Roosevelt Parent Roundup
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
To educate, challenge and inspire every student to achieve personal success and become a confident contributor to society.
Happy Fantastic Friday Tigers,
Happy Friday Tigers,
Congratulations to our T-shirt winners! We appreciated your input on our recent family survey.
Ava M. 2nd Grade - Mrs. Sleep
Louella B. 4th Grade - Mrs. Petrie
Kennedy K. 1st Grade - Mrs. Childress
Rose S. - 4th Grade - Mrs. Cavalier
Charles E. Young 5 Kindergarten - Mrs. Carty
Thank you to our PTA for donating the Tiger T-shirts!! Winners, please come down to the office on Monday to select your t-shirt size.
Franklin High School Kid's Night Out date has changed! See new date below.
Main Office - 734-744-2775, 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
In Partnership,
The Roosevelt Elementary Team
Character Trait for November
This month’s mindset focus will be on responsibility. Please ask your child throughout the month what responsible choices they made, or what they have learned about responsibility at school.
From Mrs. Serazio-
Happy November! This month our students will be focusing on the Character Trait of Responsibility during their daily Social/Emotional Morning Meeting! Responsibility is an often-used word for kids and adults, but what does it really mean? At its core, being responsible means doing the things you are supposed to do and accepting the consequences of your actions, whether positive or negative. Teaching responsibility to children also means helping them learn how to make good decisions. Responsibility is an important lesson for children to learn early on and all the way into adulthood. But this skill doesn’t just develop overnight. Children need the practice that comes with doing responsibility activities in order to become more responsible people. There are many ways that we can show responsibility, such as practicing self-control when unpredictable things happen, taking accountability for our decisions, and committing to finishing what we started.
This month, I am asking families to share photos of your family/children showing examples of responsibility. It can be anything from sweeping the floor to taking care of a plant at home. Please share any photos with a quick description to me at I will showcase these photos on our character trait bulletin board at school. Thank you in advance!
The 20 Minute Challenge!
The 20 Minute Challenge!
Are you participating in the 20 minute challenge? It’s not too late!
Mrs. B.Garbutt and Ms. Gordon continue to challenge you to dedicate just 20 minutes of your day to reading at home. This could be reading on your own, listening to someone else read, or taking turns reading with a family member or friend.
Why read for 20 minutes?
There are many academic and social benefits to reading daily.
This week we share benefit # 4.
4.) Writing Skills: Reading can help readers internalize grammatical syntax patterns, which can improve their own writing skills. Also, bonus writing practice is always available if you occasionally take some time to write a brief summary of what you read that day.
Let’s keep all of our Roosevelt Tiger students and families reading 20 minutes per day! Stay tuned for benefit #5 in a future Parent Roundup.
From the PTA
This school year has started off fantastically! PTA would like to thank all of our Roosevelt families who volunteered and participated over the last 2 months for Color Run and Boo Bash.
A few exciting announcements, the classroom who raised the most money was Mrs. Sleep’s second grade class and earned themselves a Pizza Party!
CONGRATS to the individual top raisers who earned an experience of their choice per grade:
Cub Crew
Liv P.
Noah S.
First Grade
M. Broomfield
Second Grade
Victoria S.
Third Grade
Olivia C.
Fourth Grade
Otto S.
Our candy classroom collection competition for Boo Bash resulted in over 600lbs of donated candy that was passed out by our Trunk volunteers.
The classroom that collected the most candy and earned themselves a Hot Cocoa party is Mrs. Cavalier’s 4th grade class!
Friendly reminder! The next PTA meeting is November 8th at 9am in LMC Idea Factory – hope to see you there!
Welcome to our newest PTA member family: Head
Kids Night Out at FHS - Spooky Spectacular
Kids Night Out at FHS - Spooky Spectacular - ****DATE CHANGED*******
Franklin High School's Fall 2024 Kids' Night Out
WHO: Livonia students grades K-4
WHAT: A Spooky Spectacular themed event that will include candy, games, crafts, and more! Each participant will also receive a painted foam pumpkin.
WHEN: Friday, November 8, 2024 from 6-8:30pm (perfect for reusing Halloween costumes! )
WHERE: Franklin High School, 31000 Joy Road, Livonia 48150
COST: $25 (includes foam pumpkin, candy (from candy/cake walk station), and an evening of fun!) Proceeds go to the Class of 2026.
For those who are interested in signing up their child(ren), the registration form can be accessed here. We will not be collecting payment in advance and respectfully ask that if you "register" your child, you plan to attend. Pre-registration is highly recommended and will close on Tuesday, October 29th. Walk ups on the night of the event will be first come, first serve (not guaranteed) and be an additional charge. The flyer attached below contains a QR code to the registration form as well.
Please contact Madison Lanzon, junior class sponsor, at Franklin High School with any questions!
Thank you so much!!!!
Olivia Urdiales, Social Worker
Character Trait for October - Respect
Check out this matching activity. See how your child answers these questions.
From Mrs. Serazio
From Mrs. Serazio
Happy Friday Families!
We are zooming through October and focusing on our character trait of respect. I wanted to share our PBIS Behavior Matrix respect section so you can review it with your child.
Last week, I sent some family activities centering around respect. Here is a couple more fun activities you can do at home as a family to demonstrate the need for respect:
Ketchup squirt: For this activity, you’ll need a ketchup bottle and a plate. Ask your kids to squeeze some of it out onto the plate. Then, ask them to put it back into the bottle. After a few attempts, explain to them that just like the ketchup that is already on the plate, disrespectful words are impossible to take back.
