Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
October 27th, 2024
Message from the Principal
Phoenix Family,
It was wonderful to see our Phoenix families at our Annual Fall Fest! Each year, our student-led clubs and organizations come together to make this event unforgettable. Students work tirelessly to create a fun experience for the entire community, and it’s inspiring to see them problem-solve, laugh, and collaborate in the hours leading up to the event. They then show their dedication by staying afterward to ensure everything is cleaned up. Leaders not only inspire, but they see things through, and our students exemplify that spirit every year at Fall Fest.
We are thrilled to celebrate our National Blue Ribbon School ceremony on Tuesday, October 29th, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Center Corner in building NSTU. Join us for appetizers and a special ceremony honoring this achievement. Please see the flyer below for a parking map and additional details. We hope to see many of our families there to celebrate our students' success together!
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Join us in Celebrating Collegiate Academy's National Blue Ribbon Recognition
We are proud to announce that Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Collegiate Academy at Tarrant County College Northeast is one of 356 schools recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in the 2024 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools.
This prestigious distinction highlights schools that excel in academic performance or significantly close achievement gaps among different student groups. It reflects our school community's remarkable achievement and underscores GCISD Collegiate Academy’s commitment to consistent, high-quality education, based on data from the past three years. This recognition is also a testament to the strong partnership between Grapevine-Colleyville ISD and TCC Northeast.
We would be honored if you are in attendance for our official National Blue Ribbon Celebration on Tuesday, October 29th.
Phoenix Spotlight
Lucy Allen, a senior at GCISD Collegiate Academy, recently completed a passion project to inspire young students in math. She partnered with Lindsey Dugan’s second-grade class to teach double-digit addition with regrouping through a fun math mystery riddle. The lesson was a hit, with students loving the challenge and Mrs. Dugan calling Lucy "very engaging." Through her creative approach, Lucy is inspiring the next generation of mathematicians and showing that math can be both fun and exciting!
This is a reminder that CA will still be in session November 4th & November 5th
October 29th - National Blue Ribbon School Celebration @ Center Corner
November 1st - School Picture Retakes for Underclassmen and Seniors
November 4th through 8th - Homecoming Dress Up Days
November 8th - Homecoming
November 15th - Senior Ad Deadline
November 20th - Parent Meeting @ CA
PSAT & SAT Updates
PSAT and SAT Testing went smoothly this past week. Thank you to our students, staff, and families for all their incredible support. Students can get their scores on November 7, 2024.
For students who missed testing this past week, there will be a make-up day on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
November 4th - November 8th
Juniors & Seniors' Students and Parents - November 7th
TCC will host an event on November 7th and has created a presentation on what our students need to transition to a 4-year university, covering the basics about FAFSA, how to transfer all their college credits, as well as tips on how to get the most out of this ECHS program when picking their college classes. This event will take place at TCC NE - Center Corner from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Pizza and drinks will be provided, and we will have tables with advisors from other universities available to answer questions about transferring and what they have to offer students.
For any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Aguirre yvonne.aguirre@gcisd.net
TCC organizará un evento el 7 de noviembre y ha creado una presentación sobre lo que nuestros estudiantes necesitan para hacer el cambio a una universidad de cuatro años, cubriendo los aspectos básicos sobre FAFSA, cómo transferir todos sus créditos de colegio, así como consejos sobre cómo aprovechar al máximo este programa ECHS al elegir sus aún clases de colegio. Este evento se llevará a cabo en TCC NE - Center Corner de 6:00 a 7:30 PM.
Se proporcionarán pizza y bebidas, y tendremos mesas con asesores de otras universidades disponibles para responder preguntas sobre la transferencia y lo que tienen para ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes.
Para cualquier pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Aguirre. yvonne.aguirre@gcisd.net
Homecoming - November 8th
HoCo tickets will be on sale starting next week on Wednesday, October 30th, during lunch! Tickets are $10 each and $15 at the door (cash only). If you are interested in bringing a non-CA guest to the dance, see Mr. Geer or Ms. Marie-France for a Guest Permission Form. See important information below regarding bringing a guest.
Before your guest will be allowed to attend the 2024 Homecoming Dance, you must:
1. Fill out the form completely.
2. Submit the form to Mrs. Heaton’s office by Wednesday, November 6, by 4:30 PM.
1. Guests must be sponsored by and attend with a student currently enrolled in CA.
2. Only one guest per CA student is allowed.
3. No guest over the age of 20 will be allowed.
4. The CA Code of Conduct applies to all participating guests.
5. The CA sponsoring student assumes all responsibility for the guest.
6. Guests must submit a copy of his/her driver’s license (if applicable). NO FAXED copies will be accepted.
7. CA Administration reserves the right to refuse admittance to and/or remove any guest from event.
Clubs & Organizations
The Phoenix Mechs Robotics team is working hard on finishing their Robot, Engineering Notebook, and Presentation for this year’s competition!
This weekend on Oct. 26, we will practice accomplishing tasks on uneven terrain.
Next weekend, on Nov. 1-2, we will compete against other schools for Cowtown BEST Robotics!
If you would like to join Robotics, please contact Mrs. Roberts sarah.roberts@gcisd.net
If you would like to help support Robotics, please look at our Amazon Wishlist.
Class of 2025
The Class of 2025 is selling raffle tickets for $4 for a chance to win a spooky basket! There will be 5 winners announced on October 30 during morning announcements. Buy a Spooky Basket for yourself or your friend! Please see Ms. Alvarez to purchase tickets.
Thank you to those of you who generously donated refreshments for the Class of 2026 Fall Fest. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Class of 2028
The Class of 2028 wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of the families that donated to our Fall Fest booth! The Cakewalk/Giftcard walk was a big success and we couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you for helping the class of 2028 get off to a great start! It is a joy to be in a partnership with you!
UIL Academics
UIL Academics will be selling “mini mums” to raise money for our competitions and supplies.
This year we are competing in Number Sense, Calculator, Current Issues and Events, Science, Social Studies, Ready Writing, Mathematics, Computer Science (Java), Literary Criticism, Speech, and Debate.
National Honor Society
The CA Chapter of the National Honor Society officially inducted our new members for the 2024-2025 school year! NHS is an organization dedicated to Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Please welcome and congratulate our new members!
Repeated Information From Last Week
Yearbook Sales
If you would like to order a yearbook, you may do so at this link:
Please email Kristinia Haney at kristinia.haney@gcisd.net with any questions.
If you are a parent or guardian of a 12th grade student and would like to purchase a senior ad celebrating your student in our yearbook, please see the attached flyer. Spaces for senior ads in the yearbook are limited and all ads must be purchased by 11/15/24.
* Collegiate Academy may review and edit ads per their guidelines. Jostens retains the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos or copyright-protected imagery or photos.
Or call 800.358.0800
Prices are listed below:
Full Page $150.00
1/2 Page $85.00
1/4 Page $50.00
1/8 Page $30.00
You can also contact Mrs. Haney with any questions you may have at kristinia.haney@gcisd.net
School Picture Retakes for Underclassmen and Seniors - November 1st
On November 1st, Legacy Studios will be at Collegiate Academy for underclassmen and senior class picture retakes for the yearbook. Pictures will be taken in the counseling suite. Underclassmen will be called from their classes to retake their photos if needed.
Seniors who have not yet had their senior photo taken for the yearbook, will need to make an appointment for their senior photo using Legacy’s link at:
Please contact Kristinia Haney with any questions at kristinia.haney@gcisd.net
District Information
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX