"The Leopard Print"
Update From Rio Vista Elementary
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Week of January 13th
Upcoming Events
1/13-1/17 Progress Reports go home
1/14 5th Grade Field Trip to Crystal Cove
1/14 Disciplina Positiva (8:30am, MPR)
1/16 Musical Rehearsal (2:30pm, MPR)
1/16 AVID Family Night (5pm)
1/17 AVID College Friday
Looking ahead
1/20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (NO SCHOOL)
1/21 SST Day
1/21 Disciplina Positiva (8:30am, MPR)
1/23 Musical Rehearsal (2:30pm, MPR)
1/23 PTA Association Meeting (2:30pm, Lunch Tables)
1/23 GATE Parent information night (5:30pm, MPR)
1/24 AVID College Friday
Help for victims of the fires
If you're interested in offering support, THIS ARTICLE contains guidance about best ways to do so and several vetted links to organizations that can be trusted with your donations.
AVID Family Night!
Please join us Thursday (January 16th) at 5pm for our first AVID Family Night of the year! There will be lots of games for you to play with your students, career-connected learning opportunities, and some BIG TVs connected to Nintendo Switch for students to play together. Can't wait to see you there!
Counselor Survey
WICOR of the Month Strategy - Think/Pair/Share
Ask your students and their teachers about practicing the "Think/Pair/Share" strategy this month!
Students get a chance to process information and collaborate with a partner before sharing out to the class. It also teaches students to do careful listening so they can share what they heard their partner say.
Below is a picture of all the AVID Collaborative Structures we are using this year.
Respectful, Responsible, Kind
Thank you for helping us model some of our "Leopard Laws" that we expect our students to follow!
Especially in the parking lot during drop off and dismissal, we need to work together to keep everyone safe. Following the rules and expectations, and being respectful to our volunteers, are important ways to make things work better for everyone!
PTA Membership Reminder
We are quite a bit behind last year's pace for families signed up as PTA members. All proceeds go directly to support our students in every grade, so your support is appreciated!
CLICK HERE to sign up quickly. Thank you for your $15 donation!!
Parent-School Compact
See the document below for reminders about our collective responsibilities to each other as parents, students, and teachers. Be sure to ask for a copy of this to sign at your parent/teacher conference this week.
PTA Volunteers
Starting in December, PTA volunteers can help teachers by taking care of preparation tasks (making copies, cutting things out, etc.) on Tuesdays. Reach out if you have any questions about how you can help.
Also, thank you to our PTA parents who signed up to volunteer supporting valet in the parking lot in the morning!
Remember, everyone is trying to be on time to school and to make it to their next destination safely, so thank you for respecting the rules of the parking lot by only dropping off in the drive through lane, dropping off after passing the cross walk, and not blocking traffic in the drive through lane.
Lost and Found
Please be sure to check the Lost and Found regularly to look for items your child may have left behind around campus. Our PTA helpers wash and hang the clothes, so please leave the hangers when you take your items.
At the end of each month, anything left on the Lost and Found cart will be donated to our local Goodwill.
PTA School of Excellence
Please help us by filling out the survey that helps us maintain our status as a National PTA School of Excellence. Your participation is important, and we look carefully at your feedback so we can always continue our efforts to improve!
English: https://forms.gle/VnHQZWqPBpvXtnkM6
Spanish: https://forms.gle/rXgZTDrpcbshXeGt9
Title 1 Parent Advisory Committee
Reach out to Dr. Frank if you are interested in representing Rio Vista at the district Title 1 Parent Advisory Committee.
Meetings are held on October 24th, December 19th, February 20th, May 15th.
Rio Vista PTA website
Click HERE to access our amazing PTA website with links to all upcoming school and community events! Scan the QR Code below to join as a member (only $15 per family to join PTA, nothing else is required to be a member!).
Rio Vista is one of only 2 schools in all of Orange County (and one of only 24 schools in the state of California!) to earn this recognition. Thank you to our amazing PTA Board for their leadership and dedication, and thank you to all of our wonderful parents and families for joining as members (your donation goes directly to students) and for volunteering when possible.
Weekly Attendance Update
Please Help Us With Attendance!
Remember that instruction begins at 7:50am. Supervision and free school breakfast are available starting at 7:25am, so we encourage you to plan your drop-off for between 7:30-7:40am each day.
We had a few better days this week, but we still need your help to get our attendance back to our goal of 95%. Last week, I reminded every student in the school about the importance of washing their hands, staying healthy, and getting to school every day!
**We need your help with tardies! We begin instruction AT 7:50am, so please arrive early enough for students to get all of their instructional minutes
Parking Lot Reminders
Please do not walk in the wheelchair accessible area (marked by blue stripes) where we load students into the cars.
Also, PLEASE DO NOT PARK ALONG ANY RED CURB as that space needs to be available for emergency services in the case of an emergency. Please be courteous to our neighbors and do not park in front of anyone's driveway.
Make sure to remind your students to pay attention at the dismissal area. If we have to call them more than 3 times and they do not come to the loading zone, we will ask you to go back around in line and we'll try again.
Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe!
Family Health Matters (FHM) Resources
PYLUSD's Family Resource Center, (FRC) in partnership with Family Health Matters, will be offering free assistance with MediCal and CalFresh applications. The FRC is located next to Topaz Elementary. Please review the flyer for more information including documents you will need. Call 714-714-1259 to schedule an appointment.
El centro de recursos familiares de PYLUSD, en asociación con Family Health Matters, ofrecerá asistencia gratuita con las solicitudes de MediCal y CalFresh. El FRC está ubicado al lado de la escuela primaria Topaz. Revise el folleto para obtener más información, incluyendo los documentos que necesitará. Llame al 714-714-1259 para programar una cita.
Reflex Math
This is a really fun "gamified" program that students love using, which they will have access to at school and at home. They practice a "back to basics" curriculum and earn points that allow them to personalize their home page.
Teachers and parents will all be receiving an email from Reflex Math this week with instructions for how to set up classes and add students.
State Preschool is Available
English: Rio Vista Families, our Free State Preschool Program, is enrolling children 3- 4 years of age by or before December 1st. Families will be pre-screened to determine eligibility based on income. Our Preschool Program has achieved the highest quality Star Rating from the Orange County Department of Education. For more information, please call 714-986-7247.
Spanish: Familias de Río Vista , nuestro programa preescolar estatal gratuito está inscribiendo a niños que cumplan 3 a 4 años el 1ro de Diciembre o antes. Las familias serán pre-evaluadas para determinar la elegibilidad según los ingresos. Nuestro Programa Preescolar ha obtenido la calificación de estrellas de más alta calidad del Departamento de Educación del Condado de Orange. Para obtener más información, llame al 714-986-7247.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Parent Education Opportunities
Cyberbullying and Digital Drama
Asynchronous Plugged-In Parents: Cyberbullying and Digital Drama Parent Presentation-English
Asynchronous Plugged-In Parents: Cyberbullying and Digital Drama Parent Presentation-Spanish
Community Resources and Services
Child Care Support
Pediatric Dental Care
About Us
Website: riovistaschool.org
Location: 310 North Rio Vista Street, Anaheim, CA, USA
Phone: 714-986-7240
Twitter: @riovista310