TF Office Notes
Upcoming Dates
- December 19 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Wild Mountain
- December 20 - All School Sing-Along 2:30 p.m.
- December 23 - January 3 - No School - Winter Break
All students are invited (not required) to join in some fun dress up days before we go to winter break!
Giving Tree Project
As in years past, you will find a Christmas tree waiting to be filled in the school foyer. Our hope is to fill the branches with new mittens/gloves, hats, scarves, and socks. We will also collect non-perishable food items and donations of money. The items will be donated to Family Pathways and will be distributed to those in need in our local area. If you choose to participate, please send these items to school starting Tuesday, November 26th. The last collection day will be Friday, December 13th. Checks should be made payable to Family Pathways. Please help us warm the hearts and hands of children in need.
Happy holidays to you and your family!
- Parents and guests are invited to join us for our traditional holiday all school sing along on Friday, December 20th at 2:30.
- Here's what you can expect:
- Parents can check in at the front table.
- Guests who are not parents should check in at the office and have a driver's license ready.
- All guests are invited to sit in the bleachers; students will be seated on the gym floor.
- We will dismiss students from the gym first, then guests will be dismissed.
- If you plan to give your child a ride home from school that day, please sign them out at the front table when you sign yourself in. Then go to their classroom to pick them up after dismissal.
Taylors Falls Parents For Education
Last chance to get your Spirit Blanket before the end of the year! Contact to place an order or stop by the office to pick one up! These make wonderful gifts for students, alumni, grandparents, and anyone who likes to be warm and cozy!
Are you coming to the All-School Sing-Along next Friday? Bring in your old athletic shoes to drop in our donation bin! Find out what we're doing with them here.
Check out Shop For A Cause: Taylors Falls Parents For Education with Styled With Cassie-Lularoe Cassie Renslow. For the next week 20% of every purchase is coming back to our reading programs! Feel comfy and look fabulous, all while supporting our young readers.
Our December Meeting is next Monday, the 16th! Come help us plan our next few events and learn about what else we're hoping to do. FREE childcare available in the gym!
December Events
- December 16th: December TPFPE Meeting
- December 23rd: TFPFE Day at Jake's On The Lakes
Are you on our email list? Send us a message at to be added. No SPAM, we promise!
Recess Dress Code for Winter Weather
- There's a good chance of some measurable snow next week!
- When there is snow, students need to have snow pants and boots. Students who are not adequately dressed must stay on the blacktop
Please see the following excerpt from our student handbook:
Students play outdoors during most school days throughout the year. The decision whether to play outdoors will be made by school staff, considering the following factors: temperature or wind chill (below -5º F), and precipitation. Whether cold or hot, it’s important that children are dressed for the weather. Students should wear hats, mittens or gloves, snow pants, boots, and a jacket in the winter. Students who are not dressed appropriately for the weather, particularly in the winter, may need to spend recess indoors and a parent will be contacted with a reminder to send adequate clothing for the weather.
Don't Forget to Order Pictures!
Food For Kids Program
Please click here to sign your child up for our Food4Kids Backpack Program.
Little Wildcats Preschool, Preschool + Parents, ECFE
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, Dec 18th - Last Day of Preschool + Parents before Winter Break
- Friday, Dec 20th - Last Day of Little Wildcats Preschool before Winter Break
- Dec 23rd - Jan 3rd - Winter Break
Trips and Classes
Community Education
Belle's Christmas Celebration
Join Princess Belle in her rare Christmas dress for an enchanting afternoon on Saturday Dec. 21 from 1:00-3:30pm! Your little princess(es) will have the chance to meet and take photos with princess Belle, create a craft, enjoy a light snack, and participate in a Christmas story-time and singalong with Belle!
This will be an open-house type setting where you can come and go at any time during the event! Please note: Belle will be doing story-time and singalong at approximately 2:15pm.
Princess dresses are encouraged!
Basketball Rec League Registration Open
Chisago Lakes Teams in grades 2-6 are being formed to compete in the Forest Lake Basketball League. This league will focus on improving basic skills such as dribbling with both hands, shooting, passing, game positions and offensive/defensive techniques. Register for the grade the participant is entering in the fall. Games will be played at Forest Lake Area Middle School (FLAMS), game times are at 6:15pm or 7:15 pm. Games are played beginning in late January, and go through February. This is intended for kids that are not in Traveling Basketball.
In addition to the one game night, the participant will have potentially one practice a week at a school located within the Chisago Lakes district. Practices will be planned and communicated by the volunteer coach after the coaches meeting. All players will receive a t-shirt if registered by the deadline, so please indicate size when registering.
Link to Register:
Games will be on the following nights;
- Boys - Tuesday
- Girls - Thursday
Jason Riebe, Principal
Mr. Riebe lives with his wife of twenty years and four children (all of whom attend/ed TF Elementary) in Taylors Falls. On a weekend, you'll find him doing pretty much anything outside: Fishing with the kids, hiking, hunting, camping, or tinkering with a new woodworking project in the garage. He's an avid Boundary Waters explorer, North Shore adventurer, ardent angler, and is fond of weekend experiments on his smoker.
Fun facts about Mr. Riebe
- His right eye is two different colors. This is called heterochromia!
- The only food he can't (and won't) eat is green peppers.
- In college, he worked in orphanages in Mexico and the Republic of Trinidad.
- He and his wife once hiked in the Andes Mountains in Peru for 6 days.
- He loves birds!
Location: 648 West Street, Taylors Falls, MN, USA
Phone: 651-213-2101