Kuehnle Koala Chronicle
24/25 /Issue 2
Hello Kuehnle Family,
I hope you’re soaking up the summer sun and creating wonderful memories with your loved ones. As we gear up for the new school year, I wanted to share some helpful information so you can get ready for that exciting first day back. Our dedicated team is hard at work preparing for a fantastic academic year, and we can hardly wait to welcome our beloved Koalas back this fall!
Our administrative team is back on campus, ensuring everything is set for a wonderful opening. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 832-484-6650. We’re here for you!
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
Let’s make this an amazing year at Kuehnle!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Elbert
Upcoming Dates
Aug 7- Popcorn with the Principals 4:00-6:00 in the Cafeteria
Aug 8-Kuehnle PTO Spirit Night @ Altitude 5:00-8:00
Aug 12- Meet the teacher 4:30-6:00
Aug 13- Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground 3:00-4:00
Aug 14- First day of school
Aug 22- Big Kahuna Fall Fundraiser kick off
Aug 29- Fall Open House and PTO 1st general meeting 5:00-6:30
Sept 3- Lunch Visitors Begin
Sept 11-Big Kahuna End Date
Kuehnle Brag Button
Celebrate Our Amazing Teachers and Staff!
We invite all community members and families to take a moment to recognize and celebrate our amazing teachers and staff.
Please fill out the form to share your appreciation. This form will be open all year long and will be in each edition of our Kuehnle Chronicle.
Your responses will be compiled and shared with the entire school community, highlighting the dedication and hard work of our staff. Thank you for helping us celebrate those who make a difference every day!
REQUIRED annual student update open NOW through Aug 9th
With an amazing 2024-2025 school year just around the corner, we want to ensure that all of our families are prepared before school starts.
RETURNING STUDENTS: For our returning students and families, welcome back! We cannot wait to see you back on campus! Please make sure to complete the Annual Student Update. This is required for all current students in Klein ISD to ensure each student has a schedule and teachers assigned prior to the first day of school.
Please know that your child will not be assigned a teacher for Meet the Teacher unless you have completed this process. Please make sure to complete the Annual Student Update today.
Popcorn with the Principals- August 7th from 4-6 PM
Meet the teacher-August 12th, 4:30-6:30 pm
We’re excited to see you at our annual Meet the Teacher event! Please enter through the cafeteria doors and check in to receive your child's assigned homeroom teacher. Doors will open at 4:00 p.m. for cafeteria access until 4:30 p.m. At 4:30 p.m., the main building doors will open for you to visit your child's classroom.
Looking forward to a wonderful evening!
Important To Do's at Meet the Teacher
1. Pick up your 24-25 required and official car rider number tag. We have new tags for everyone so please pick up your 2024-25 car rider tag at Meet the Teacher. It is WHITE this year and if you use the yellow one from last year you will be asked to proceed to the front office to pick up your student and obtain the 24-25 car rider tag.
2. Order your child's official 2024-2025 School Spirit Shirt that we wear on Fridays
If you preordered, please stop by the PTO table to pick up
3. Add money to your child's lunch account or learn how to do this via online
4. Become a PTO member and volunteer at Kuehnle
5. Learn about Koala Kare if you need before or after school care for your child
6. Learn about Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts
7. Transportation department can answer your questions
8. Visit the sponsor tables for treats
Kuehnle Spirit Wear
Klein ISD Volunteer
Popsicles on the Playground for Kindergarteners
Kuehnle School Hours
School Starts at 8:10 am.
School Ends at 3:25 pm.
Students may enter the building at 7:45 am.
Front office hours: 7:45am-4:00 pm
Thank you for helping keep everyone safe by not dropping off your child before 7:45 a.m., as supervision begins at that time. If you need before-school care, please contact the front office about Koala Kare or visit their website for more information: https://www.koalakare-llc.com/
We kindly request that you do not enter the car rider line PRIOR to 7:30 AM. The line backs up and then our staff cannot get into the parking lot to park their cars and get to their classroom and morning duty assignments to welcome and supervise students. Thank you.
Transportation Survey
Help us prepare for the 2024-2025 school year by completing this transportation survey. We want to make sure every student gets home safely on the first day of school and the entire year. The survey closes on Aug 12. If you miss the deadline, please complete the paper forms at meet the teacher on Aug 12 from 4:30-6:30 in your child's classroom OR email kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net.
School Supply List
UPDATE! Click HERE for the 2024-2025 Kuehnle School Supply List. It is also located on our Kuehnle website.
If you ordered school supplies through Kuehnle, the supplies will be in the classroom at meet the teacher. If you did not order school supplies, please click on the link above for information when you go to purchase them at your local store. Please feel free to bring them to Meet the Teacher and take to your child's classroom.
2024-2025 PTO Membership
Please consider joining Kuehnle PTO. See the form below for details.
