Phenomenal Phelps Facts
August 2024
Preparing for an Engaging Year at Phelps Elementary School!
Our staff members are busy preparing to welcome your family to another wonderful year. Our theme for this year is, "Empower and Engage: Connecting Minds, Inspiring Action." We have many exciting activities and adventures planned for you. We are eagerly awaiting the time we get to meet you. I am hoping you enjoy the last few weeks of summer. We begin our journey of learning and engagement on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 on our first day of school. Be sure to visit us the night before on August 27, 2024 from 6-7 pm to locate your classroom and meet your teacher. This year is set to be an incredible one! Welcome to Phelps Elementary School for the 2024-25 School Year!
Welcome to Our New Assistant Principal, Mr. E!
Exciting news here at Phelps Elementary! Ms. Stephanie Wells was hired as a principal of Old Hammondtown School in Mattapoisett, MA. Congratulations to her on her new appointment! We will certainly miss her at Phelps Elementary. However, Mr. Chase Eschauzier has been hired as our new Assistant Principal at Phelps Elementary. Although Mr. Eschauzier is new to us, he is certainly not new to education and comes with many years of administrative experience. We are looking forward to a wonderful year at Phelps Elementary with the addition of our new administrative team member.
Mr. Eschauzier has eleven years of experience in school administration as both an Assistant Principal and Principal the Sudbury, Duxbury, and Avon Public Schools. Prior to that, he taught grades 3, 4, and 5 in Milton and has been an educator for 19 years. A former graphic designer before becoming a teacher, "Mr. E" holds a Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art from Connecticut College, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Simmons College, and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) from Bridgewater State University in Educational Leadership. He is particularly interested in social emotional learning, restorative practices, and building strong caring relationships with students and families. He lives with his wife of 26 years and their dogs, Comet and Cupid, in Braintree, and he has three children.
Rockland Public Schools District Calendar
Important Upcoming Events in August!
- Phelps welcomes incoming grade 1 students and new families to tour Phelps and get important information about our procedures and routines at Phelps. Our night will end on the playground with popsicles for our grade 1 and new students. Welcome! PLEASE NOTE: This is not a night to meet teachers and staff or to see homerooms. Please come on Open House Night to see your teacher and room.
Tuesday, August 20: Teacher/Pod Information Available
- Information on your child's teacher will be available on Aspen. An email will be sent out when the information is ready to view with directions on August 20.
- Find your new classroom and meet your teacher! This is the perfect opportunity to ease those nerves about the first day of school. Come the night before school begins to the Phelps Open House.
Wednesday, August 28, 7:30 am: Phelps First Day of School Begins!
- We are so excited to welcome you to a new year at Phelps Elementary. Carline and family walk-up drop off is from 7:20-7:30 am. Students need to be in the building by 7:30 am to allow for breakfast and getting settled into classrooms. Please allow us a week to get our new families adjusted to our routine. Beginning Monday, September 9, students who are not in the building by 7:30 am will be marked tardy.
- Dismissal is at 2:00 pm daily. On Early Release Days, Phelps Elementary School is dismissed at 10:45 am.
- Please see the map below for arrival and dismissal procedures. Don't worry--there will be plenty of staff members available to help you with our routines. The main thing to remember about carline--Parents, please DO NOT get out of your car. Students should be ready to exit, and a staff member will open the passenger side back door to help them to enter our building. Thank you for your cooperation in making arrival a safe and smooth procedure.
***Information regarding bus assignments and pick-up time will sent as soon as it is available. A separate email will be sent to let you know when the information is available on Aspen. Any questions regarding busing should be directed to Noelle Novio in the Superintendent's Office by email at
School Supply Lists
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Phelps Elementary School has developed procedures and policies to keep all students, families, and staff members safe at arrival and dismissal. We ask you to be patient, especially during the first two weeks of school, as new families get acquainted to our procedures. We are welcoming and dismissing approximately 650 elementary school students and take this responsibility very seriously. Please listen to all directions from our staff members and follow our procedures so that all students can arrive and leave school safely and efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation.
Carline Arrival Procedures
At carline arrival, there will be two lanes in the morning. After you are in one of the two lanes, please be sure your child is ready to get out with their supplies ready to go. Your child should not exit the car until one of our staff members (in a reflective vest) directs your child to exit. We will exit all cars in both lanes and then we will move cars up to create two lanes again. Please wait to be directed by police and/or staff to move your car and exit. We will repeat this process until all children are in the building.
