In the Know - September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024
It takes all of us.
As a long-standing tradition in Anoka-Hennepin Schools, view the 2024-25 back-to-school video, "It takes all of us." 📺
What it means: The difference that every staff member makes in school communities each day is powerful. Everyone plays a role in the success of each student in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The handoff: With each “win” that students achieve in their educational journey, staff in the district are all working together - preparing for that handshake they will receive at commencement, before a diploma is placed in their hands. 🤝🎓
Students are in pursuit of their educational purpose at each stage in their journey:
From early learning - where students are introduced to a world of possibilities - 🌎
To elementary school - where we build community, and spark joy in learning - ✨
On to middle school - where students test their own independence, and may connect with a staff member who they can count on - 📚
And then, finally, to high school - where their own purpose may be realized as they prepare to walk across the stage on graduation day… 📖
In the 2024-25 school year, it is more important than ever to focus resources on something that every staff member, student, parent, and community member would agree is an essential function of our school district - preparing our students to cross the stage at graduation. It takes all of us.
Online policy training required for all staff
Aligning actions in the schools with district policies is an important factor in ensuring safe and welcoming environments. An online policy training system available through the district’s Learning Management System (LMS) provides important updates, ensures compliance with regulations, and provides a shared expectation for employees.
Why it matters: Completing this training program is a requirement for all staff for the 2024-25 school year. This online policy training provides valuable information about essential Anoka-Hennepin policies including Equal Education Opportunity, Data Practices, Mandated Reporting, Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination, and Bullying Prohibition.
Go deeper: To complete this required training, log in to the A-H Connect through the district website on the Learning Management System (LMS) application through the district website using your Anoka-Hennepin credentials. Additional detailed information has been sent directly to employees via email.
Timeline: Employees are encouraged to complete the training module during time provided during back-to-school workshop week and no later than Oct. 18, 2024.
More information: Contact Shelly Leciejewski, Employee Services Manager, at 763-506-1109 or shelly.leciejewski@ahschools.us
Flu shot clinics offered this fall for staff, families
💉Anoka-Hennepin Schools, with support from the district’s employee wellness program, Where Wellness Matters, will offer flu shots at several schools and sites beginning Sept. 23 through Oct. 10.
Get registered: Employees are required to schedule appointments and complete an immunization screening questionnaire when registering (photo of Medica insurance card required). Participants should stay home if feeling sick.
Benefits and costs:
- Members of an Anoka-Hennepin Medica health insurance plan may receive the flu shot without a co-payment at one of the available sites.
- Anoka-Hennepin’s self-insured health plan will cover the cost of the shots for all covered employees.
- All employees who are not covered by an Anoka-Hennepin health care plan may receive a flu shot for payment, which may be paid at the clinic site via cash or check.
Family members can attend the clinics:
- Employee family members age 7 and above, who are enrolled in district plans, may receive the flu shot at any of the clinic dates.
- Family members aged 3 to 6 years old will have the opportunity to receive the shot on family-designated dates only.
- Minors must have parental consent to receive the vaccines.
- Separate appointments must be scheduled for each individual who will be receiving a flu shot.
Applications open for the AHEF’s fall grants for 2024-25 school year
The Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation (AHEF) has opened the Fall grants for the 2024-25 school year. Any Anoka-Hennepin Schools employee is able to submit a grant that cultivates innovative and equitable experiences for district students.
Questions about the grant process should be directed to Tess DeGeest at 763-506-1107 or via email at tess.degeest@ahschools.us.
Learn more and apply for AHEF fall grants on the foundation's website.
Action of the School Board - August 26, 2024
Action of the School Board provides brief summaries of Anoka-Hennepin School Board meetings. View the latest Action of the School Board from the August 26, 2024 meeting.
For agendas, meetings and minutes visit ahschools.us/schoolboard.
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
Schools across the district have welcomed many students back-to-school Tuesday, Sept. 3 and Wednesday, Sept. 4. 📸 Follow Anoka-Hennepin Schools on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter/X to see more photos and stories from the first week of school, or view photo albums online.
Teaming up for positivity at high school athletic events and activities
📣 Student leaders from Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids high schools gathered at Andover High School Thursday, Aug. 29 for “Bleacher Captain” training in preparation for the upcoming sports and activities season. The training covers sportsmanship and positive spectator behavior and expectations.
📰 Read more about the Bleacher Captain training.
Multilingual Learner Family Night supports school connections
This year, Anoka Hennepin's student services department will host Multilingual Learner Family Nights at the Welcome Center (11224 Crooked Lake Blvd., Coon Rapids) to welcome and support families in the district.
During the first event on Aug. 13, district staff supported multilingual families navigating the school system and provided resources to help a successful transition and start the school year.
District middle schools welcome incoming sixth-grade students, create sense of belonging
Anoka-Hennepin middle schools hosted WEB Day Aug. 21 to help ease the transition to a new school for sixth grader students making their next step in their academic journey.
WEB stands for Where Everybody Belongs, which is a national mentoring program that typically works with sixth graders at the school. Each school has teachers who serve as WEB Advisors and eighth grade students who volunteer as WEB Leaders, which provides opportunities for leadership and mentoring within the school community.
District adds boys' volleyball as a sanctioned high school league co-curricular activity
All five traditional Anoka-Hennepin high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids) will now offer boys volleyball as a sanctioned Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) co-curricular activity. The School Board approved the recommendation at the regular meeting on Aug. 26.
🏐 Learn more about the addition of boys volleyball in Anoka-Hennepin.
Two Rivers Transition Program at Franklin opens doors for first class of students
Staff are settling in at Two Rivers Transition Program at Franklin, which welcomed its first class of students this week. The new program is a merger of two special education transition programs in the district, Bridges and Pathways, which were formerly located at leased spaces in Andover and Coon Rapids.
Utilizing the space at Franklin preserves the history of the district, as the oldest school facility in the Anoka-Hennepin School District, open 151 years prior to closing upon completion of the 2022-23 school year. Re-purposing provides the district with budget, resource and staff efficiencies with the merging of the two programs.
Learn how the program serves the community and honors the history in downtown Anoka.
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This e-newsletter is published by Anoka-Hennepin Schools. It's sent to all Anoka-Hennepin staff every other week during the school year, excluding breaks (and periodically during the summer). Questions, comments or concerns about In the Know e-newsletter? Contact us.