Moore's Message
November 2023

Happy Birthday to these MES faculty/staff members!
Saturday, November 9th - Priscilla Carter
Thursday, November 14th - Janet McQuirk
Monday, November 27th - Amy Gordon
Thursday, November 30th - Emily Harrison
Notes from Nurse Sanders...
Parents, just another reminder that it is against state law and FSSD policy for students to transport or possess any kind of medication, even over the counter items. If your student requires any kind of medication during the school day, please bring it in to the front office and fill out the required paperwork. If your child becomes ill while at school and we call for you to pick them up, it is extremely important that you pick them up in a timely manner. If you cannot get to school within 45 minutes, please make sure there is someone on your emergency list that can arrive within that time frame. As always, if I can be of any assistance to you or your student, don’t hesitate to contact me!
Sherry Sanders, RN
The Little Mermaid
All kindergarten through 4th grade students will have the opportunity to get a "sneak peak" of Freedom Middle School's upcoming performance, The Little Mermaid, on November 6th! All students, staff members, and MES families are invited to see the full length production of the show! The link for tickets can be found here, and feel free to use our special discount code (FMS2025)!
MAC After School Program is available to all students at Moore!
Did you know if your child is registered for MAC on the Drop-In contract, your child may attend MAC on an as needed basis and you only pay for the time they attend? We are open from 6 a.m. - 8 a.m. each morning and 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. every afternoon. If your child is on the Drop-In contract, they can pop in any morning or afternoon or both at any time. Also, we are open on Early Dismissals, Breaks, Inclement weather days, and during the Summer. For more information, please reach out to Melinda Winter, MAC Manager at wintermel@fssd.org.
Mr. C's Counselor's Corner
Here’s some information whether you have a need or want to help!
Does your family need assistance …
to provide gifts for your child(ren)?
Here are some community resources:
**“The Manger” (GraceWorks) - register ASAP to "shop" for Christmas presents for your child via this link, or call 615-794-9014 (Tuesdays or Thursdays, 10:00-2:00).
**“Shop with a Cop” - to register contact FSSD social workers Mrs. Amanda Morrissey (morrisseyama@fssd.org) or Mrs. Briseyda Maria Gonzalez (mariagonzalezbri@fssd.org)
before Thanksgiving break.
**“MES Wish List” - Please contact me (see my contact info below) by Friday, November 8th, for your child(ren) under 18 to be anonymously sponsored by someone in our MES community.
Would you like to support …
A CHILD of one of our MES families by providing some gifts for him/her?
“Wish Lists” will be available to do so. You can either let me know or they will be in the front office
starting Tuesday, November 19th. There will be more information, but if you choose to participate, gifts do not need to exceed $80 per child and should be delivered to the school unwrapped by Wednesday,
December 11th. Wrapping paper, boxes, bows, tape etc. also appreciated!
The 2024 GraceWorks Food Drive will take place December 2nd through December 19th. Our goal is 2,000 food items, but last year we collected over 2,500!! Please help provide food to those in our community again this year!
Whether questions about needing support or about sponsoring, be sure to let me know.
Mr. C -- Your MES School Counselor
(coberlybru@fssd.org or 615-790-4700 x. 3307)
Sweater Weather is HERE!
Colder weather is on the way! As the temperatures drop, it is important for students to have proper clothing for outdoor activities such as recess. Please remember to put student names in all jackets/hoodies/coats! Recommended proper clothing based on the temperature/wind chill is as follows:
-Below 60 degrees: Long sleeves or light jacket
-Below 50 degrees: Jacket and long pants
-Below 40 degrees: Jacket, long pants, gloves/mittens and a hat
Outdoor activities will be abbreviated or moved indoors for temperatures or wind chills
below 35 degrees. If you need assistance with items for the cold weather such as jackets, gloves and hats, please contact Nurse Sanders.
Fall Book Fair
The Book Fair is coming soon and will be held in the Library from November 11-14. Students will visit with their classes and have the opportunity to create wishlists and purchase books. You can find your child's date and time to visit the book fair based on their teacher's name here:
The easiest way to shop at the book fair is to set up an e-wallet for your child. It’s super simple and can be done now. Unspent funds roll over to the next book fair. Click the link to check it out:
Volunteers are needed to help students find the perfect book and work the registers. You can sign up for a shift on our sign up genius:
Thanksgiving Lunch
You are invited to enjoy Thanksgiving Lunch with your student on Thursday, November 14th! You can find your child's lunch time here: Thanksgiving Lunch, 2024
A few things to note:
- Upon arrival you must present a photo ID, sign in, & wear a "visitor" sticker while in the building. When you exit, you will sign out and return your sticker.