There is NO ACCESS for cars at the Reed Street entrance during arrival and dismissal. Please enter from Division Street. The Reed Street entrance/exit is for bus and staff access only during arrival and dismissal.
At NO TIME should cars pass other cars in our carline arrival lines unless directed by a staff member or our school resource officer. Children and adults will be entering and exiting the car lines to get into the building. Passing other cars puts both students and staff in danger. Thank you for keeping us all safe.
Carline Dismissal Procedure
When you arrive, please make two lanes in the front driveway of the building. A staff member will come out to scan your KidAccount card (please see description of KidAccount procedures in link below). Students will be dismissed in order in groups. Carline pick up adults should NOT exit their car. One of our staff members will help load your student into the car, and you will be directed by a staff member or school resource officer when it is safe to exit the pick up lane.
There is NO ACCESS for cars at the Reed Street entrance during arrival and dismissal. Please enter from Division Street. The Reed Street entrance/exit is for bus and staff access only during arrival and dismissal.
At NO TIME should cars pass other cars in our carline arrival lines unless directed by a staff member or our school resource officer. Children and adults will be entering and exiting the car lines to get into the building. Passing other cars puts both students and staff in danger. Thank you for keeping us all safe.
Family Walk Up Arrival
If you are walking your child to Phelps Elementary, please use sidewalks to walk to the main entrance (A1 on map above). Students should arrive between 7:20-7:30 am. Please listen to all directions given by the crossing guard, school resource officer, and school staff to keep everyone safe.
Please do not park in the front spaces of Phelps and walk your child to the main entrance. Also, do not park in the carline to walk your child up to the entrance. This disrupts our carline arrival and causes safety issues. If you choose to walk your child up and want to park, please park on Reed Street or use RMS parking and walk up to the school. Front spaces are reserved for visitors, parents attending meetings, or staff members.
There is NO ACCESS for cars at the Reed Street entrance during arrival and dismissal. Please enter from Division Street. The Reed Street entrance/exit is for bus and staff access only during arrival and dismissal.
Family Walk Up Dismissal
At dismissal, caregivers on foot only should report to the exit by the front side playground (D7 on map above). You will need your photo ID and KidAccount card to dismiss your child at Family Walk Up. Your card will be scanned, and your child's name will come up in their classroom for family pick up. After your card is scanned, please move aside so other caregivers can have their card scanned. You will need to wait away from the doorway for your child to be delivered to you. Students will not be dismissed from the office at dismissal time. For safety, security, and an efficient dismissal, you will need to report to the D7 door. Please do not park in the carline or front spaces during dismissal as our carline needs to operate in a safe and timely manner.
Reminder---Reed Street entrance will not be accessible by car during arrival and dismissal. Please use sidewalks and crosswalks to safely exit the Phelps Elementary School Campus. Thank you for keeping our students, families, and staff safe during our dismissal process.
Bus and After School Daycare Dismissal
Our staff will supervise and deliver students to buses or daycare at dismissal time. Please try to keep your child to a consistent schedule of days riding the bus or attending daycare. Since our students are young, constant changes in schedule can be very upsetting and confusing to them. All changes to any schedule (unless an emergency situation) need to be called into our office by 1:30pm at the latest in order to be entered into our system. Messages regarding dismissal should not be sent by email or Class Dojo to your child's teacher. Thank you for helping us dismiss our 650 students in an efficient manner. We appreciate it!
***Information regarding bus assignments and pick-up time will sent as soon as it is available. A separate email will be sent to let you know when the information is available on Aspen. Any questions regarding busing should be directed to Noelle Novio in the Superintendent's Office by email at
Summer Reading Links:
Main Office and Guidance Staff
If you have any questions or concerns, here are some staff members you can call or email:
Jean Maloney, School Administrative Assistant,
Brenda Mallar-Reske, Administrative Assistant (Kidaccount/Dismissal),
Michelle Scheufele, Principal,
Kelsey Holbrook, Assistant Principal & Title One Director,
Chase Eschauzier, Assistant Principal,
Amanda MacMillan, Phelps Special Education Coordinator,
Allison Sgambato, School Psychologist,
Elizabeth Peckham, School Psychologist,
Holly Gage, School Adjustment Counselor,
Taryn Muolo, School Adjustment Counselor,
Lizanne McCabe, Behaviorist,
Rebecca Varney, Behaviorist,
Shani McGarry, Nurse,