5th grade Newsletter
Feb 10th- Feb 13th
AZ State Testing
Our state testing will begin at the end of March and continue through April. Please plan doctor appointments and vacations accordingly to ensure scholars are present for testing. Your support in making attendance a priority during this time is greatly appreciated! We will update parents once we know the specific dates.
Upcoming Events
Feb 12th: Mandarin teacher visits our 5th graders
Feb 13th: ASU Field Trip
Feb 13th: Valentine's treat exchange ( after the field trip)
Feb 20th: Popcorn Day
Feb 20th: Glow Run
ASU Field trip
Our field trip is approaching, and we wanted to share a few details about our upcoming trip:
- Departure: We will leave Sienna Hills at 8:00 AM and arrive at ASU by 9:45 AM at the lastest.
- Return: We will depart from ASU at 2:15 PM, with an expected return by 3:00 PM.
Please ensure that scholars bring the following items:
- Uniform: Must be worn.
- Outerwear: Must wear a TOPA jacket or sweatshirt, or only approved TOPA colors (solid black, gray, or dark green).
- Water Bottle: A disposable water bottle is required.
- Lunch: Scholars may bring a brown paper lunch or money to purchase lunch.
- Snacks: Scholars will need to bring their two regular snacks for the day along with their packed lunch.
- Small Backpack: Optional, for carrying the water bottle.
- Bags: Scholars can leave their regular backpacks at home.
- Electronics: No cell phones are allowed. Cell phones must remain at school, turned off.
- Cameras: Not permitted.
- Transportation: All scholars must ride the bus to ASU and back.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a fun and educational field trip!
This week in math we will be multiplying decimals using different methods. We will also be relating fraction multiplication and decimal multiplication.
We will cover lessons 14 through 19 in module 4.
If your scholar received a 79% or below on their weekly multiplication quiz, they must complete their multiplication practice sheet by the next Monday.
CONCEPT 3: Changes to Earth’s Systems
Focus Question: How do Earth’s systems respond to change?
By modeling different events, we see how humans can disrupt or stabilize Earth’s systems.
Scholars have been provided with their choice board that is due Feb. 27th. Class times will be provided but scholars will need to complete at home depending on the choices they select. A copy of the choice board can be found in Google Classroom if needed.
As we approach testing for AZSCI, scholars will review 3rd and 4th grade standards by watching videos in Google Classroom. They will also have a weekly Legends of Learning assignment to review 5th grade concepts. Scholars will have morning meetings, lab time, and opportunities to complete their work during core classes if they finish early. Please encourage scholars to watch the videos at home and complete their weekly Legends of Learning assignments to best prepare for the state assessment.
Computer Lab
Parent- Vue
- Please login regularly to check your child's academic progress. This is where you will find missing assignments and grades.
- The front desk can help you access your account and provide you with password information as needed.
Please report absences to the front office.
Leave your scholars First & Last name, and grade.
- Phone: 623-444-9934 extension 1
- Email: attendancesiennahills@topamail.com
Pizza/Popcorn Flyer
Teacher Contacts
Math - Mrs. High jhigh@topamail.com
Science- Mrs. Jenkins aljenkins@topamail.com
ELA - Mrs. Corsaut acorsaut@topamail.com
Spanish- Mr. Soza fsoza@topamail.com
Music- Mr. Santana jsantana@topamail.com
PE - Mr. Wallace cwallace@topamail.com
PE -Ms. Wallace bwallace@topamail.com