Bus Buddies
End of Summer Spirit Night at Altitude
First Day of School-Wednesday, August 14
Parents are welcome to walk their child to their classroom on the first day of school, August 14, 2024. We encourage students to walk independently on the second day, but rest assured, our staff will be available to help them find their way!
On August 15, if you wish to accompany your child, please sign in at the front office, have your driver's license scanned, and receive a visitor badge. Starting Monday, August 19, all students should enter the building on their own, with staff continuing to assist them in reaching their classrooms safely.
We look forward to a wonderful start to the school year!
Campus Safety and Security
In accordance with Klein ISD safe and secure policies, A valid driver’s license must be shown at the front door before entering the building.
Please see the Entry Procedure sign displayed at our front door. All visitors to our campus must ring the doorbell, identify yourself, give student's name, provide reason for visit, and show your valid photo I.D.
Please do not allow individuals not in your group to enter behind you. Once inside the building check in at our front office and your license will be scanned if you are visiting any area past the front office.
Name tags will be provided which should be visible on the front of the shirt and worn AT ALL TIMES by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building.
Thank you for helping keep our campus safe and secure.
School Lunch Visitors
We want to set our students up for success by spending time with them teaching expectations, procedures during the first few weeks during lunch. Lunch time with their peers is a valuable time for your child. They will spend all year growing and cultivating their friendships.
We will begin allowing visitors for lunch on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Important Parent information
Visitors to Campus
All visitors to our campus must check in at our front office. A valid driver’s license will be needed to check in to visit any area past the front office. Name tags will be provided and should be worn at all times by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building.
Rights of Possessory Conservator
The school district is not required to contact the managing conservator when the possessory conservator requests to review the child's records or consult with the teacher.
Conflicts between parents should be resolved outside of school, and we should be informed of any contact limitations established in the divorce decree, such as visits without record reviews.
Custody Issues
Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the registrar a certified copy of the most recent court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any question, please call the school and ask for Jennifer Elbert, Principal.
Car Pool
Please remember to have the car rider number tag hanging from the rearview mirror. Please turn off your cell phone while in the carpool line. For morning drop-offs, please follow the directions of the staff members and drop your student off when the line stops. This helps to expedite the traffic flow.
Early Dismissal's and transportation changes by 2:45 pm
All early dismissals must occur before 2:45p.m. If you need to pick your child up before the end of the school day, please email the front desk. Please come to the front office at the requested time to sign him/her out. After 2:45 p.m. students will only be released following their normally dismissal routine. Email Kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net
All changes to a child’s normal means of afternoon transportation must be received in the front office no later than 2:45 pm to allow time to get the updated information to the teacher in time for dismissal. Email Kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net. All Transportation changes must be requested in writing.
Medication at School
All medication, prescription and over the counter, must be delivered to the clinic by a parent or guardian. Prescription medications must be in the original container with prescription label. Most pharmacies will provide you with an extra bottle when you fill prescriptions if you ask them. Over the counter medications must have a dosage for the child by age or weight and can only be given for 2 weeks without a doctor’s note. Unused medication can not be sent home with the student. If the parent or guardian cannot pick up medication, you may make arrangements with the nurse for another adult to pick up medication. No vitamins, health food, or herbal preparations may be given. please contact our school nurse if you have any questions at 832-484-6625.
Car and Bus Riders
Every student who is a car rider MUST have a car rider number. This year our car rider tag color is WHITE. Last year's will not be accepted for safety purposes. We do not dismiss by names and a lack of a car rider tag will require you to go to the front office to pick up your child. If your child will ever be a car rider during this school year, please pick up your car rider number at Meet The Teacher on August 12, 2024. If you cannot make it to meet the teacher, stop by the front office to pick up your car rider number between 8 AM and 3PM.
*AM Car Rider line is at the front of the school near the flagpole.
*PM Car Rider line is near the cafeteria.
Please be patient with the bus schedules the first several weeks of school. Buses typically run late the first few weeks of school.
Click HERE to find out more information on bus stop locations, and approximate times.
Bus Routes for the 2024-2025 School Year will be available August 5, 2024.
Smart Tags
Klein ISD uses the SMART tag ID card system to increase student safety, streamline management of students riding on school buses, and allow access to campus services via easy scans.
The district purchased the first lanyard, card and plastic cover for every student. Parents will be required to pay for replacement cards, plastic protective covers, or lanyards if they are broken, lost, or stolen. Every student is required to have a Smart Tag. Parents will be contacted by our front office staff when a replacement is needed. Parents will need to pay for the replacement via School Cash Online. A link will be emailed to you. Once payment has been received the front office will provide the replacement.
Replacement fees:
-Smart Tag = $5.00
-lanyard = $2.00
-plastic protective cover = $1.00
Click HERE for the smart tag parent app.
