The Buzz
Autumn Term - 28th September 2023

Message From the Head of School
Thank you to HISNA for organising such a successful Cinema event last week. The children were extremely positive about the event and it has been a great fundraiser for the school. Our new Reception climbing frame is just one of the many benefits of the fantastic fundraising our school has achieved. Thank you to all organisers and those who attended.
This week our School Council and Eco Council ‘Team Earth’ met for the first time and all the chosen representatives were given their shiny badges to wear with pride.
Team Earth will be the driving force behind all environmental and sustainable activities at Hampton Infant School. They will be learning about 9 topics over the year with the first focusing on waste.
Miss Byway and ‘Team Earth’ set us a challenge to reuse and recycle paper in our classrooms. Children have responded really well to this and are doing a great job. I hope they are able to tell you and explain their learning about Recycling, what materials can be recycled and the dangers of putting too much rubbish in landfill or littering.
The School Council will meet regularly and the reps will be asked to consult with their class on important school matters such as our school lunches and our playground equipment. These roles are very important and the children should be proud to have been chosen by their peers.
Over the last two weeks I have had the pleasure of spending lots of time in Y1 and 2 and I have been blown away by the excellent learning behaviours already embedded in classes. I know some parents were apprehensive about the mixing of classes from Reception to Y1 and I can assure you it has been a great success. Children love seeing their friends on the playground and they are able to really focus on their learning when in class. I am so proud of every child at HISN and how they embody our principles daily.
Wednesday 11th October will be our individual photograph day for the children. Once again we are offering HPP sibling sessions which I know have been very popular. Please make sure you are on time for your appointment as it's a very tight schedule.
Thank you to everyone who attended one of our volunteer meetings across HPP this week. I am always amazed at how many people give their time willingly to help our school community.
Claire Cook
Head of School
Following feedback from our parent survey last year, we know that you would welcome some further parent information sessions to ensure you can support your children at home with their learning. We would like to ensure we offer the most appropriate and relevant parent information sessions at the right time for the majority of our families. Please help us to plan these by completing this short survey.
RP had the best attendance last week with 100%
Classes 1C, 1Y, 2Y, 2MC had the least lates last week
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of PARTNERSHIP
Nursery AM - George
Nursery PM - Elora
RC Joanie
RF Koby
RK Elsie
RP Aadhya
1B Bailey
1C Delilah
1D Henry
1Y Khiyan
2C Zak A
2H Leo Mac
2J Jai
2MC Maxwell
Wow what another busy and fun week we have had in Nursery! We have been continuing to learn about colours in our maths learning. We learnt how to complete a tally chart for our favourite colour and then got to go around the nursery and ask our friends their favourite colour too. We have been continuing to develop our listening skills and following our 'bee rules' and learning to 'choose it, use it and put it away' when it comes to our toys. We are getting very good at being responsible learners and tidying up. In PE we took part in a 5 a day activity and are really looking forward to PE taking place every Wednesday.
Our focus this week has been ‘The Bee Rules.’ We have been learning how to be respectful, responsible, be a good listener and be kind to others. We have also been exploring how to challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be! We have enjoyed exploring these both inside and outside the classroom and spotting our friends who are following The Bee Rules excellently.
The children have also been busy exploring outside - they have loved engaging in the water play, where they have been creating water channels using pipes to transport water from one area to another. We even found a newt in the garden which the children looked after and then returned to the Environmental Area.
Alongside this, the children loved popping on their wellies and exploring the outside area during Forest Friday. The children found an exciting letter from Denzel the dragon who asked the children to search the playground for his dragon breath. The children then explored the concept of longer and shorter by comparing their dragon breath with their friends.
Another highlight of our learning this week was starting our PE lessons. The children are so excited for PE Wednesday, where they have learnt that we must warm up our bodies and muscles so we can play ‘duck, duck, goose’ and the ‘Bean’ Game. We have all been so impressed how well the children used their whole body listening ears as they eagerly awaited which bean they were going to transform into. Well done Reception on a brilliant week of learning!
Year 1
We have been exploring what harvest means and what happens during this exciting and important time of the year. We have been talking about farmers and what they need to do during harvest time as well as looking at the fruits, vegetables and grains that are harvested here in the UK. We have been practising and reciting a poem called ‘Harvest Time is Here Again’ by Anita Killick, and putting actions to this to help us to remember the words and celebrate this special time of year.
Our focus book in English is ‘T-Veg’ by Smriti Prasadam-Halls, which tells the story of a carrot-crunching dinosaur who loves all things vegetable based! We have been using this text to help us think about nouns and adjectives, and then using these to write our own descriptive sentences.
We have continued with our ‘Marvellous Me!’ theme in Science, looking at the five senses. This week, we have focused on our sense of taste. We talked about our taste buds and carried out a taste test to see which parts of our tongue we use to taste different foods and flavours. There were lots of funny faces pulled during the process!
In Maths, we have been using inequality symbols to compare groups of objects and numbers. We have been using our mathematical language to describe whether a group is greater than, less than or equal to another, and thinking about how we know this, and what we can use and do to help us.
We have been looking at toys in History and comparing toys from the past to toys of today. We have been identifying and discussing the materials used in making toys and how and why these have changed over the years. In Computing, we have been discussing Internet safety and made our own posters showing the SMART rules.
Year 2
This week we have started looking at our new focus text 'The Real Story Of The Three Little Pigs'. We found out that in fact the Big Bad Wolf was not as big and bad as we once thought but in fact he was a kind, thoughtful wolf who only wanted to borrow a cup of sugar! We compared the story to the original 'Three Little Pigs' and discussed the similarities and differences between the two stories. We will continue looking at our new focus book next week using our growing knowledge of questions and statements.
In Maths we have continued to look at the value of number and placing numbers accurately on number lines to 100. We have used a range of resources to help us and can now confidently place numbers on a blank number line thinking carefully about interval values.
In computing this term we have been thinking about Information Technology all around us and how it helps us in the world. We played the part of a computer this week by role playing a supermarket scanner and having to interpret bar codes to find out prices of items. We decided barcodes and scanners are really useful as otherwise there would be very long queues at the shops waiting to pay!
In History we are looking at sources which help tell us more about the Great Fire of London. This week we have been learning about why the fire spread so quickly using paintings and diaries as our main source of information.
Job Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
Information for Parents
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please call SPA on 0208 547 5008 or out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000.
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815