to the SMCPS Back to School website, or our CWFDES website for additional information.
Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
Email: klkortokrax@smcps.org
Website: https://cwfdes.smcps.org/
Location: 23595 Hayden Farm Lane, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Phone: (240) 309-4658