Counselor's Corner
CHS counseling newsletter, September 2021
Important September Dates
9/5-9/11: National Suicide Prevention Week
9/8: Coffee with the Counselors via Facebook Live
9/10: World Suicide Prevention Day
9/11: Patriot Day
9/12: Grandparents Day
9/13-9/19: Student Sleep Health Week
9/17: Constitution Day/Citizenship Day
9/18: World Clean-up Day
9/21: International Day of Peace
9/22: Coffee with the counselors
9/23: International Day of Sign Languages
9/29: World Heart Day
Wednesday, September 1st: Picture Day
Friday, September 3rd: 3 week grade report
Monday, September 6th: Labor day, no school
Tuesday September 7-10: Homecoming week
Friday, September 10th: Homecoming game
Saturday, September 11th: Homecoming dance
Friday, September 24th: 6 week grade check (gain/loose eligibility)
September: Senior meetings begin.
"Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet." L.M. Montgomery
What a wild couple of weeks getting the 2021-2022 school year started. Thank you for being patient as we work out some "growing pains", literally. Our school continues to grow, so we appreciate the flexibility and understanding as we get this year started out strong.
We will continue to put out newsletters each month to keep you updated about upcoming events, awareness months/spirit weeks, important dates, and other school information. Our bi-weekly Coffee With the Counselor's will continue as well as updating our Twitter page with the latest information.
We are so excited about this year and look forward to working with our new and old families and students.
Federal student aid resources (English and Spanish)
Federal Student Loans: Basics for Students (Spanish Version)
Check under Loan Information, Booklets and Brochures for more like this.
ADVI/Virtual Advising Project
A chatbot named ADVi – short for “adviser” – uses artificial intelligence to provide on-demand support to Texans looking to attend or return to higher education. Right now, any student in Texas may access ADVi by texting “COLLEGE” to 512-829-3687 or by starting a freshman application in ApplyTexas.
When students sign up to receive messages from ADVi, they receive:
- The ability to ask questions about college 24/7 via text message,
- Backup support from our virtual advisers if a student has needs or questions beyond what ADVi can provide,
- Student-friendly, accurate, and engaging messages about key college access milestones,
- Information and tips to help with their college applications, planning, and financial aid, and
- Resources to help navigate the transition to college.
Learn more at
What are Senior Meetings?
Senior meetings involve the counselor, the student (senior), and it's HIGHLY encouraged the parent participate, however, not necessary. Parents and students, you will be receiving a Google Calendar Invite, please check your e-mail.
Senior Meetings will include: graduation checklist, post-secondary planning, testing information, and important dates.
Post-Secondary Advising Tools (FREE)
Labor Market and Career Information-
Texas Reality Check-
Texas Career Check-
Jobs Y'All-
Texas Internship Challenge-
Texas CREWS-
State Training Inventory-
Counselors and Teachers-
Have you Heard of Bulb?
Using bulb students can create digital portfolios to showcase work and build resumes. bulb can also be used to create your pages to showcase virtual events or information. See examples below.
CCMR Fair Example:
Example student portfolio:
To create a free trial account:
Contact: Aimee Pavelock | 210.787.6046
How to reach the counselors
Our website is being updated regularly to give you the most important information about school, future education, mental health, and all other things counseling. Please e-mail us or fill out a counseling request so that we can help!
Coffee with the Counselors
The CHS counseling team is here for you!
Sarah McKimmey: Advanced Academics Counselor (Last names M-Z)
Tiffany Goff: Braves Support counselor
Phone: 972-843-6500
Twitter: @CHScounselor3