Munson Messenger
Issue 19 - January 9, 2025
We Commit to High Achievement for All Students
Mark Your Calendars!
School Events
January 10 - Ohio State spirit day
January 20 - No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
February 14 - No School (Professional Development day)
February 17 - No School (Presidents' Day)
PTO Events
January 14 - PTO meeting, 4pm at school
February 4 - Donut with a Grownup - 1st grade, 8:30-9:10am
February 11 - Donut with a Grownup - 2nd grade, 8:30-9:10am
February 13 - Valentine's Day class celebrations
February 13 - Skate party with Park Elementary at United Skates of America, 6-8:30pm
February 15 - Special Guy & I dance, 6:30-8:30pm at Veteran's Legacy Woods
February 25 - Donut with a Grownup - 3rd grade, 8:30-9:10am
A Note From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy New Year! We started off 2025 with a busy week of learning! Please remember to ALWAYS send your child to school with appropriate outerwear, including boots, snowpants, gloves, hat, and coat. Please send these items to school EVERY DAY! We ALWAYS go outside for recess unless the "feels like" (windchill) temperature is below 15 degrees. Also, please take a moment to label all of your child's gear, including their bags, to make sure we can return any found items to their owners! Thank you!
Thank you,
Mathew Prezioso
Principal, Munson Elementary
Mr. Prez's Pic of the Week
VIP lunch with these third graders! (We had a little trouble getting our expressions coordinated. 😞😁)
2nd Grade CogAT Testing - February 3-7
Parents of 2nd grade students,
The State of Ohio requires school districts to offer whole-grade testing to all students twice during their education to identify gifted learners. As part of this process, all 2nd grade students will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) from February 3-7, 2025. The CogAT assesses overall cognitive and reasoning abilities and can identify students who meet the qualifying score as gifted in superior cognitive ability. Based on the results, some students may undergo additional evaluation for possible gifted identification in creative thinking ability. After testing, individual student CogAT results will be sent home with students. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assessment, please feel free to contact Linda Elegante or Megan Kinney at
Thank you,
Megan Kinney
Gifted Coordinator & Consultant
Clinic Corner
Happy New Year from Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kolenich!
The main goal of the school nurse is to keep students and staff safe and healthy at school. Below are some reminders on when a child should be kept at home or when a parent will be called to pick up his/her child from school.
We recommend keeping your child home from school if he/she has:
- temperature above 100.0F during the previous 24 hours (the child should be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT use of fever-reducing medication before returning to school)
- vomiting or diarrhea - children who experience more than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode. A child may be sent to school if they only had one episode, and the parent is confident it is a "one time deal" and not a stomach virus.
- strep throat - children diagnosed with strep throat should not be sent to school until after 24 hours of antibiotics or longer if determined by a physician. A doctor's excuse should also be sent with the child upon their return to school.
- persistent cough, especially one which has kept your child up at night
- pink eye - redness in the white of the eyes, itching, yellow or green discharge, or matted eyelashes are signs of conjunctivitis or pink eye. Pink eye is highly contagious, so if these symptoms are present a follow-up with your child's physician should be done. Children should not come to school until 24 hours after receiving prescribed antibiotic eye drops or as otherwise decided by their physician. A doctor's excuse should also be sent when the child returns to school.
- rash - rashes including, but not limited to, blisters that are oozing and painful, could be a sign of a contagious infection such as chicken pox, impetigo, etc. Children should be seen by a physician before returning to school.
- wounds or lesions - students with skin infections should follow up with their physician and may return to school at their physician's discretion. Any wound or lesion with drainage ("pus") needs to be covered and contained with a clean, dry bandage.
- pain - including earaches, toothaches, headaches, etc. Parents will be called to pick up their child if the child is in severe pain or not able to perform in school due to the pain.
Please note that if your child is out sick for 3 consecutive days, he/she will need a doctor's note to return to school after the 3rd day of being absent.
