Gayman Gazette
September 10th Edition
We had a WONDERFUL first week of school!!
Mark your calendar:
- Now - Friday, September 13th: GHSA Spirit Wear Sale
- Tuesday, September 10th - Friday, September 13th: Bus Evacuartion Drills
- Wednesday, September 18th - Thursday, September 19th: 2nd GR FAB Lab
- Wednesday, September 18th - Friday, September 20th: GHSA Book Fair
- Wednesday, September 25th @ 9:00AM: HR Parents/HSA General Meeting
- Thursday, September 26th: Picture Day
- Monday, September 30th @ 11:55AM: Early Dismissal - Teacher In-service
- Thursday, October 3rd: CBSD Schools Closed (Rosh Hashanah)
- Friday, October 4th: First Friday - Mustang Spirit Day
- Thursday, October 10th & Friday, October 11th: 6th GR Ropes Course
- Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th: Art Goes to School
- Wednesday, October 23rd: Harlem Wizards Assembly
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills:
The state mandated school bus emergency drills for the year 2024-2025 are scheduled for the week of September 9th – 13th. Barring inclement weather, we will be conducting emergency practice drills on these days.
Technology Fee:
Gayman Elementray School has issued devices during the first week of school.
All families in grades 3-12 should visit: Technology & Innovation / User Agreement and Payment (cbsd.org)
Parent/Guardian will click on and read the 1:1 Handbook
Parent/Guardian signs the user agreement and pays the user fee via MyPaymentsPlus (MPP). Upon submitting the fee and MPP agreement, you are confirming that you have reviewed the information with your child.
The Fee Table:
- Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: $0 (iPad that stays in school)
- 3rd - 6th Grade: $15 (Lenovo Laptop) *If the fee is not paid, the laptop will not come home. It will stay in the classroom for the student to use during school hours.
Elementary Strings & Band Enrollment:
Enrollment is open for the Strings and Band programs at Gayman this year! Click Here to register your child to play an instrument.
Questions? Email Ms. Vuocolo (strings) or Mr. Bower (band).
Attendance Information:
All absences must be entered through the Parent Portal.
Click here for more information, including directions on how to upload a student absence: Managing Student Attendance.
As we begin the 2024-25 school year, CBSD wishes to remind families of important information regarding attendance. Pennsylvania's school laws, like Act 138 of 2016 and the updated Act 16, outline what is required for mandatory school attendance and procedures to follow when students are absent or late. Learn more.
Early Dismissal for Appointments:
Student dismissal begins promptly at 3:15PM.
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please pick them up no later then 2:45PM. After 2:45PM, your child can be dismissed with the other walkers, bus riders, and car riders in his/her classroom to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for everyone. Thank you!
Volunteering Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
Required Health Exams:
Pennsylvania mandates the following health examinations:
- Physicals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 6 and 11
- Dentals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 3 and 7
The completed health forms are due to Mrs. Sara Hedges, school nurse, no later than October 14, 2024.
You can upload your completed exam forms to your child's Parent Portal account or email them to shedges@cbsd.org. Please keep a copy of the health forms for your records. Thank you!
The examination forms can be found HERE.
Before and After School Care for 2024-2025:
Visit the CBSD childcare program site for more information: Registration Information.
New Safety Protocol Launched with New School Year:
All schools in CBSD will be implementing the Standard Response Protocol developed by the "I Love U Guys" Foundation beginning this school year. The SRP provides a framework for handling various emergency situations in schools by emphasizing the importance of consistent, clear communication across all schools and with law enforcement. Learn more.
Lunch costs have increased by $.10 for the 24-24 school year.
The district is continuing to offer free breakfast!
Lunch Cost: $2.85
Create a Meal Payment Account on MySchoolBucks:
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not.
You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) here.
To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information:
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is open. You can access the online application for Free & Reduced Meals by clicking here. The application must be submitted each year AND for each child. If your child received free or reduced lunch last year, you must re-apply for the 24-25 school year.
Learn more by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Gayman Home & School Information
Thank you!
Thank you to all the families who attended "Popsicles on the Playgroud" last Friday. Such a fun event to welcome everyone back to school. This was just our first of many fun GHSA events to come in the 24-25 school year!
Gayman Spirit Wear:
FINAL WEEK to get your spirit wear!
Our fall sale is open until September 13th and there won't be another chance for Gayman Gear until the Spring so grab yours now!
Check out our new Gayman spiritwear and accessories via this link: Gayman Elementary Spirit Wear 2024
- The online store will be open for shopping from September 4th to September 13th.
- Orders from the sale are typically delivered 3 - 4 weeks after the sale closes.
Please reach out to the Gayman front office with any questions.
Homeroom Parent Volunteer Sign Up:
To help support classroom initiatives throughout the school year, we are looking for 2 Homeroom Parent volunteers per class (including the support, specials and non-classroom teacher members of the Gayman school community.) One parent will be the Lead Homeroom Parent and the other will be the Assistant Homeroom Parent. Both of these roles require active clearances. In the event there are multiple volunteers for each position, we will select both the Lead Homeroom Parent and Assistant Homeroom Parent via a random drawing.
Here is the link to sign up: 2024 - 2025 GHSA Homeroom Parent Sign Up
This Sign Up Genius will close at 10:00pm on September 12th and the GHSA will announce the 2024 - 2025 selections via email on September 16th.
We will be hosting an in-person Homeroom Parent Meeting to discuss the role and answer any questions on September 25th at 9:00am in the APR.
Some expectations of our homeroom parents are to:
- Help the homeroom teacher coordinate snacks & games for the Halloween, holiday and end of year parties
- Be the point person for the homeroom teacher to send class party pictures to, and upload them to, the TreeRing website for them to be included in the yearbook.
- Coordinate the Teacher Appreciation Week (TAW) activities that the TAW Committee sets forth.
You can find more information here.
Please contact a current executive board member if you have any additional questions
The Gayman Scholastic Book Fair is this week Sept. 18-20, 2024 during school hours. The book fair accepts cash, check (payable to GHSA) or e-wallet (print confirmation from e-wallet). Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet:
Please see below the date your child's class will be attending the book fair:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Kruzits, Della Porta, Bullard, Thompson, Crump, Grace, and Pisch
Thursday, September 19, 2024 - Kuhn, Klebba, Flanagan, Hofmann, Carroll, Hudak, and Maduzia
Friday, September 20, 2024 - Menard, Trouts, Brosious, Khatchadourian, Isaacsohn, and Milroy
Jump Rope Club:
Gayman Home and School is offering a 7 week Jump Rope Club. The club starts on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Please note there will be no Jump Rope Club on 11/5 due to the kids having off. The cost is $70 for the 7 week club. Please venmo @Gayman-HomeandSchool.
Please note there are only 30 spots available, so please sign up quickly. We are unable to go beyond 30 kids for the Jump Rope Club. Please enter your child's name and their teacher's name in the comment section of the sign up. SIGN UP HERE FOR JUMP ROPE CLUB.
Harlem Wizards Save the Date - More Information Coming Soon:
Stay Connected:
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES