May Parent Newsletter
Principal, Dr. DiTullio
Principal's Corner
April was a busy month around here and it flew right by! May will be just as busy. We have several important dates and events to remember so make sure that you take a look at that section below. The students in grades 3-6 have been working hard on their NYS exams. We have completed the ELA and Science tests and are getting ready for the Math test. For students in grades K-2, we continue to work on building strong foundational skills in reading, writing and mathematics so that they can be successful in meeting grade level standards. Our goal is for 100% of our students to be proficient readers and writers by the end of grade 2, with a strong understanding of the base ten system, addition, subtraction and problem solving. Thank you for your help at home! By reading to your child and utilizing the public library system, our students continue to build their background knowledge, as well as their vocabulary. The more students know and understand spoken language, the easier reading becomes. Keep talking to your children and reading to them too!
The School #46 Choir is going to be performing Moana on May 31st at School #46. These students have been working hard all year to bring you this wonderful performance. There is no cost for students or their families to attend. Every year, the students put on a fabulous performance, so don't miss it!
Parent Day at the MAG!
We still have plenty of room for folks to attend the family event at the Memorial Art Gallery. See the flier below for details. We will be meeting here at School #46 at 12:00 to have lunch. Pizza will be served in the cafeteria, and then we will hop on the bus and be transported to the Memorial Art Gallery for a special tour of the gallery. This is all possible because of our partnership with Kuumba Consultants, and the one and only, Mrs. Delores Jackson-Radney. Use this LINK to sign up and let us know you are coming!
Scholastic Book Fair
This month we will also be hosting the Buy One- Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair! Mrs. Keeler is still in need of some volunteers to help during the book fair. If you are so inclined, please call our main office, (585)288-8008. You can access the School 46 Bookfair Homepage here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/charlescarrollelemsch46. The book fair will also be open for a few hours on Saturday, May 11th. Feel free to stop by!
U of R Eastman Dental Program
There is still time to get back your pink form if you would like your child to participate in the FREE dental program. Without the pink paperwork, your child cannot participate. Please call the main office if you need a form. You are welcome to send the form back to school in your child's backpack, or you can mail it to us. Just be sure to get it back to us as soon as you can. We don't have a start date, but I imagine we will be starting soon.
As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education! We are all looking forward to the many wonderful events in the upcoming months.
Important Dates/Events to Remember
May 3: Grade 2 to Springdale Farm
May 6-10: Scholastic Book Fair and Grand Lunches
May 6-10: Teacher and Staff appreciation Week
May 11: Parent trip to the Memorial Art Gallery
May 7-15: NYS Math Testing Window for grades 3-6
May 23: 1/2 Day for Students/ 12:30 dismissal (12:00 dismissal for Pre-K)
May 24: No School
May 27: Memorial Day / NO SCHOOL- All facilities closed
May 31: 24 Game Challenge; Moana performance- 6:00PM in the gymnasium/auditorium
Grand Lunch Schedule
Principal's May Book of the Month
Watercress, by Andrea Wang
Summary: A young girl is driving with her immigrant parents as they stop to pick watercress on the side of the road. The girl is embarrassed at first and doesn’t understand why they don’t just buy it at a grocery store. While picking, her mother shares a story of her family foraging for fresh food. Through this experience, she learns about the power of sharing memories, and how our heritage shapes us.
Resources: https://forum.teachingbooks.net/2021/03/andrea-wang-on-watercress/