Just a reminder that if your child comes home with different clothes on due to accidents, spills and/or recess mud/dirt, please make sure to wash and return these clothing items. This is very important as our extra clothing supply is very limited. We STRONGLY suggest keeping an extra set of clothing (including socks and underwear) in your child's backpack in case they need to change during the school day.
Thank you for your support in keeping our school safe and healthy!
Topper Tickets
Topper Tickets are given to students as a special recognition when they demonstrate a Topper Trait - Taking Responsibility, Offering Kindness, and Persevering. Each day, we randomly select a few Topper Ticket winners from each grade level to receive a prize! Check the newsletter each week for their names!
1st Grade: Keaton Caruso, Mateo Merritt, Evy Swartz, Ryan Stefanko, Paige Mansfield, Ben Moore, Riley Mertler, Lucas Haefke
2nd Grade: Franki Kula, Sonte Gibbons, Steevie Smith, Roland Phillips, Titus Morrison, Juliana Russell, Zander Mormile, Jocelyn Winter
3rd Grade: Elliot Karlson, Cassius Hardy, Lena Mooney, Henry Brickman, Haidyn Thomas-Barnes, Vinny Stipich, Miles Saito, Avery Ovanic
Keep up the great work, Hilltoppers!
Lunch Menu
Chardon Schools Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Monday, 1/13 - popcorn chicken
Tuesday, 1/14 - Bosco cheesy breadsticks
Wednesday, 1/15 - bacon cheeseburger
Thursday, 1/16 - mini corn dogs
Friday, 1/17 - Pizza Hut
Monday, 1/20 - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, 1/21 - beef walking taco
Wednesday, 1/22 - grilled cheese sandwich
Thursday, 1/23 - mini maple pancakes
Friday, 1/24 - Big Daddy pizza
Please Complete the Mandatory Annual Update!
The Annual Update must be completed by ALL Chardon Local Schools households every year, for every student, even if there are no changes. We need your updated information as soon as possible! Find instructions on how to complete the Annual Update HERE.
As a SCHOOL, we have 82% of our Annual Updates completed. The first CLASS to complete 100% of their Annual Updates will win a special treat!
Here is how many Annual Updates each class STILL HAS LEFT to complete:
Mrs. Woodrow, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Dinko - 1
Mrs. McClintock, Mrs. Burress - 3
Mrs. Sobodosh, Mrs. Turk, Mrs. Elliott - 4
Mrs. Hardman, Mr. Buemi - 6
Mrs. Suszynski - 7
Chardon Family Connection Night - January 23!
When: January 23, February 20, March 20, and April 10, 2025
Time: 6-7pm
Location: CMS Cafeteria
Contact Caitlyn Kozelj at with any questions!
PTO News & Upcoming Events
Keep in touch with us via...
Facebook: Munson Elementary PTO Facebook
Instagram: @MunsonPTO
Website (with updated events calendar): Munson Elementary PTO
Next Meeting - Tuesday, January 14 at 4pm
We hope to see you at our next PTO meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 4pm at school! Going forward this year, all PTO meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 4pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Donut with a Grownup!
Join the PTO for Donut with a Grownup! Students and ONE adult are welcome to enjoy donuts with their grade level from 8:30-9:10am in the gym.
February 4 - 1st grade
February 11 - 2nd grade
February 25 - 3rd grade
**Please note, this year RSVPs are required by January 24 if students will be attending! The RSVP form is below (a hard copy will be sent home with each student, too). We hope to see you there!
Save the Date - Special Guy & I Dance February 15!
Mark your calendars! All Munson girls and a special guy (dad, stepdad, grandpa, uncle, etc.) are invited to the PTO's Special Guy & I Dance on Saturday, February 15 from 6:30-8:30pm at Veteran's Legacy Woods. More details will be shared soon!
Quick Links
Contact Information
Mathew Prezioso, Principal
Sandy Henderson, Secretary
Jen Cline, Clerical Assistant
Sarah Park, Nurse
Renee Kolenich, Medical Assistant
Main Office/24-Hour Attendance Line