Marian Central Friday Focus
295th Issue - May 17, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Kelly Hilton
What a blur this year has been! I am finding it so hard to believe that the 2023-2024 school year is ending. Just as we here in the Guidance Department prepare to celebrate the many accomplishments of our beloved seniors at Honors Day next week, we are also busy planning next year’s events for our students and families.
Here are just a few of the “save the dates” that we have planned during the first couple of months of the 2024-2025 school year:
College Essay Writing Workshop: August 5 – August 8
This workshop will help rising seniors get a head start on their Common App essay and college supplementals
College Application Night: Tuesday, August 27
This program will outline the logistics of applying to college as a Marian Central student
All seniors and their parents are strongly encouraged to attend
Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Class Guidance Chats: Month of September during Advisories
Mr. Kruse (freshman/junior counselor) and Mrs. Hilton (sophomore/senior counselor) will share tips for success at Marian at each grade level, talk about using the SCOIR career/college planning tool, and the upcoming PreACT8/9, PreACT, ACT and PSAT tests
Please stay tuned to future Friday Focus editions for more information on these and many more events that we have planned for our students and parents.
We wish our seniors all the best as they embark on their future endeavors! We will be praying for your success and have no doubt that your futures are bright!
Kelly Hilton
Director of Guidance
Uniform Giveaway - June 12th; 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Our National Honor Society will be hosting a Uniform Giveaway on Wednesday, June 12th. Stop in the Marian Cafeteria between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm and stock up on uniform pieces for next school year. Polos, pants, sweaters, shorts and more are available in a variety of sizes on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thank you to those who have donated uniforms towards this event. We appreciate this cost-saving effort to benefit current and future families. If you have uniforms you would like to donate, please drop them off in the office.
Used Books - A limited supply of used books will be available for purchase during the Uniform Event.
Class of 2024 Marian Accounts
Class of 2024 School accounts (Microsoft, including Outlook email, and Google) will be deactivated as of Saturday, June 1st. Please plan accordingly by saving documents currently in your Marian accounts to another account. Thank you.
Graduation Time Change
Marian Central has been selected to host the IHSA Lacrosse sectional competition on Friday, May 24th, which falls on the same evening as our Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony.
In order to control the traffic flow for all of our guests, we have decided to move the Graduation Ceremony to 6:30 pm instead of 7:00 pm on Friday, May 24th. Graduates should report to the Aux Gym by 5:45 pm in their caps, gowns and stoles and the doors to Landers Pavilion will open at 5:45 pm for seating.
Thank you for your understanding. Please click below for additional information regarding Class of 2024 year-end events.
Save the Date!
Marian Central's Annual Golf Outing
Monday, July 29th
More information coming soon.
Book Buyback
A message from MBS Book Supply:
As we get closer to the end of the school year, we want to remind you that your families can sell back their print books through the Online Buyback Program. The BNC-Virtual Online Buyback allows families to recoup some of the money they spent on books that they no longer need. Online buyback is a service we provide automatically in the online bookstore https://bnck-12.com/mariancentral, ensuring families have a convenient and easy way to sell back their books anytime, anywhere. Starting a week before the end of classes, families will receive buyback notices that list the books they have purchased from the online bookstore and the sell back price for each. Families can also sell back titles to us that they acquired elsewhere.
With Online Buyback, students:
• Receive competitive prices
• Get free shipping
• Receive their payment via check or PayPal two to four weeks after we receive their books
A quick HOW-TO video for parents: Online Buyback https://vimeo.com/402584705/091cb4acb3
Laptop & Charger Return
All students must return their Marian issued laptop and charger at the end of each school year after they have completed all final exams. Please click the link below to view additional information.
May Calendar
Monday, May 20th - Honors Day; Seniors arrive by 8:30 am; Freshmen, Sophomores & Juniors - no school
Tuesday, May 21st - Exams; periods 1 & 3; 10:40 am dismissal
Wednesday, May 22nd - Exams; periods 4, 567 & 8; noon dismissal
Thursday, May 23rd - Exams; periods 9 & 10; 10:40 am dismissal
Summer Camps 2024
We are happy to be offering exciting summer camps again this year!
Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fencing, Football, Golf,
Lacrosse, Soccer, Study Skills, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling
Youth & High School level camp options.
Click below for a full list of camps.
We hope to see you there!
Living Rosary Participants Needed
Mrs. Diamond from the Guidance Office is looking for Marian students/parents to represent Marian as a "Decade" of the Living Rosary taking place at St. Thomas Church in Crystal Lake on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM. It will only take about an hour of your time and will be a great way to show our Marian pride and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary.
Please contact her at jdiamond@marian.com if you or your student is interested or have them stop by the Guidance Office. Thank you and God Bless!
Volunteers Needed
National Poppy Day - Volunteers are needed to hand out poppies for donations at the Huntley Walmart on Saturday, May 25. Please contact Mrs. Diamond in the Guidance office at jdiamond@marin.com if interested in helping out.
VETFEST - Volunteers are needed in a variety of capacities for VETFEST taking place in Huntley on Saturday, June 15. Help honor those who served our country by helping out with this wonderful event. Please contact Mrs. Diamond in the Guidance Office at jdiamond@marian.com if interested in volunteering.