- Please arrive a few minutes early as there will likely be a short wait.
- The cost of a child visitor's lunch is $3.75, while an adult visitor's lunch is $6.00. Cash and checks will be accepted. If you plan to charge to your child's account, please ensure the funds are available prior to your arrival that Thursday.
- For safety and accountability purposes, students must remain in the cafeteria for the duration of their lunch time. Visitors should not report to student classrooms or other areas of the building while on campus.
Loaves of Thanks
The PTO’s annual Loaves of Thanks will take place on Thursday, 11/21!
Each year, the PTO asks parents to provide loaves of sweet or savory bread for our amazing teachers and staff. You can bake or buy loaves of your favorite bread and any size loaf is appreciated! We would appreciate allergy friendly loaves as well! Please sign up here.
Loaves can be delivered to MES in car line on either Wednesday, 11/20 (drop off and pick up), or Thursday, 11/21 (drop off only). Loaves can also be delivered to the front office.
Thank you for helping to show MES staff our appreciation for all they do!
--PTO Hospitality Committee
Moore Miles...Many Thanks!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Moore Miles Fun Run! Parents and volunteers whose time and dedication ensured the day was a success, your contributions big and small truly made a difference and we are incredibly grateful!
Did you enjoy the fun run? We're already looking ahead to next year and would love for you to join our planning team! We start early, so there’s plenty of time to make next year’s event even bigger and better.
Excitement is building as we prepare to announce the Grade Level Cheer Competition winners at the upcoming assembly on November 22nd. Our students have shown incredible enthusiasm and teamwork, and we can't wait to see which grade will be crowned the champions this year. We will also award medals to the students from each grade with the highest number of laps completed during the Moore Miles run at the assembly and draw names for "PE Coach for the day!" While this event won't be open to parents, we promise to celebrate our students' accomplishments with pride and enthusiasm.
Last, but definitely not least, we want to give a huge thank you to our wonderful sponsors for their generous support of Moore Miles this year. Your contributions truly made a difference and helped create a memorable event for our students. We encourage you to support these local businesses with your patronage.
Let It Shine Gymnastics. Inc.
Music Knox
A.O. Smith
Family Vision Care of Cool Springs
Garcia's Mexican Restaurant
Port Royal Eye Care
Tony's Eat & Drink
Tower Virtual Bank
Sonic (Tom & Becky Church)
Twine Graphics
Advanced Engineering, Inc.
BG Jones & Company
Cool Springs Orthodontics
CoreLife Eatery
Eric Bowman, M.D. - Vanderbilt Sports Medicine
FIT4MOM Franklin
Fork of the South General Store and Food Hall
Gamble Design Collaborative
Goose Creek Pediatric Dentistry
Lucas Orthodontic Group
Growing Readers with Angela Green (PaperPie)
Kemp & Rice Orthodontics
Beth Torrence Shearon - The Shearon Sells Team
Vulcan Materials Co.
Zaragoza Greenhouse LLC
Champion Turf
Nashville-Franklin Elks Lodge #72
Trader Joe's
Fill the Nest Success
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Fill the Nest Campaign this year and to all the volunteers, faculty, and staff who helped make this possible. We have raised $42,500+ this year!
As we begin to use the funds for new classroom furniture, coding supplies, and other needs around the school, we are excited to continue to share how your money is being put to use! We are so grateful for the community and family support of our incredible school! You make this possible! Thank you again!
Appreciation Days, Can You Help?
Please consider helping us celebrate MES support staff on national appreciation days throughout the year! With your help, we will provide gift bags/boxes filled with a variety of things for each person on his/her appreciation day. You can sign up to donate specific items through this link, or send money via Venmo (here) with "appreciation" as the subject, or send in cash/check with the same notation.
Morning Music Makes a Difference!
We love having tunes outside to get our school day started, and we are still taking song requests! Thanks to those of you who have already submitted some of your child's favorites, there is no limit so keep them coming! You can submit those here any time.
November Events
November 1 – Fall Parties (4th grade @ 1:30, all others @ 2:15)
November 5 - No school for students (district PL day/Election day)
November 6 - The Little Mermaid Field Trip (grades K-4)
November 6 - Cranium Carnival (5:30-7:00)
November 11-14 - MES Fall Book Fair
November 11-15 - FSD Be Nice Week
November 11 – Veterans Day Parade
November 12 - Progress Reports
November 14 – Thanksgiving Lunch
November 15 - Vulcan Field Trip (3rd grade)
November 22 – Early (12:30) Dismissal Day
November 25-29 – FSSD Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Throwback Picture #1
Throwback Picture #1
Throwback Picture #3
Can you guess the faculty/staff members in the 3 pictures above? Log your best guesses here!