The Cyber Scoop
CVilleCA Newsletter Issue #9 November 19th, 2024
Welcome to our weekly newsletter for of the 2024/2025 school year. We will send this out every week to keep you posted about all the things happening at the Coatesville Cyber Academy this year.
Please make sure to read the whole newsletter each week, as always add new info.
Message from the Frog Pond
This week we are looking forward to hosting our annual Thanksgiving meal at the drop-in center.
I wanted to say thank you to the whole team here at our little schoolhouse and the Coatesville Food Service department for making this possible. Everyone here has stepped up to meet the day to day needs of our program.
One thing that growing up in Coatesville has taught me, when we need to, we know how to circle the wagons and rally to the cause.
To all of the principals and administrative staff that have supported us, thank you for the open door policy and the willingness to listen. To the counselors that have helped recruit, register, and support the staff and the students, thank you! To the colleagues that share the drop-in center with me, I wouldn’t want to man the wall with anyone else! To the students and families that we serve, thank you for trusting us with your most precious possessions!
What are you thankful for?
Looking forward to our meal together!
Mr. Frog
What's New Here at the CvilleCA?
Thanksgiving Luncheon at the Drop in Center
When: Thursday 11/21/2023 at 12pm
RSVP by Wednesday 11/20
It's time for our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon! Please fill out the form below to RSVP for your student.
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up!
Monday 11/25/2024 12-3pm
Tuesday 11/26/2024 12-7:30pm
Please sign up with the link below:
Newsletter Scavenger Hunt
Somewhere in the newsletter, there is an emoji rose. How many of you can find it? Send us an email and tell us where it is to get a small prize next time you come into the drop in center!
Here's what it looks like 🌹
Cyber Bucks at the Drop-In Center
If you come into the Drop-In Center, you can participate in our Cyber Bucks Program, where students earn tickets and get snacks and prizes.
Students get tickets by doing their work, helping others, and being good members of our school community!
Report Cards Available Through Home Access
Your Accelerate course grades as of 10/30/24 have been entered as your first marking period grades.
Think of these grades as a "progress report" and a great gauge to see how you're doing at the mid-point of the semester. A grade below 60% lets you know that you are not currently on track to pass the fall semester, which ends on January 23rd.
You don't have time to waste, but you DO have time to bring your grades up to above passing.
Most elective courses are 1 semester. Your current electives will end on January 23rd. Make sure you have those grades to passing by January 23rd in order to earn the credit.
Core courses are made up of part A (fall semester) and part B (spring semester). Your part A grade will be averaged with your part B grade to determine your final grade for the course. If you fail the first semester with a 45%, you will need at least 75% in the spring semester to pass the year with 60%. It's in your best interest to get the highest grade possible for the first semester so you have some breathing room in the spring. If you're not on track, make it a point to talk to your teachers about what you can do differently.
Please reach out to your teachers or Ms. Lewis with any questions ASAP!!
Pictures from the Drop - In Center
Baylee gets comfy...
Our students learn in a space that feels comfortable to them.
Girl time!
A quick picture of some OGs here at the Cyber Academy.
Mr. Frog and Quadir
Students can work closely with teachers if they choose.
Working hard!
Quizzes and exams are done on the computers.
Have it your way!
Our students love the flexibility of our program!
Submit your photos to be featured!
Get Involved!
As a member of the Coatesville Cyber Academy, you are eligible to participate in any/all intramural or extracurricular activities that your respective schools provide! Check back for updates on opportunities!
Activites & Athletics
Coming soon! Stay Tuned!
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - Early Dismissal
Monday, November 25, 2024 - Early Dismissal for Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - Parent Teacher Conferences 12-7:30
Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
Celebrating our Students
TCHS Students of the Quarter
These students have done an outstanding job at TCHS – Brandywine Campus and are demonstrating the attitude and scholarship that is valued so highly. At the Cyber Academy, we share in the pride of their accomplishments!
Tri'Shae B. - Baking and Pastry Arts
Caleb D. - HVAC and Refrigeration Technology
Work from our Cyber Students
Submit your entries to to be featured.
Please DO NOT USE THE ACCELERATE MESSAGE CENTER to contact teachers. Use OUTLOOK email only. However, your elective teachers still use this to contact you, so it's important to check it daily.
If you need help accessing messages or email, please contact your mentor teacher.
If you are going to be absent, please email your mentor teacher and add as well. Please use the same process for excuse notes.
Accelerate/Cyber Academy Tips and Tricks
Feedback in Accelerate 11/19/24
- Feedback is a VERY important part of your grade.
- Make sure you are checking to see if you have received any, especially if your grade is low. 🌹
- Here's a video on how to find teacher feedback ----> FEEDBACK VIDEO
Retries in Accelerate 11/12/24
- Keep and eye out for these in your activity feed.
- Teachers may give them without notice.
- You can ALWAYS ask for them.
- The system will always keep the higher score, so it doesn't hurt to try.
Star Student
Fiona D. - 12th Grade
Bravo, Fiona!
2024-2025 Senior Announcements
Cap and Gown Orders - GET YOURS IN ASAP!!
If you already paid for your cap and gown - thank you! If you have not, cap and gown orders are now PAST DUE and seniors who plan to participate in graduation must make payment ASAP.
***IMPORTANT - Cap and Gowns are currently priced at $24 - to avoid any late fees and/or restrictions students should pay through the link below. Cash payments can also be made to Ms. Mobley in the CASH main office.
If ordering online, it may default your shipping address to the high school address. All cap & gown orders are shipped to CASH.
Mrs. Lewis is your college info guru!
If you are in the process of applying to college/post-secondary schools, please send Ms. Lewis an email ( to let her know. She can answer any questions you have about the process, talk about schools that are appropriate for your major, etc. She has to send your official transcript to each school once you apply, so it's important that she's in the loop!
Yearbook Pictures
Want to be in the yearbook?? Submit your photo HERE!
Counselor's Corner
****From Mrs. Lewis****
****From Mr. Shirk & Mrs. Rodger****
8th and 9th grade students:
Please make sure that you are accepting Canvas Invites for communications about Naviance and the completion of your Career & College Readiness. Click HERE to read the message of how to log in.
We WANT your feedback!
CASD School Calendar
Login Information
Chromebook Login
Username: studentID (it asks for email but is already populated)
Password: Please email your mentor teacher if you need your login.
Coatesville Student Email
Password: student selected after first login
Password: Cyber
Hours of Operation
Drop In Center Hours
M-TH 8am - 2pm
Friday 8am - 1:30pm 🌹
Virtual Office Hours
M-TH 8am - 2pm
Friday 8am - 1:30pm
Teacher Contact Information
Lead Teacher & Social Studies
Bill Froggatt -
(610) 383-3740 x71505
Cyber Coordinator & ELA
Julie Krzesinski -
(610) 383-3740 x71502
Technology Resource & Science
John Hulik -
(610) 383-3740 x71506
Technology Resource & Math
Stephen DiPippa -
(610) 383-3740 x71506