Welcome to Dr. Sue A. Shook Elem.
2020-2021 Kinder Dual Language Academy
Message from Mrs. Chavira, Campus Principal
Parent and or Guardian,
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and welcome you to our 20-21 school year. My name is Cristina Sanchez-Chavira and I am the Principal for Dr. Sue A. Shook Elementary and the Dual Language Academy. I would also like to Congratulate you on being selected to our Dual Language Academy.
As a campus we believe in keeping our community informed. For this reason, you will receive newsletters just like this one over the summer and a weekly newsletter once the year starts. We also encourage you to visit our campus website and follow us on Twitter @DSShook _ES for campus and district announcements. You will notice below the option to translate the newsletter to any language. I apologize for any incorrect translations, as this is not within our control.
Below you will find important information and our contact methods to help you transition to our 20-21 school year. I understand that we are facing a year unlike any other. As a campus and district, we continue to work diligently to finalize our plans for you and begin to deliver the information in July. For now, please see the information below and feel free to email me if you have any additional questions. Once again, Welcome and Congratulations!
Cristina Sanchez-Chavira
Proud Principal of the Rattlers
School Office Number: 915-937-7102
Email: cchavi@sisd.net
Message from Superintendent Dr. Jose Espinoza
Meet our Kinder Dual Language Team
Meet Mrs. Moreno
Meet Mrs. Baeza
First Day of School Updates
Our first day for the 20-21 school year will be Monday, July 27th. In July the district will be sending additional information on our instructional plans.
Transfers to Shook
If your home school is not Shook, please make sure you are completing your transfer request using the following link https://www.sisd.net/Page/792.
Once your transfer is complete you will receive an email asking you to submit pending documents. This is referring to your Online-Registration you would have completed when you registered your child. Please make sure you have uploaded all documents to include,
- Birth Certificate,
- Shot Records
- Current Utility Bill
- Current driver's license of the parent or guardian that registered the child.
All Others
- Current Driver's license
- Utility bill
How will I know if my child’s registration is approved or rejected? You will receive an email to the address on file. If rejected, you will be given a reason as to why and instructions on how to resubmit. You will only need to correct any errors that are stated as all other information you previously input will be saved. If approved, no further action will be required.
How can I submit the required documents if I do not have a scanner? You can take a picture of the documents using your cell phone and upload. Please visit www.sisd.net on your phone’s internet browser, scroll to the bottom of the page, click Tyler Student 360, log in using your credentials, and click online registration. You can then scroll to the document section and click edit to be prompted to attach your pictures. Please note that Google Chrome is the suggested browser.
For support from Shook Staff, please email the staff using the emails below. Currently they are working on end of year closures. All registration questions will be addressed starting on July 6th.
Registration and Attendance Staff
Mrs. Hernandez: vherna29@sisd.net
Mrs. Brinks: 915-603-4004/ ibrink@sisd.net
Mrs. Munoz: 915-603-3848/ rmunoz10@sisd.net
Parent Liaison
Mrs. Burnette bburne01@sisd.net
Supply Lists
We are currently finalizing our supply lists to ensure we are adjusting to a technology driven instruction. Once we finalize our lists, we will be posting them on our campus website and emailing our community
When your child is on campus, they will be utilizing a uniform. Our uniform consists of a Blue (navy or royal), Orange or White polo tops and khaki or navy-blue pants.
How can I contact the school?
Mrs. Chavira: Principal
Email: cchavi@sisd.net
Assistant Principals
Mr. Estrada: restra18@sisd.net
Mrs. Patino: dpatin@sisd.net
Mr. Reveles: mrevel01@sisd.net
Mrs. Dominguez: mluna15@sisd.net
Mrs. Fraga: rfraga@sisd.net
Mr. Chavez: schave@sisd.net
Mrs. Aguirre: saguirre@sisd.net
Parent Liason
Mrs. Brittany Burnette: bburne01@sisd.net
Community in Schools
Mrs. Monica Aguilera: maguil12@sisd.net
Don't Forget
Contact us for more information
Email: cchavi@sisd.net
Website: https://www.sisd.net/site/default.aspx?domainid=4099
Location: 13777 Paseo Del Este, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: 9159377100
Twitter: @DSShook_ES