Dismissal-Safety is Our Priority
Parents, please help us with the following:
Car Riders:
1. Official school car rider number tags must be displayed in the front windshield.
2. Please keep your car rider number tag displayed until your child gets in your car. After your child enters your car, please remove your carpool card from the windshield. This is our signal that your child is loaded.
3. Please be patient in the car line. Remember that SAFETY is always a priority at Kuehnle. Be mindful that students are still moving until we give the go ahead to move cars forward.
4. Please refrain from using your cell phone in a School Zone, including waiting in the car rider line. There are Texas State Laws which prohibit the use of cell phones while in a school zone.
Walkers/Bike Riders:
1. Walkers will be issued a ‘dismissal card’ by their teacher
2. Walkers will turn this card in to the staff member on duty at the assigned walker exit. This will be the student’s ‘ticket’ to leave the school building at the end of each day.
3. Walkers do not walk to cars in the parking lot. Any student leaving school grounds in a car must be picked up in the Car Rider line.
4. For safety reasons, do not park your car in the parking lot during dismissal unless you are required to come into the building.
Bus Riders:
Students will receive a bus card which must be attached to his/her backpack the entire year. Please do not remove this card.
Bus Rules:
· Student must remain seated at all times.
· Students must keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
· Refer to the Klein ISD Student Handbook for a more detailed list.
Parents, please plan ahead with your child for rainy days. Consider packing a raincoat or umbrella for them to use.
All changes to a student’s regular means of dismissal must be received in the front office by 2:45 pm. You may email kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net
Kuehnle School Store
Selective school supply items and novelty items will be available in our school store most mornings from 7:45 - 8:10 a.m. beginning on Monday, August 26th.
Adjustments in class assignments
Your child’s teacher may be changed during the first several weeks of school. This could occur due to balancing of class sizes, an addition or deletion of a teacher, or an instructional ability grouping change. These changes are made only to improve the instructional program of the students. We will inform you by letter and direct contact in the event these changes become necessary. Your cooperation in making this a smooth transition for your child is requested in the event that your child’s class assignment should need to be changed
Updated Campus Procedure on Birthday Invitations
Parents may send invitations to teachers for distribution in the classroom. Please ensure you invite either the entire class, only boys, or only girls. Thank you for your cooperation!
Student absences
All student absences require an excuse note from the parent/guardian within 5 days of the student's return.
How do I submit an excuse note?
Entering an absence in Skyward is Klein ISD's preferred method of communication for absence reporting.
Other acceptable methods of notification are:
- hand written note from parent/guardian
- note from a medical professional
We cannot accept the following communication methods:
- No emails to the front office, registrar, teacher or other staff member
- No Remind messages
- No Dojo message
Klein ISD is no longer automatically sending notification of student absences to parents/guardians. However, there is a way for the parents/guardians to select to be notified if they want notification. The instructions for setting up the notification can be found in Familynet.
See the Attendance Policy section of the Klein ISD Student Handbook for more information.
Birthday Snacks Through the Cafeteria
KISD permits parents / guardians or grandparents to supply birthday snacks for their child’s birthday through the Klein ISD Food Service Department. Please call our food service manager at 832-484-6630 for more info and a list of items available.
- Birthday snacks will be distributed for the entire class at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture.
- Written consent from a parent / guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to have a birthday treat. (Sent in the 1st day packet.)
- Two weeks notice is required for ordering birthday snacks through Klein ISD.
*No balloons are permitted on campus.
Cellphones During the School Day
Please note the following information regarding the use of cell phones during school. This information is also located in the Klein ISD Elementary Student Handbook.
Electronic Devices and Technology Resources (All Grade Levels)
Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Cell Phones, and Other Electronic Devices
The district permits students to possess personal cell phones for safety purposes; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.
A student must have approval to possess other personal telecommunications devices on campus such as laptops, tablets, or other portable computers.
Without such permission, teachers will collect the items and turn them in to the principal’s office. The principal will determine whether to return items to students at the end of the day or to contact parents to pick up the items.
The use of cell phones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.
If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office.
In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel.
Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.
Big Kahuna Fundraiser
We are so excited to kick off our Big Kahuna Fall Fundraiser this month! Be sure to look over the fundraiser packet on Aug 22nd, register online, and share with your friends and family. Students may turn in tickets daily (with a parent signature) once they have sold an item(s), to earn the collectibles this year. We are super exited to bring back the very popular party bus ride. Students must sell 15 items or more to qualify for the party bus or families have the option to join the family plan and sell 20 items to qualify for the party bus!
As always, we thank you for supporting our fundraisers. We make it a priority to give right back to our students through curriculum, technology, and so much more.
Important Fundraiser dates:
Start Date: Aug 22-packets go home with students
End Date: Sept 11
Product Delivery: Oct 9th (cafeteria)
Open House
We’re excited to invite you to our Fall Open House on August 29th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM! We hope to see you there!