Gatsby:Week 2
April 6 - April 10
― Fitzgerald F. Scott, The Great Gatsby
Weekly Instructional Video
Weekly Agenda
Monday - Chapter 6 reading, Chapter 6 discussion questions
Tuesday - Chapter 7 reading, Chapter 7 discussion questions, Zoom meeting (Chapters 5 & 6)
Wednesday - Chapters 8 & 9 reading, Chapters 8 & 9 discussion questions
Thursday - Final Zoom meeting (Chapters 7, 8, & 9)
Friday - Good Friday! Assignment for today is optional. (Posted below)
Discussion Questions (Chapter 6-9)
After reading each chapter, pick 2 discussion questions listed under that particular chapter.
Chapter 6
1. What is Gatsby’s response when Nick warns him that “You can’t repeat the past?”
2. What does Gatsby’s response reveal about his character?
3. How is Nick’s warning to Gatsby symbolized by the green light?
4. In your opinion, is the reunion between Gatsby and Daisy a good thing or a bad thing?
Explain your answer.
5. In this story, Gatsby “comes clean” with Nick, telling the story of how he became
wealthy. Does his story seem believable? Does it change your view of Gatsby? Explain
your answers.
6. Explain how Tom Buchanan and George Wilson are in the same situation, and why this is
7. Explain how the geography of this novel is symbolic. Consider that Nick, Daisy, Tom,
and Gatsby are all from the West, and have moved East to achieve the American Dream,
or discuss the differences between East Egg and West Egg, and/or the Valley of Ashes,
and how each symbolizes some part of America or the American Dream.
8. Explain the difference between what Gatsby appears to be on the outside, and what he
really is on the inside, based on your perception of his character.
Chapters 7 and 8
1. Describe the appearance of Gatsby’s mansion at the beginning of chapter 7. Why is this
description so different from how the house used to look?
2. What change comes over Daisy as Tom and Gatsby argue over who will win her love?
3. Where do Nick, Tom, and Jordan stop for gas in chapter 7?
4. Driving back to Long Island after the argument between Tom and Gatsby, Nick, Tom,
and Jordan discover a frightening scene on the border of the Valley of Ashes. What has
5. At the end of chapter 8, Gatsby sends Nick to check on Daisy, afraid that Tom will abuse
her. When Nick arrives at the Buchanan house, what are Tom and Daisy doing?
6. What does the hysterical George Wilson believe about the “Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg”
on the billboard in chapter 8?
7. What is George Wilson’s understanding of the accident involving the yellow car?
8. How does George’s perception of the accident compare with what actually happened?
9. What violent action does George take in chapter 8, and why?
10. Whose body is found on the lawn at Gatsby’s mansion?
11. Explain how the position and posture of the body found in Gatbsy’s pool is symbolic.
Chapter 9
1. The death scenes in chapters 7 and 8 have little description. What effect did this have on
your understanding of the events? Why might Fitzgerald have chosen to use so little
description at such an important point in the novel?
2. Why does Nick move back West at the end of the novel? What does this suggest about
Fitzgerald’s idea of the American Dream?
3. How has the green light been symbolic of the American Dream?
4. Nick says that Gatsby wasn’t a bad person, but “it’s what preyed on Gatsby” that was to
blame for the tragedy. What does he mean by this?
5. Which character in the novel do you most relate to, and why?
6. In your opinion, who or what is to blame for the tragedies in this novel?
7. Do you think Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the American Dream is accurate? Explain your answer.
2. Create your own 2 minute review of the novel and post to Flipgrid. Reference the video for topics to discuss in your post.
Suggested Spring Break Activities
Organize your closet
Ask your parent(s) what they could use help with, and help them.
Draw/color a picture
Create a workout regimen for the remainder of quarantine, and GET STARTED!
Write a journal entry/ies about your "Coronavirus Quarantine" experience
Read to your sibling(s)/read to yourself
Make a Bucket List
Suggested Spring Break Reading
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston
Five Feet Apart, Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias Iaconis
Recommended Netflix Series
1. All American
2. Stranger Things
3. Riverdale
4. Supernatural
5. Hart of Dixie
6. The Good Place
7. The Office
8. Last Chance U
9. Sherlock