Compliments: One way of showing someone how much you respect them is by giving them a compliment. Ask your child to give a sincere compliment to someone every day for a week. Have them keep track of who they gave the compliment to and the reaction they received. This will teach them that expressing their high regard for someone through a compliment can make that person feel better.
If you try these, please let me know how each activity was for your family at Thanks!
Thank you to all the families who returned the PBIS commitment sheet included with our pamphlet. Our staff and students are dedicated to being respectful, responsible, and safe as stated in our Positive Behavior Matrix. Students can earn “red tickets” for following the matrix expectations. Every Friday, teachers pull two red tickets, and the students can come to the lobby for a special prize!
Medications and Health Information - Please read!
If your child has a medical condition and/or requires medication at school, please download the forms your child needs for school, based on their health conditions (Life-Threatening Food and/or Insect Allergy, Allergy IHCP, Asthma, Diabetes, Seizure Disorder). New forms must be completed by you and your child’s physician each year (dated after the last day of school of the previous school year). Please ensure that the forms include both your signature and your child’s doctor’s signature. We cannot dispense any medication without these completed forms. Forms can be found on our school website under the parent tab as “Health Forms”.
Medications and forms can be brought to the school office anytime moving forward. Don't delay in sharing medical updates as you get updated information.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Serazio at
November Lunch Menu
Art with Ms. Salvia
K-1st graders worked on making a spooky spider out of cut paper in celebration of Halloween. Student Artists used a white oil pastel to draw the spider web on an orange background. Cub Crew artists either worked on their fall tree paintings or created some fun Halloween projects. Our 3rd and 4th graders who came to Art Enrichment this week had a blast drawing their own haunted house and colored it in with neon colors!
See you next week!
Ms. Salvia
PLTW with Mr. Morrow
Hello Scientists and Families!
This week in PLTW our learners were hard at work using their creativity and teamwork to accomplish a lot of really incredible things.
In Kindergarten students have been learning about needs of living things vs. wants. They worked together to build a class poster that demonstrates the difference.
In 1st Grade we began to design a device that uses light and/or sound as a tool to help the friends from our story to be found if they get lost in the woods! Students will use flashlights, mirrors, tuning forks, etc.
2nd Graders have begun using the design process to share ideas that will help us to build a cooler that can keep an ice pop frozen for the duration of a soccer game! We have been working as materials scientists to learn for this challenge.
3rd graders learned that we can combine simple machines to build a complex machine. They are designing and building a complex machine to help accomplish a goal!
4th Graders are working to design a fictitious plant that can survive based on a specific criteria. (Dry climate as an example)
We look forward to another incredible week!
See you next week!
Mr. Morrow
LMC with Mr. Pinta
This week in LMC Young 5's, Kindergarten and first grade students listened to a Halloween story, and some carved their own pumpkins in ABCya. Kindergartener's and Young 5's are still learning the ins and outs of working on their Chromeboook. Second and third grade students listened to a Halloween story and built their own Jack-O-Lantern. Third graders even wrote a story to go along with it. This activity worked on their drag and drop skills using a mouse, as well as keyboard and mouse shortcuts. Fourth grade students worked in Minecraft and were tasked with building a graveyard , spooky mansion, wizard's tower, or spooky cave with bats.
Looking forward to the LMC returning to its normal state next week.
Mr. Pinta
Music with Ms. Grammatico
This week all 4th graders received their recorders! They are expected to practice 5-10 minutes a day. Their first note they are learning is "G." They need to have their left hand on top, use their thumb to cover the back hole and the next three fingers to cover the first three holes on the front of the recorder. We whisper soft, light air into the recorder. If there's any squeaking it is because they are blowing way too hard or because the holes are not completely covered.
3rd graders learned a cup routine to the Addams family song. It took a bit of practice at first but once we got the hang of it, we had a blast!
2nd graders continued to play "Pass The Witches Broomstick," rhythm sticks to "Pumpkin Bones," and singing the songs "Skin and Bones," and "Do Do Pity My Case." They learned a new chant, "A Pumpkin For The Pie." Ask them to sing them to you!
K/1 continued learning the songs "Skin and Bones," "Do Do Pity My Case," and were introduced to two new songs, "My Aunt Came Back" and "2 Little Black Birds." Ask them to sing them to you!
P.E. with Mrs. Lee
Healthy heart wishes,
Mrs. Lee
Volunteers and Chaperones Please Complete
Join the PTA
Our PTA Board:
Rebecca Schilling- President
Nichole Roberts- 1st VP
Lauren Szabo - 2nd VP
Sam DeCapite- Secretary
Jason Broomfield - Treasurer
Membership Chair - Alyssa Boyce
Any questions please reach out to
24-25 School Calendar For Your Planning
E-Backpack Mail
Mark Your Calendars
11/1 Picture Retake Day
11/5 No School - Election Day
11/8 PTA Meeting 9:00 am (Idea Factory)
11/15 PTA Reflections Due
11/22 Popcorn Day, When I Grow Up
11/22 Birthday Lunches
11/26 Bounce it Up
11/27-11/29 Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Elementary Day
K-4 Full Day 8:55 am - 4:00 pm
Lunch 11:40 pm-12:30 pm
ASD Full Day 8:30-3:30 pm
Half Day Dismissal will be 12:10 pm, ASD 11:30 am
Office Hours 8:00-4:30 pm
Roosevelt Elementary
Location: 30200 Lyndon, Livonia, MI, USA
Phone: 734-744-2775
Twitter: @RooseveltTigers